Ganesh –
And, as responses go, 'you would prefer a police state?' is rather nearer the former than the latter.
How can a straightforward question be mud-slinging?
The alternative to personal restraint is a police state. You deny the functionality of the former so you prefer the latter. Hardly mud-slinging now is it (nor rocket science neither)? 
From a psychiatric perspective, it's particularly easy to throw mud at your LeapTopia, because it's based on somewhat naive assumptions about the ease with which it is possible to distinguish mentally unwell/disabled/damaged individuals of "general worth" from those who should starve and die.
Considering the vast majority of folks are of the “mentally sound” variety and that only the rare few would get left behind or crushed under the cartwheels could I ask you to offer an alternative (again)?
It also assumes that, in such individual cases, the consensus lay opinion of 'deservingtoexistness' is the most correct one - or, if it's not, hey, at least it's "humanly meaningful" (which is doubtless great consolation to all those hypothetical starving "slappers" whose "previous character" you - for you seem the only individual equipped to make this decision - have deemed to be lacking).
You would instead argue the need for a specialist elite to decide on who are worthy/unworthy? I am proposing that each person chooses for themselves, based upon their knowledge of the recipients previous character, what if any charity they give. Hardly quite the way you present it.
What alternatives do I offer? Until the complexities of circumstance and human condition can be accurately separated into happy little 'worthy' and 'unworthy' compartments, there will always exist the need for a welfare state.
And why institutionalised, unconditional, welfare (which encourages welfare dependency) rather than conditional personal charity (that requires independence and responsibility to be gained in return for temporary charity) ?
Xoc –
Would these women of whom you disapprove still be "slappers" were they financially able to support their kids then, Leap? Is it OK for them to have sex and risk conception without the sanction of the parish, as long as they're wealthy enough?
Basically, yes. Of course in a society centred on modesty not luxury, such would require a family to raised and support the children, not some “idle rich” parasite.
LeapWorld has an attractive anarchist utopianism behind it (for those who didn't grow up in small "parishes", seeing daily the flaws in that model for judging "good character") but is failing to seduce us because the implementation plan is mere wish fulfilment.
Mere wish fulfilment? How so?
There's a proposal to "educate" us to be better, funded by evil taxation. And much reliance on the essential goodness of people and "community". I'm not that optimistic about either. I don't think people are inherently bad, just that they have priorities. Few of us have the time and energy to devote to the sort of social obligations LeapWorld would require of us.
So my crime is that I am an optimist whilst you would advocate apathy?!!
I know too many good people who hit the skids at some point in their lives and, without some sort of safety net, would have spiralled down to destitution and a miserable end in a cardboard box under a railway arch. Individual philanthropy is just never going to cut it.
Why not? Please support your statements with argument
You're a romantic, Leap. I think you would be very happy in a small commune, guided by your principles, possibly with you as benevolent dictator or cult leader. I would hate it and there's the problem, I think. It certainly wouldn't be a democracy, trying to represent the view of the old pervert who lives in a shed at the bottom of the garden, dreaming of a Golden Age of big, buzzing, chaotic, decadent city life. All seems very predicated upon a docile mass, all in agreement, excluding dissenters and those deemed morally unsound.
When have I advocated anything but principled anarchy (the basis of which is the LACK of any leader/govt)? Do not accuse me of you fantasy fears please!
Ganesh –
So, a totally subjective, autocratic decision, then? Doesn't bode well for those LeapWorld civil servants attempting to make such decisions on a regular basis, with 'receive support' or 'starve and die' as the stakes. Unless they're you (and I guess you could clone yourself), they'd require some sort of standardised Slapper Quotient test, in order to determine their "general worth" within the "parish" - or would one estimate their SQ empirically via the oh-so-reliable "community" consensus?
So the ability to measure people based upon their history of behaviour is beyond normal folks? What alternative would you offer?
Olulabelle –
We appear to be going somewhat round and round in circles: Everyone asks Leap what he thinks, Leap answers in part, everyone says this is not acceptable, Leap answers in part again, ipso facto, no-one gets anywhere.
Because I keep getting accused of something I never typed to begin with Olu, and end up having to defend myself.
Leap has apparently thought this through 'good and proper like', and Quantum backs him on this. What say you that we allow Leap time to post his 'manifesto' up somewhere, we all have a good, sensible, long read through of it, and then we can reconvene to discuss points (if any) we feel he hasn't made a substantial case for.
i. it is not a manifesto 
ii. It is in 2 parts, one a general paper (6 pages in word), the other a specific internal paper (4 pages in word) for where I (and Quantum) work
iii. I am uncertain as to its suitability for publication at this point
iv. In principle a good idea though I will see what I can do………… |