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Mornington Crescent - New Game, Beginners Welcome


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Thaddeus "B." Glands
11:30 / 20.12.05
Curses! That'll learn me not to pay attention. And here I was building up to a Swift's Backside Grab, and that's totally unfeasible under Caxton-Watts. Blast! I shall have to sit back and ruminate, in order not to make an even greater fool of myself.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:54 / 20.12.05
OK, time for a weird story or fact. I, as I suspect most of you did, learnt the game at my father and grandather's knee (they only had the one which they had to share between them, made all bending-work extremely bothersome) and, when I turned sixteen, my Dad gave me the rulebook that had been passed down from time immemorial (though later I found out that the Government were giving them away at the end of the 19th century to encourage the working classes to go and fight in Africa). But half the page for the rules on both the Pemberton's Coupling and the Pemberton's Leicestershire Thrusting was torn out. When I asked why, my father and grandfather blanched and refused to answer.

Which is a long-winded way of saying I don't know if I can go to Stepney Green or not. Yes? No?
20:23 / 20.12.05
What's the local weather like?
Perfect Tommy
21:47 / 20.12.05
You suspect correctly, Lady: I also learnt the game at your father and grandather's knee. But my later research in Aberystwyth suggests that if it's a bit rainy, you should definitely play Stepney Green. Oh yeah.

Go on, do it. I dare you.
04:16 / 21.12.05
So has Lady played Stepney Green or not? If he has, I'll go Seven Sisters, and fuck the lot of yez.

If not... well, Marble Arch is about the only option, isn't it?

(BTW... R4 have a history of Mornington Crescent on the morning of Christmas Eve).
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:51 / 21.12.05
Well, it wasn't rainy, so I wasn't able to play Stepney Green, so that means Stoatie's play of Marble Arch stands.
pointless & uncalled for
08:12 / 21.12.05
I'm going to sail this train close to the wind and play Bayswater.

I feel a finagle coming on.
20:34 / 21.12.05
Canada Water.

For the wetness.
Tryphena Absent
21:15 / 21.12.05
(Christmas Eve morning indeed. W00t)


Get out of that bind suckers.
09:42 / 22.12.05
Aha! If nodes are silent I can indulge in a spot of straddling, and pull the old switcheroo on the ninth, landing me in Osterley.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
18:41 / 22.12.05
Ouch! You're a mean MC player sometimes Stoatie. But it does allow me to go to Upney.
23:04 / 22.12.05
I only do it to test you, Lady. Were it my turn now I know what I'd do- and the game'd be over in three, maybe four turns. Eight at the absolute most.

Now's the time we learn just how brave our sparring partners are.
pointless & uncalled for
07:28 / 23.12.05
Pah, the two of you couldn't get to Mornington Crescent, even if we were playing the Northern Line Only - Barnabus The Cat Beginners Edition.

I sneer in the general direction of Upney and am playing South Harrow.

I think you all know what that means. If you don't then you might want to MIND THE GAP.
Perfect Tommy
08:46 / 23.12.05
Oh, I know all right-- it's a good move, even given the obvious ruff at Northwood Hills.

But, since it's such a rare treat to get to play a partisan whither-to, and I'm feeling saucy, I will instead play North Acton via Notting Hill Gate.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:34 / 23.12.05
OK, I'm going to the parentals tomorrow so will be too tied up with the family MC games to keep an eye on this one (we still play the full traditional game on Boxing Day with both costumes and whistles, the children as the 'servants' and the parents as the 'lords') so I'm going to nudge this towards the endgame with Edgware Road.
pointless & uncalled for
14:25 / 23.12.05
An odd gambit there Lady.

I'll respond with Pimlico and a "please move down inside the carriage, there's enough room for everyone".

Make of that what you will.
14:26 / 23.12.05
You're too kind.


(May seem illegal, but have a closer look at that widdershins swivel round King's Cross...)
16:35 / 23.12.05
I think that swivel can only go to one of two lines, not three.
18:00 / 23.12.05
It's Caxton-Watts, remember- Christmas is wild.
02:06 / 24.12.05
Stoatie's right, he pretty much had us in clock for the last three moves. Arsehole.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:35 / 24.12.05
Look both ways before you cross the road my friend, that's all I'm saying...
pointless & uncalled for
08:04 / 29.12.05

Look both ways before getting out of bed more like.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
09:26 / 29.12.05
Erm, well all I can say is you make a lovely couple.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:21 / 31.12.05
Wikipedia's MC entry.

Anyone catch the Christmas Eve documentary by Andrew Marr? More importantly, does anyone know of a torrent for it, as I can't find it on the R4 website.
23:45 / 31.12.05
How about a game of Stump instead?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
08:21 / 01.01.06
Actually, the Andrew Marr thing is being repeated, tomorrow, at 3:00 pm on R4, if anyone is interested.

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