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Mornington Crescent - New Game, Beginners Welcome


Page: 12(3)4567

Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:44 / 12.01.03
South Kensington which I know would give me double for being on the diagonal but because I actually used it today gets me treble as laid out in Old Grebe's Almanac
17:00 / 12.01.03
I'm left with no choice but:

Manor House

(I know that's kind of a cliche, thanks to Wirrel's 4th, but I've always admired its purity.)
16:05 / 13.01.03
King's Cross

And if this wasn't a "beginner's game", I'd be soooo tempted by the Chunnel.
The Strobe
22:12 / 13.01.03
The next game can embrace European lines. For now, grant, steer clear!


Totteridge and Whetstone.

(Much as it pains me).
pointless and uncalled for
16:01 / 17.01.03
I vote for a full Copplestone of the trans-atlantic shunt system and possible some testing for the westerly chube-ification variants as yet unratified by the Mornington Crescent Gamers Council and affiliated bodies.

However as Old Mill or Pape are unavailable to me I shall call a Uxbridge and I don't have to tell you which one.
16:49 / 17.01.03
Burnt Oak, wembley is the detective, and Xoc and Constihill are the remaining mafia. The villagers *must* lynch Constihill.
17:25 / 17.01.03
Unless Tez concludes the round with:

Mornington Crescent
Constitution Hill
17:53 / 17.01.03
Well done sir. My neck appreciates your gallant attempt to prevent it from being stretched by that nasty Mr. Grant and his vermicious knids.

How about allowing unlimited Hartramp Variations in our next game? My podumes are sorely untested.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:18 / 17.01.03
grr, i only played 1 move
ah well, ill make up for it next time with extra slacking at work
Our Lady of The Two Towers
15:34 / 18.01.03
I think unlimited Hartramp Variations are a bad idea as I've found they can leave you boxed in at one of the secondary stations on the District Line, so how about we say two HVs then you MUST follow through?

Park Royal
Our Lady of The Two Towers
19:21 / 15.12.03
Come on, it's Christmas! You know you want to, it's for the kids innit!

OK, Standard '76 rules for now.

Goldhawk Road. That should fox those of you who like to get their diagonals in early...
19:37 / 15.12.03
Ladbroke grove
21:20 / 15.12.03
You cunning little vixen...

Whisky Priestess
21:26 / 15.12.03

(does that even exist?)
Bomb The Past
23:44 / 15.12.03
As this is a beginners game and it's the season of good will and all I'll let you off Whisky. But from now on I must insist we stick to the Blenkington-Smyth ruling that has scuppered the best laid plans of many an "inventive" player.

And so, Harrow-on-the-Hill it is then.

(Needless to say Circle is out of bounds for a fair while)
the Fool
00:00 / 16.12.03
Swiss Cottage!!! Look someone had to do it. You know its true. Blenkington-Smyth ruling be damned!!!
00:06 / 16.12.03
I can see the way this is headed, and it's not gonna be pretty. Oh well, if you all wanna play like that, then so shall I:


(I'm ashamed of myself.)
the Fool
00:39 / 16.12.03
Before this all ends in tears...

West Hampstead

We don't have to end up quivvering in a heap next to the vending machine, frothing like rabid dogs! There is a better way!!!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
05:15 / 16.12.03
I'm beginning to regret bringing this back up, next thing you know half the board will have gone and the other half will be asking 'Is barbeli8th dying?' and it's all my fault! < sob >

Gospel Oak

Let's just remember, we're all friends here...
09:00 / 16.12.03
Oh. My. God. Do they still do regular drug-testing in competition-level MC?

Liverpool Street, if you wanna play with the big boys.
10:10 / 16.12.03
Huh? HUH? Come ON!!! Bring it the fuck ON!!!
Kit-Cat Club
10:36 / 16.12.03
Bethnal Green.
10:37 / 16.12.03
I invoke the 1978 Redmond backslide and go for Grange Hill.
Whisky Priestess
12:35 / 16.12.03
I think South Kenton will clear up once and for all any question of my being a "beginner".
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:02 / 16.12.03
Stoatie, have you been at the Jammie Dodgers again?

Totteridge and Whetstone
The Strobe
21:16 / 16.12.03
...and I'm sucked back in again.

Our Lady is showing some tricks that look awfully like an attempted reverse-Bucknall, which is a pretty un-festive kind of way to play, but I suppose all is fair in love and Mornington Crescent, so I have no choice but to counter:

Dollis Hill.
21:17 / 16.12.03
(grits teeth)

Rear Admiral Floyd
08:12 / 17.12.03
A fine move...however:

Ickenham accordance with the 1967 Stent & Walden diagonal variant.
10:53 / 17.12.03

I know exactly where I'd go, but that reverse-Bucknall seems to have worked, which puts me in semi-Nid for the time being.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
12:16 / 17.12.03
Sorry Paleface, I didn't realise how harsh that move was. As a young'un, I used to play Mornington Crescent with my family on a dull Bank Holiday afternoon. After three hours my Dad would have cancelled my pocket money for six weeks to pay for various breakages, my Mum would be filling out the divorce papers and my sister would require the Heimlich manouever as she'd invariably swallow one of the game-pieces. So invariably one learnt to play a very offensive-led game...

Anyway, I don't see a way out of Floyd's move that doesn't either incur penalties or allow someone to make a home run, so I'll go for Balham (Train station only) and join Stoatie in semi-Nid, pending the next two moves.
14:58 / 17.12.03
Well, given the Yuletide period, I think I shall opt for a very festive - if somewhat insidious - move to

Baker Street
21:58 / 17.12.03
Very cautious, there, Tez. But I must hold my peace.
the Fool
23:00 / 17.12.03
I think I'll try something unconventional...

Cockfosters!!! just because its, well its cock and fosters... It could only be better named if it was called dickbeer!!!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:05 / 18.12.03
Well, while the next player contemplates the move that should release me from semi-Nid, I'll just point this out...
Kit-Cat Club
11:23 / 18.12.03
Festive backsliding and total exhaustion take me to Finsbury Park.

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