Right. So, because you and your missus are too lazy or too stupid to get jobs that would allow you to afford private schooling for your children, you expect me and other high earners to supplement your meagre tax contribution to run non-fee-paying schools? God in Heaven...
Your wife made a decision to have children. If she and you can't afford to buy a situation for them where they are educated and socialised without putting a drain on the public purse, then you are parasites. It's just lucky for you that I don't mind shelling out for them in the vague hope that they might get a job at the end of their expensive (TO ME) education and thus not have to mug me for smack money.
Incidentally, I *am* addressing the situation seriously. I am seriously attempting to demonstrate that there is always somebody in a position to look down on you *as a person* ("slapper" is not a financial term), and always a reason that can be offered for it.
You claim that welfare should be a matter for the community, after claiming that people should be personally responsible for funding their children's upbringing. So, in effect, you want to define the community in terms of - what? Why aren't your family and friends friends either educating your children (and you *can* organise home tutoring...) or paying for them to be educated? You are demanding handouts while demanding the right to deny handouts from others because you disapprove of the way *they* get handouts.
As I say, I accept contributing to the welfare of people poorer than myself because I like to live in a society where a reasonable minimum of people are not suffering from a total lack of education or a total lack of resources. I am pro spending money on the education of people who could not afford private school, because I believe that education is a good way to avoid the helplessness, lack of prospects and crippling boredom that often leads to surplus population.
As a member of the middle classes without dependents, I eat better and take better care of myself than many people. I have not visited a doctor for years, I so not need local healthcare and would be unlikely to use local employment services or similar. It would be a long time before I found myself even needing to pay benefit. Te tum te tum. So, basically, I am paying out, for example in council tax, far me than I receive from my "community" - I live in a more expensive place than many, so pay more, and all I get out of it is my bins collected.
I accept that the system could do with rigour, streamlining, better running, and all that, but that is just due diligence. I also accept thatt a world in which everybody contributed according to their abilities (I could pay more, but don't) and received according to their needs through the support of the community would be *lovely*, but right now I also see it as Utopian. You seem to be struggling to make your vision of a welfareless, community-based society function as non-utipian, is all. |