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Mafia 2: The Early Years.


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8===>Q: alyn
14:00 / 26.03.03
yeah, I was completely dumbfounded by the Tez thing. The ratcatcher stuff went right over my head. I protected Whisky the same way I lynched Flyboy that round: totally at random.

I found playing the Doctor to be a distinct liability, at least under these conditions. Mostly I was flipping coins, which only paid off once, and trying to protect the secret (which I didn't succeed at, apparently) hampered me a lot. I think Chrome trusted me, not because I said I was the doctor, but because I was willing to go to such foot-shooting extremes to prove my villaginess, but I couldn't go any further without shooting everyone else in the foot, too. Even if Tez had survived, I don't see how I could've done much better, but maybe that has more to do with my chosen style than with the role itself.
Ethan Hawke
14:05 / 26.03.03
It seems to me the best strategy for the Doctor is to protect known innocents, (once they are known - probably at the death of detective). Conversely, the best strategy for the Mafia is to immediately whack publicly known innocents, in order to make every live player suspect again.
8===>Q: alyn
14:10 / 26.03.03
Actually, Qalyn, I can't believe you let BC get whacked - he was the only person in the game whose ID as an innocent anyone could possibly be sure of. What possessed you to protect someone other than him?

There's two answers. First, I was outfoxed, I thought they'd choose another Lionheart. Grant, I don't remember who I protected that round. I'll be embarrassed if it was Whiskey, but at one point I was considering protecting her because Orr was coming on so strong privately and I'd put so much heat on her, publically and privately. I don't remember now if I actually did protect her at that point. Anyway, throughout the whole second half, I vacillated between the two of them. Second, I didn't think BC was particularly useful to us alive -- he'd been so divisive and wild that there didn't seem to be any possibility of building a concensus around him any more.
8===>Q: alyn
14:23 / 26.03.03
It seems to me the best strategy for the Doctor is to protect known innocents, (once they are known - probably at the death of detective).

Unless there's more than one, or there are other worthwhile targets. I was protecting BC when Lionheart was killed -- obviously, they knew I'd protect BC that round.
Whisky Priestess
14:26 / 26.03.03
That's Mafia thinking, my boy! (Jolly good)

As to why we waited until Night 3 to whack BC, I'm afraid we had all been raring to do it since he'd been named as innocent - not just because he was innocent, but because he was acting like an utter cock. I suppose that could have been to our advantage had we been able to stand his presence a moment longer, but I think the benefits of killing him (Orr was right, I wrote that death scene and man was I letting off steam - sorry BC) outweighed the drawbacks.

I realised that BC was trying to draw me (and possibly others) into a big clumsy trap on night 2 as soon as he told me he trusted me completely. Yeah, my arse. Much as we would all have loved to kill him then, we figured he probably wasn't the doctor, but he'd be protected by the real doctor that night. (Were we right, Q?)

However, BC and Qalyn had both said that I would probably be protected that night - if that was true I was prepared to take a gamble and ask my fellow mafiosi to kill me, so that if the Doctor protected me and I survived, I would look innocent and the village would trust me. grant decided not to allow this and he was probably right - I might well have died very early on had he done so.
lolita nation
14:32 / 26.03.03
I didn't like the PM "proof" thing either - and not just because I was in the mafia; it's really just thisclose to cheating. In real life, you can never show anyone your card, and although there's always stuff like "I'm not in the mafia, I have the nine of spades" and "While my eyes were closed I heard the person next to me move," there really can't be blackmail like that. If I were mayor I'd send all the special players copies of the neutral PM to block that strategy - I thought all the little factions in this game took something away from it. I'm interested, does anyone else have experience playing in real life?

Killing Tez was a lucky guess. I picked up on the ratcatcher stuff, but there was no way for us to be sure. And I wouldn't say that letting BC get whacked was a grievous error on Qalyn's part. Yes, he was a proved innocent, but he was also flooding everyone with PMs and his theories weren't the best. He trusted me, for example, because I managed to fake the villager PM. I also think that with a 4:1 villager-to-mafia ratio, a detective, and a doctor, the odds were kinda stacked against the mafia in this game. We did get lucky on a couple of things but I still think it's kinda crazy that we won.
8===>Q: alyn
15:08 / 26.03.03
I dunno, lolita, it was pretty hard for us to organize. Just the fact that you could trust each other and coordinate your propaganda was a big advantage.
15:10 / 26.03.03
First, I was outfoxed, I thought they'd choose another Lionheart. Grant, I don't remember who I protected that round. I'll be embarrassed if it was Whiskey, but at one point I was considering protecting her because Orr was coming on so strong privately and I'd put so much heat on her, publically and privately.

I believe it was Stoat, actually. No -- it was And/Orr. Go figure.

Here are my records:

Maominstoat 3 (p4 whack!) (p6)
Iszabelle 1

Whiskey 11 (p1) 444 5 s5 s5 qalyn stoat
Lolita nation 22
Bengali in platforms 33

The Honored Dead:
Dr. Qalyn 3 whack6
And/Orr (p3) 5 s5 s5 s5 iszabelle Bengali lolita
Byron Bitchlaces 111 2 33 4444
Bendt Chromeo 1 (?1) (p2) whack3
Bjacques 3333
lionheart whack2
Todd 22222222
Det. Tezcatlipoca whack1
Enamon (suicide)
Flyboy 1111111

The numerals are lynch votes by round - Flyboy was lynched by seven votes in the first round.
The p-numerals (p1, p5, whatever) reflect who was *protected* that round, and the whack-numerals (whack1, etc) reflect who was whacked that round. There's only one ?-numeral, that's the detective's questions. And the "whack!" refers to a stymied whack.

Oh, and the s-numerals are secret ballots against, with the names of the secret voters beside them.

If you're into this stuff.
8===>Q: alyn
15:23 / 26.03.03
That's right. We'd tried to stack it so that either Whisky would whack Orr or Orr would whack Whisky, but I guess you saw right through it.
Goodness Gracious Meme
20:15 / 26.03.03
Can I first, as an extremely bad winner, say WOOOOOHOOOO. 'Grant's angels' rule, dood.

*So* didn't expect to win/be any good, as I have really shit memory/attn spans and am crap at logic. (hence some of the stuff that people pegged as suspicious just being me being airheaded egJust forgot to PM the 'innocent villager' message to BC. Duh ). *But*, I guess I'm good at juggling the impact of falsity and truth and knowing the value of truth. and identifying people's likely susceptibilities. I usually use these (counselling) skills for good, and not evil. honest

And Lol, agree with WP that you were invaluable, having someone who was good to the last, at looking innocent was vital in causing confusion.

And as a balancing argument, apologise specifically to Iszabelle for pushing the 'femafia' thing. I am as I said to whisky and orr at times, an appalling competitive bastard and was prepared to rally around a feminist flag to win. jeez.

still not entirely sure whether continuing the game in meatspace isn't cheating in some obscure way or at 1the least a bad idea.

yeah, I feel this as well. Tez and I had an evening of dancing round each other right at the start of the game, oh so subtly pumping each other. I think it at least stacks the game unfairly in favour of those who may know other players in meatspace. eg Orr peggin Whisky, and incidentally, Tez pegging me and WP. So we got bloody lucky with whacking him, he'd figured that much out by then. So Orr, Byron, WP, Tez, Fly and I had an extra source of info that others didn't. And I think that's cheating.

I think Orr's case is fascinating, as it demonstrates the extent to which figuring out who's Mafia is only half of the game. As if you haven't built up a rapport with other players it doesn't matter. You *have* to be able to convince/work with others to win this game as a villagers.
20:30 / 26.03.03
So we got bloody lucky with whacking him, he'd figured that much out by then

And what did I do after pegging you? I let myself be drawn to the loudest poster and instead queried the status of Bendt Chrome. Bah.
02:43 / 27.03.03
Shame on you, bengali... Three laps carrying that feminist flag in spike heels and pink ruffles!

I feel bad about helping us lose... but it wasn't a question of driving me into or out of anybody's camp. I'd lost all confidence in my ability to judge Mafia by behavior at that point, having voted so consistently to hang fellow villagers, and was confused to the point of making a "fuck it, flip a coin" decision.
I might have done better if I'd kept notes on my reactions as stuff played out - I know I'd had suspicions about BiP and Whiskey both, but I don't really have a sense of either of you as individuals - don't know either of you that well yet. So the various diatribes kind of blurred you together and I couldn't remember who I'd suspected when; it couldn't be both of you, could it?? And Orr's certainty had an edge to it that I couldn't interpret - I couldn't tell if he was Mafia and had decided to play it as a villager with a mission or if he really was a villager with a mission.

Bah. I hope I do better on the Space Station, with whatever special powers the Guv'ner hands out.
07:30 / 27.03.03
Any villagers should not be too hard on themselves; simply from bystanding I feel a strange measure of guilt for the judgements I made. If there was one thing I was absolutely sure of, if there was one thing I was convinced of, it was of Byron's black guilt. Right up until hir posthumous absolution. Ah me! I, too, would have lynched an innocent fic-suit. Moreover, while I was pretty certain that BiP was cosy with the Cosa, I was convinced of Whisky's innocence right up until it was too bloody late (not that I could have done anything anyway, y'know, um, not being there and everything).

This does not bode well for my stay on the S.S. Substandard...

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