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Bagsy Mafia 4 - Space Station Whisky!


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Whisky Priestess
19:22 / 25.03.03
Alexander wept because there were no new worlds to conquer.

grant said in the Mafia WIKI:

"However, a no-holds-barred, all-special-characters game (say 13 players: 3 Mafia, 2 Finks, 1 Vigilante, 2 Detectives, 2 Martyrs, and 3 Masons) might be fun to be in. It'd be hell to be that Mayor, though."

I volunteer to be that Mayor. I know it's a bit premature as Mafia 3, the good ship Tez, has not yet set sail, but I've got time and inclination enough to do it, and although my phone provider might not be so sanguine about it, I'd really love to get my teeth into a fiendishly complicated game such as that described above.

It's Mafia - but in space! Astronauts and science officers and rogue computers and aliens and telepathic gaseous post-human entities and androids and shit!

Who's with me?
19:43 / 25.03.03

You'd actually do that?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
19:55 / 25.03.03
If the cruise goes well, i'm in.
19:55 / 25.03.03
I just learned the game in real life, so I'd defenitely be up for an online game.
8===>Q: alyn
20:02 / 25.03.03
When are you thinking of, Cap'n? It sounds like fun, but several of my noggins are worn out and the replacement parts are on back-order.
lolita nation
20:07 / 25.03.03
Wow, I want in, Whisky.

My High School idea looks like crap now, doesn't it?

Whisky Priestess
20:28 / 25.03.03
I liked your High School idea. The only problem was that it wasn't a SPACE High School. Space makes everything so much cooler (literally) ...

grant - yeah, I'd do that. I have a flexible job, six hours' internet access a day, and I fancy a challenge. Plus I've already been a villager and a Mafiosa, and now I fancy going where the real power lies ... heh heh heh.

Qalyn, don't worry, it's time for some R&R. (Unlss you're playing on HMS Tez?) I'm sure it'll be at least a month until the good ship Mafia 3 steams back into port. How long did Mafia 2 take btw? Seemed like years.
Rev. Orr
21:47 / 25.03.03
What? No Buffy the Mafia Slayer? For shame. All special characters all the time sounds like fun but I'll have to see how the cruise goes first. Save me a place?
22:02 / 25.03.03
Don't forget green alien babes/bois! I'm in. But first a bit of sun on the HMS Tez, on the opposite side of the world from that more famous sunny place, with the sand.
Ethan Hawke
23:07 / 25.03.03
I've always wanted to be special! Please, let be special, this once?
00:33 / 26.03.03
Space'd rock! Just as soon as I get back from my luxury cruise.
00:42 / 26.03.03
I think there should be pirates.

In space.

And ninjas. There is a woeful lack of whoo-pah going around.
Whisky Priestess
01:11 / 26.03.03
I notice in the above list that there's no Doctor. I wonder if one of the Martyrs should be replaced by a Doctor - or maybe ze should replace the Vigilante? I'll check the WIKI but the space village would get very small very quickly if there were two kills a night (assuming the Doctor didn't get there first).
02:09 / 26.03.03
I'm in... adding depressurization alerts and alien cultures to the general paranoia sounds like too much fun.

I don't know if I want to be green, but I think I want scales. Nice, iridescent scales... and maybe a prehensile tail.
Whisky Priestess
03:07 / 26.03.03
There's some interesting stuff about different possible roles here:

I would suggest swapping the Vigilante for the Governor (one who can protect against the lynch mob if ze chooses to, but only once for the same person,) otherwise we'll all be dead by day 3, unless Martyrs can protect against Vigilante hits as well as Mafia ones.

I am really going to have to do my homework on this one ... still, at least I've got a while.
07:42 / 26.03.03
Sounds bloody wonderful. I too must await the results of ma cruisin', however.
Rev. Orr
08:10 / 26.03.03
I must be crazy (or possessing a burning desire to spank my inner moppet) to worry about helping the mafia, but I'm a little nervous about having three masons. Knowing the identity of two other guaranteed innocents from the start would be a huge advantage when there are only thirteen players in all. Given the number of 'specials' is suppose that there is a good chance that they won't last intact for long, but might it not be a good idea to only have the two and add one extra, lesser 'good' character? I'd suggest the 'Prostitute' from the list you linked to if I didn't know exactly what I'd be accused of...
10:30 / 26.03.03
iconoplast's right. There should be pirates and ninjas in space.

Either that, or I've got some ace ideas for Mafia 5...
8===>Q: alyn
12:58 / 26.03.03
And cowboys. Don't forget the cowboys.
Whisky Priestess
13:22 / 26.03.03
The Prostitute looks kind of crap to me: might as well have a detective. They've got pretty much the same powers, and the whole blackmail thing apparently doesn't work very well.

I suggest instead we should have a Vampire.

One civilian could be a vampire, who, upon being killed, is immediately (but only once) reborn as a member of the mafia.

There are several logistical problems associated with this variant, mainly dealing with the fact that the identity of the vampire would be obvious when he came back to life. However, if this were combined with a variant in which the Doctor was played, it would be attributable to the Doctor's actions. If the vampire is lynched during the day, he dies a normal death and his identity is revealed.

If combined with the role of Governor, who can protect people from lynchings, then the moderator could simply announce after the Vampire is lynched, "Your lynching failed." The civilians would not know whether the lynchee was a Vampire or someone under the protection of the Governor.

Alternatively, the vampire could be a regular civilian who switches sides upon being killed by the mafia at night, but dies a normal death during the day. The vampire would be on the side of the civilians until killed by the mafia. Then, the moderator would politely announce that noone was killed during the night. From this point on, the vampire only wins if the mafia win. Note that, if unconverted, the vampire wins when the civilians win. Note also that the civilians will not know how many mafia there are.
13:39 / 26.03.03
Is there room for a small green alien in this Space Station.....OF DOOM? If so count me in .
BTW if you're....Captain....Kirk....You....Have to...Speak Like...This
Whisky Priestess
14:44 / 26.03.03
Sure there is. I don't think the station's at capacity yet, although I do have to warn you that I was planning on making the MAFIA shape-changing monsters as opposed to mobsters (Mutant And Fearsome Intelligent Aliens - geddit?)- you know, innocent space truckers by day, brain-slurping gastropods by night.
19:52 / 26.03.03
I'm definitely up for it once the good ship Substandard has docked at Catlipoca. Now let's see...I was killed first in the first game and second in the second game. In space you say? I think I need to play Crewman #4, complete with red uniform...
8===>Q: alyn
19:58 / 26.03.03
I think with that track record, Whisky would definitely be moved to pity and make you mafia -- so I move we lynch Tez immediately.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:05 / 26.03.03
I'm with Q. Kill 'im.

Or would be if I thought Whisky had any pity glands. But know she doesn't...

This sounds bizarre but fantastic, and I think I'll be suiltably rested by then. Count me in.

Love the Vampire/Governor idea...

And I wouldn't want to be mafia again, were it not for the chance to be a mutantspaceCirce.....
01:47 / 27.03.03
Is this ship gonna have artificial gravity? 'Cos otherwise, we can't lynch anybody unless one group grabs the rope and the other grabs the condemned's feet.
Whisky Priestess
13:01 / 27.03.03
I mock at your hidebound 21st-century notions of lynching! Those nominated for death will be thrown out of the airlock without a spacesuit, frozen in liquid nitrogen, thrown at speed into the spinning turbines of the ship's A/C unit, or whatever other grisly demise I can think of. (I like grisly demises. Can you tell?)
Whisky Priestess
13:31 / 27.03.03
Special character update

After perusing the Princeton Mafia page, and some discussion with Orr last night over a bottle of Italian red, I have decided that it’s worth introducing a number of the other special characters to my space station to see how they work out.

Assuming a starting crew of 13, I’d split the roles the following way. If anyone’s got any objections or ideas about this order/proportion, by the way, please let me know. This is just a proposal, which can change. Baddies are in CAPITALS. As a concession to Stoatie the Vigilante character has been renamed the Ninja.

Kill every night unless prevented, know each other.

Asks every other night about detective – does not know MAFIA nor do they know hir.

1 Ninja
Kills every night unless prevented, trying to root out the MAFIA. I intend to make my Ninja half-powered, i.e. killing every other night, starting with Night 2, not only to give hir a chance to form suspicions about who the MAFIA are, but also so it’s not a total bloodbath.

1 Bulletproof
Invulnerable to attack by MAFIA or Ninja. Can be lynched.

1 Governor
Has the power each round to prevent the lynching of a nominee – not sure whether to play the variant where if the Governor has already voted for the lynchee he cannot prevent the lynching. Ideas?

2 Detectives
Ask every night about the MAFIA. FINKs and Vampires [unless turned] are invisible to them.

1 Doctor
Protects someone every night from attack by the MAFIA or the Ninja. If both attack the same person, the victim dies, however.

2 Masons
Know each other are innocent. Their number is down from 3 because Orr suggested and I agreed that this would give the innocents too much of an advantage, given all the special characters on their side already.

1 vampIRE
This character is innocent until lynched or killed at night, at which point they are reborn as a MAFIA member.

If there were more people wanting to play I would probably add another FINK and maybe a Martyr. We’ve got to start with an odd number of people though.

Thoughts, questions, queries, bring ‘em on!
Rev. Orr
13:41 / 27.03.03
Might be worth clarifying that the Guv'nor can only save a lynchee once in the game unless I remember wrongly?
14:12 / 27.03.03
OK, questions. The detectives get to know if a character is Mafia. Are there ways of outing the other special identities? Or will the FINK, Ninja, Governor, Masons, etc remain anonymous until death? Will disclosure vary for the good guys depending on whether they get lynched or HIT?
lolita nation
14:23 / 27.03.03
Probably, Iszabelle, this will lead to a whole bunch of people claiming "I'm the Ninja!" "No, I'm the ninja!" "What the fuck, I'm really the Ninja!" and there will be mass confusion & lots of strategizing based on whether and how to reveal yourself. One of the things I was suprised not to see in either online game was that one person who always stands up from the first and says, "OK, I'm in the mafia." This game looks incredibly fun, Whisky.
Whisky Priestess
14:53 / 27.03.03
Orr, if you look at the Princeton rules it seems that the Governor can stay a lynching every time if ze wants to. What ze can't do is a) stop hir own lynching and b) stop someone else getting lynched a second time.

However, I'm prepared to reduce or adjust the Governor's powers because to have hir deciding every lynch seems to give hir too much sway over the will of the mob. Not to mention having to wait for hir to make up hir mind.

What do people think - give the Governor half-powers (they can stay every other execution assuming they want to) or reduce the stays to only one per game?
Whisky Priestess
15:12 / 27.03.03
Isz: OK, questions. The detectives get to know if a character is Mafia. Are there ways of outing the other special identities? Or will the FINK, Ninja, Governor, Masons, etc remain anonymous until death? Will disclosure vary for the good guys depending on whether they get lynched or HIT?

To answer your questions, Iszabelle,

1) There is no way at the moment to discover any identity other than Mafia (this I think would give the Detective too much power and knowledge).
If people wanted I could replace one Detective with a Psychologist, who asks every night whether a player is the Ninja. Mafia would be invisible to the Psychologist.
Alternatively, I could make the Detectives able to "see" both Mafia and Ninja, but they wouldn't know which was which. They would ask "Killer - yes/no" and receive an answer, but would not know whether that killer was on the side of the innocents or the Mafia.

As for revealing identities, my plan was to play that all identities are revealed only after death, whether by lynching or a Mafia hit. If people have any good reasons why this should not happen, let me know.
15:27 / 27.03.03
I don't know if you need to prune the powers of the Governor. The Guv is a villager, after all, and has a vote hirself. If there are strict time limits on voting, those should apply to this decision as well... We'll see how those time limits work on the cruise.

I like the idea of being able to grant a particular character only one stay of execution, but not only one per game.
04:39 / 02.04.03
Whatever the rules turn out to be I'm in.

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