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Bagsy Mafia 4 - Space Station Whisky!


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Whisky Priestess
09:19 / 02.04.03
As long as you promise to actually play this time ...
07:13 / 03.04.03
Oooh, can I play? I've been following the various threads with interest, and I'm getting hungry for that paranoia-inducing goodness. Especially with aliens.
bio k9
10:32 / 03.04.03
I haven't read any of the rules except the ones used in the first game so forgive me if this is already out there...

I think it would be neat if one person had the ability to put up a fight and kill a member of the mafia when they come to murder him/her. The intended victim would be overpowered and the identities of the other two mafia members would remain secret but one of them would be dead...
Whisky Priestess
13:06 / 03.04.03
Sort of a Bulletproof Ninja, you mean? I'm not sure ... this character might have too much power. Besides, how would you choose which Mafia member would die in hir place?
14:07 / 03.04.03
Can the Governor stay hir own execution?
Whisky Priestess
15:27 / 03.04.03
Nope. Bit like the doctor in that respect - it could lead to another stalemate (I think).
Rev. Orr
15:37 / 03.04.03
If a bulletproof ninja were a wasp, I think K9 was suggesting more of a bee. Call him a suicide bomber if you will, the hittee still dies - just takes one of 'em with him. Still think that this would unbalance this version of the game, but it could be used elsewhere.
Whisky Priestess
16:15 / 03.04.03
Hmm. I see. I must ponder. Although I must warn you, Orr, I'm thinking of creating a special character called a Fuckable Horse (or Pantomime Donkey, for the purists) and making you play it.

Special skills? Splits in half when threatened. Now that's class.
Eloi Tsabaoth
16:39 / 03.04.03
Can I sign up for this? Or have you already got a full compliment of willing red-shirts?
Rev. Orr
16:56 / 03.04.03
Kill me and I shall become more numerous than you can imagine. Now we are legion...

Could you really cope with multiple me's?
18:07 / 03.04.03
This sounds like much fun.

Is the governor declared publicly at the outset? I'd imagine not, actually.....
Whisky Priestess
21:37 / 03.04.03
Nope, he's not declared. All identities are secret until death. Bwaha, etc.
00:58 / 04.04.03
That "Pantomime Donkey" sounds interesting - after it splits in two, does each half get its own vote??
Whisky Priestess
07:05 / 04.04.03
That's a good idea. Perhaps only the horse's ass should be allowed to vote though.

I'm actually seriously thinking about the possibilities of this character. It would have to be an innocent villager, because to create two Mafia would be too unbalancing. And instead of the same person controlling both halves, when the Donkey was killed by the Mafia (rather than the mob) ze wouldn't die, and would have the choice of bringing someone dead back to life.

I won't put hir in this game but it might be a fun character to play with in future.
Rev. Orr
12:54 / 04.04.03
Cool. Now, about my plans for the 'buttmonkey' character'...
14:22 / 04.04.03
Interesting! You'd have a reason for the Mafia to be careful about who they killed, and very suddenly have a block of two known innocents.

Unless, of course, the public only gets to know about a failed hit but not who was attacked. I'm not sure that's reasonable, given that the Mafia already knows ze's innocent, unless you grant additional powers - maybe multiple "splits"?
20:28 / 04.04.03

I would very much like to play this game but I count 20 people on this thread already. (Maths/counting is seriously my failing, so if that's wrong, apologies.) However, if there is such a thing as a 'really wants to play but there are already too many on the list' list, can you please add me to it?

Thanking you kindly...
Whisky Priestess
08:06 / 07.04.03
Good point. So far the people I have counted who have definitely said they are in number 16, possibly 18 - not everyone who posted to the thread is interested, but so far I have:
1. Nietzsche
2. Patrick MM
3. Qalyn
4. lolita
5. Orr
6. bjacques
7. Todd
8. Chairman Maominstoat
9. Iszabelle
10. rat
invisible al
11. Tez
12. Lionheart
13. Misty Laine
(bio k9?)
15. Arturo B Zunti
16. Olulabelle

It's perfectly possible to start a game with 15 players (Mafia 2 actually did) so that means we're only one person over. If demand was high enough I could even have a game of 17 or 19, but I'd prefer not to.

If I have to leave people out, preference will be given to new players or those who haven't played much before, or got killed early. E.g. Lionheart would be the first to be disqualified (if necessary) as he has been in all three games and by his own admission, doesn't really have enough time/net access to play properly. But I hope I won't have to do that.

Can iconoplast and Bio K9 let me know if they're in or not, and then I'll know what numbers I'm working with? Cheers.
8===>Q: alyn
13:05 / 07.04.03
I'll volunteer for the boot, too, if that becomes necessary.
14:22 / 07.04.03

entertaining visuals there - boots here are the ugly things the city clamps onto the wheel of your car if you have too many unpaid parking tickets.

And isn't boot slang for the trunk of a car? Horribly appropriate for a Mafia game. Hidden corpses and we haven't even started play yet!!

8===>Q: alyn
15:52 / 07.04.03
Whisky Priestess
11:46 / 08.04.03
Oh, that boot ...
Rev. Orr
12:24 / 08.04.03
Yup, relax - no-one's calling you and old boot. Perish the thought.
Whisky Priestess
13:57 / 08.04.03
Do people want to start off now, or wait until Mafia 3 is finished? Just wondering because M3 has been a bit slow so far (although it's hotting up now) - but on the other hand a lot of those who have signed up are currently playing M3 and it might be a bit of a headfuck. What do people think?
8===>Q: alyn
22:54 / 08.04.03
I'd like to wait.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:22 / 09.04.03
you missed me. think I posted somewhere

though if no.s are alread too high, don't worry..
Whisky Priestess
15:49 / 25.04.03
Well, the survivors of Mafia 3 have now docked safely in Catlipoca, and I sense an urge to boldly go where no Mafia game has gone before. Am I right in thinking that

1. Nietzsche
2. Patrick MM
3. Qalyn
4. lolita
5. Orr
6. bjacques
7. Todd
8. Chairman Maominstoat
9. Iszabelle
10. rat
11. Tez
12. Lionheart
13. Misty Laine
15. Arturo B Zunti
16. Olulabelle
17. Bengali in Platforms

and possibly Iconoplast, invisible al and bio k9 are all with me?
If the last three ain't interested we can start playing on Monday, or on the weekend if I get my shit together with sufficient alacrity. If they are I shall have to start culling players from those who have been in the most Mafia games so far.

Anyone who doesn't reconfirm their interest will be flash-frozen in carbonite before the space station starts spinning, cos there's no point me including people who wanted to do it a month ago but have now lost interest/left the board.

Jolly good, jolly good ...
Whisky Priestess
15:52 / 25.04.03
I'm so hideously embarrassed - it now looks like I can't spell. For "reconfirm their interested" above, please read "reconfirm their interest". Pesky predictive fingers!
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:02 / 25.04.03
Would it be too late for me to stowaway? In my defence, I thought due a conversation with y'self that I'd already boarded...
16:22 / 25.04.03
Damn! It looks like I'm going to have a week of relatively limited computer access after the first week of this game. This may not be too detrimental, given the pace of the last game, but it's something to consider if you desperately need people to bow out. Otherwise, I'm still interested!
Ethan Hawke
16:29 / 25.04.03
reconfirming...even though I'm so, so bad at this game.
Whisky Priestess
17:01 / 25.04.03
Oh all right. Flyboy can come too. I doubt we'll need to can you., Isz, as some original sign-uppers may not be interested, so consider yourself included until told otherwise.
17:32 / 25.04.03
I'm not sure I'm ready for another go-round. I really wasn't expecting to be committed to the dark side this last time. Hi ho.

I am, however, keenly interested in the way this game will progress.

Here's a thought I've had: with as many specials as you're suggesting, there's going to be a higher death toll every night, at least early on, isn't there? Perhaps if you made the Ninja/Vigilante a full powered character, you'd thin the crowd down a bit.

If that's what you want.

If you want any help Mayoring, I could do something (not sure what, but still - this seems to be hellish to keep track of).
Baz Auckland
17:40 / 25.04.03
If there's room, count me in please!
8===>Q: alyn
19:24 / 25.04.03
I'm still down like a motherfucker.

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