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IRAQ NEWS as it happens.


Page: 1234(5)67

21:12 / 25.03.03
And covering the war from a mobile backyard-type swimming pool.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:09 / 26.03.03
Some good news for a change, although it's mighty slim - Jack Straw has admitted that there may be valid concerns about the handling of the Israel-Palestine situation. He went so far as to acknowledge (a bit) that a comparison between responses to broken resolutions in Iraq and in Israel & Palestine would show a certain uneveness.

Amazing. I suspect he'll shortly be called to order.
Bill Posters
09:09 / 26.03.03
In case anyone doesn't have this info, here are some links to the Arab press, and here are the pictures the Coalition meeja will not show (they are not pleasant.)
Magic Mutley
12:33 / 26.03.03
Many killed in Baghdad air raid

Iraq today claimed "many, many" civilians were killed after coalition bombs or missiles hit a market in Baghdad.
16:23 / 26.03.03
It happened. CLick on the photographic camera icon
18:36 / 26.03.03
And now, God sends his vengence. At least, that's how some folks are seeing it.
13:44 / 27.03.03
I like the ending: "We're more afraid of God than we are of the Americans."
Mister Six, whom all the girls
18:27 / 27.03.03
Just wanted to thank you guys for the news bursts. I've been forwarding them to local press in Cambridge, MA (US).
Baz Auckland
21:43 / 27.03.03
Richard Perle is gone!

Woo! The Prince of Darkness today resigned for 'unsaid reasons'

Perle became embroiled in a recent controversy stemming from a New Yorker magazine article that said he had lunch in January with controversial Saudi-born businessman Adnan Khashoggi and a Saudi industrialist.

The industrialist, Harb Saleh Zuhair, was interested in investing in a venture capital firm, Trireme Partners, of which Perle is a managing partner. Nothing ever came of the lunch in Marseilles; no investment was made. But the New Yorker story, written by Seymour M. Hersh, suggested that Perle, a longtime critic of the Saudi regime, was inappropriately mixing business and politics.
Baz Auckland
21:51 / 27.03.03
100,000 more to be sent to Iraq?

The U.S. officials, who asked not to be identified, said plans call for inserting as many as 100,000 more U.S. soldiers into Iraq by the end of April, bringing the total U.S.-led force there to about 225,000.

The officials stressed that the buildup was not new but part of a long-developed war plan.

Does this seem like a lot to anyone? I thought the 200,000 odd they had already was more than necessary. I think I'm just paranoid of the US/etc. shipping all these troops in now, to go after Syria or Iran once this bit of the war is over.
22:36 / 27.03.03
An article on blogs set up by forces inside or in their way to the conflict.

Just dropped an email to someone I grew up with who is stationed on a sub in the Red Sea...between that and the article, it brought me a tad bit closer to the situation, something I was searching for.
Jack Fear
23:22 / 27.03.03
Baz: There are currently 125,000 soldiers in the Gulf, which is still only half what the Joint Chiefs originally asked for. The Pentagon argued against atempting ground war in Iraq with anything less than 250,000 soldiers: Rumsfeld, who was counting on (a) the clear technological superiority of the American forces giving them a huge advantage, and (b) massive Iraqi surrenders and defections, initially wanted to do it with only 60,000.

Rumsfeld and the Chiefs, as you may have guessed, do not see eye to eye on a great many things. He's a civilian, of course, and his relationship with the military seems toi be one of mutual contempt: he derided the idea of a return to the draft by calling draftees "useless." His faith is in machines, not manpower: he sees the deployment of large numbers of troops as outmoded, Cold-War-mentality warmaking, preferring to fight the battles with a lot of gear and as few highly-trained specialists as possible.

All well and good: but in block-by-block fighting, in taking and holding a city of two million people, you need warm bodies, and lots of 'em. The Pentagon knows this, but Rumsfeld's turning the thing into a dick-measuring contest, and, lo and behold, he is the biggest dick.
09:53 / 28.03.03
That would lend credence to the notion that Bush & Co. are not actually evil, but merely inept beyond all human understanding.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:59 / 28.03.03
Perle's resignation has made my day, although obviously it's not justice, which would be to see him flayed alive, rolled in salt, crucified and then set on fire. But you take what comfort you can.
10:03 / 28.03.03
The sister of one of the "executed" British soldiers claims her brother's death is being 'spun'...
bio k9
10:03 / 28.03.03
My understanding was that he resigned as Chairman but was remaining on the board...
William Sack
10:30 / 28.03.03
More on 'executed' British soldiers.
Jack Fear
12:50 / 28.03.03
Perle's resignation has made my day, although obviously it's not justice, which would be to see him flayed alive, rolled in salt, crucified and then set on fire.

I'm glad to see the antiwar left is still motivated by compassion.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
13:05 / 28.03.03
Just responding to the fact that additional troops are being sent over.

A friend of mine from University is going over tomorrow. I haven't gotten ahold of him in ages. He's a big T REx fan, loves Morrison's JLA, and performs Ziggy Stardust in the mirror drunk... the whole album. His folks were military people (intelligence) and for him going into the Army after graduation was just as viable as anything else. Even moreso, given the lack of jobs. He has no strong opinions about the war, and is not a bloodthirsty guy. I'm really upset that when I ask him how he feels about going over that he answers with 'Well, it's what we do.'

So, yeah this may be in the wrong thread, but I just wanted to say it to someone. My mate's going over. I ain't a religious type, so I can't pray for him. I just want him to come back and not be a mess aftewards.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:43 / 28.03.03
Jack, to have compassion for the weak and the suffering is of little worth unless one also wishes their oppressors to meet with justice.
14:15 / 28.03.03
Six, I'll pray for him for you.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
14:41 / 28.03.03
Jack Fear
14:59 / 28.03.03
Jack, to have compassion for the weak and the suffering is of little worth unless one also wishes their oppressors to meet with justice.

That argument can also be deployed in favor of the war, though...
Francine I
17:05 / 28.03.03
Just an opinion, but that whole tar and feathering bit might not be representative of the majority of the anti-war left.

Rumsfeld warns Syria not to provide equipment to Iraq after a shipment of night-vision goggles or some such was seen being carried from Syria to Iraq.
Jack Fear
17:14 / 28.03.03
That's entirely true, but I got the feeling that the Flyboy did not presume to be speaking only for himself—and his later reference to "justice" seems to confirm this.

But you know me: I have a bug up my ass about subjective opinions being presented as either common sense or self-evident fact, no matter which side of the debate is doing it.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
18:09 / 28.03.03
de-bunking of WMDs (thanks, dubya, if you turn it into an acronym, it sounds complicated)
Jack Fear
18:26 / 28.03.03
Well, thank God we've got Sgt. Red to tell us that so-called WMDs aren't all that dangerous. Somebody ought to tell those 15,000 Kurds that they can stop being dead now.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
19:14 / 28.03.03
Poke it with a stick
20:20 / 28.03.03
News as it happens (updated every 15 minutes) with lots of big cheery skull logos and the like.
Magic Mutley
20:53 / 28.03.03
Tough U.S. Advance Leaves Iraq Bus Full of Corpses

'Many dead' in Baghdad blast

Francine I
00:58 / 29.03.03
Rumsfeld warns Iran against impeding the coalition.
02:04 / 29.03.03
Mr. Six, I hope your bud gets home ok. In fact, I hope all our people get home safely. Ditto for just about everybody on the Iraqi side, except for the thugs in the Republican Guard. But, if in the course of, say, a negotiated cease-fire (and maybe a partitioning), they get to go home too, well I can live with that.

Sometimes I wish the left had a little less compassion. Hunter Thompson, as left as they come, used pretty strong language in describing and speculating on the possible fates of the powerful criminals running the US in the early 1970s. Hyperbole, like wishing to see Perle thrown to Iraqi women, never hurt anyone, and the most anyone would realistically want for Perle (and/or Wolfowitz) is official disgrace, a shit-stain next to his name in the historical record, his (their) children changing their names, and his effective containment, as with Kissinger.

But does Hussein have those WMD's NOW? If so, he is indeed subject to dire consequences which still do not necessarily mean removal. He gassed the Kurds with US (tacit) approval, and was supposed to cough up his WMDs aftewards. Has he gassed anyone since 1991?
07:26 / 29.03.03
Here's thinking about yr friend, Six.

Apparently the fact that the Iraqi troops have NBC suits is proof that they're planning to use chemical weapons. Not sure what our excuse for having them is...
Magic Mutley
08:09 / 29.03.03
Takoma the dolphin is Awol
08:50 / 29.03.03
Well, they're always telling us how intelligent dolphins are. Takoma is my new hero.

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