Thanks to all: I had a great game and the last few votes were nerve-wracking.
Also I feel it may be necessary to apologise to all of those I duped and/or barbarously murdered during this particular game. I didn't mean to do it. My mother didn't love me enough. I'm a weak and young little rodent, but I've been trying hard lately. Nah, fuck it, I'm a monster, I admit it.
Special thanks to Baz and Todd for the last round of voting. I specifically asked Baz to vote with me against iszabelle and then treacherously denounced him for it - cheers, man. And thanks to Todd for coming through for me at the end - *aw* - it was a sweet, sweet moment when I realised you were voting against Baz rather than myself. w00t. You were a good player to go up against.
iszabelle - I'd been courting your friendship during the game (obviously) for tactical reasons and was pleased when you defended me after Baz's honesty prolapse, but I did actually genuinely like you. Heh, come join the Cosa Nostra, join usss, join usss.
Also, Tezcatlipoca helped me enormously by sending me (correct) details of all the entity indentities he knew when his imminent demise became certain. Cheers, man.
Thanks to everyone else for some great corp- uh, characters. Really added to the game.
Lastly, thanks to the Captain Priestess for all the hard work, the administration and, especially, the often extremely funny descriptions - great stuff.
...Oh yeah, and a big fuck you to my evil internal modem for damn near losing me the game (it's only just started working again, bastard thing). |