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Mornington Crescent - New Game, Beginners Welcome


Page: 1234(5)67

Jack Vincennes
15:51 / 14.01.04
grant -that's what I've been assuming about the rules as well, although I have of course been ignoring the 1975 amendment to that ruleset which reintroduced the Bakerloo Sideshuffle (the allowing of which would introduce naught but Chaos and Bedlam into what is, after all, supposed to be a beginner's game).

adamswish's move has left me with no options other than a tactical retreat to Hammersmith. Sigh.
pointless and uncalled for
16:55 / 14.01.04
Hammersmith?, via tactical retreat? On an even dated Wednesday?
My goodness Vincennes that is awfully decent of you. You've just initiated an all clear and reversed polarity on the Circle Line.
My nid is up and now for the move you've all been waiting for. I'll take a short Columbus out of Hammersmith, with a primary switcher (Lyttleton in a leap year innit) and cap it all with finagle that I'll get for my six points in round three. As there's only a delayed fish hook finagle on the shelf I drop it at Kings Cross, or Kings X as the trendy folk call it these days and loa and behold I appear to be at

Well folk, that concludes this little round of the evening I declare free Fruit and Nut at South Kensington. Except for grant that is who's broken knacker means he has to hit Vincennes with a haddock before he can move from his new home at Mansion House.
The Strobe
19:58 / 14.01.04
I think this stopped being a beginner's game a while ago. I've had a look, and I think TSK wins fair and square. Tactical retreat, Vincennes? Not to any serious player - looks like you could be the beginner around here...


Let's forget all this bickering and start again, and this time with the wonderful variant that is Lloyd-George's Central Voiding, namely, any chippering within Zones 1 and 2 leads to automatic Nidding. It's a classic variation, and wonderful to play. So:

I lead unconventially with Ruislip Gardens.
pointless and uncalled for
04:31 / 15.01.04
Lloyd-George it is then. And, as second player, I'll complete the rules with Concannon's 2nd variant. For the unfamiliar, this is a faster game with double points for shunts and switches in zones 3 and 5, no seconding your opponents driver, and finagles are wild.

After all that I'll take a move to Alperton
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
08:09 / 15.01.04
So we're playing with the big boys now then?

TSK's cunning 2nd variant leads nicely into the 1923 Sophie backhander - three half-twists take me up to Golders Green
09:02 / 15.01.04
Well now, let's make things interesting...

Elephant & Castle
Bomb The Past
11:05 / 15.01.04

Needless to say, stations beginning with vowels are now wild.
Jack Vincennes
13:01 / 15.01.04
Paleface, TSK -I stand duly chastised, not only by my fellow players but also by the unforgiving appendices of Crescentania : A Concise History. Thus, a wry (yet not unconsidered) move to

pointless and uncalled for
19:37 / 15.01.04
Wow, I wasn't expecting the Sophie so soon. You're more cunning than I give you credit for.

Stations with vowels are wild.


I call............

Perfect Tommy
04:45 / 16.01.04
On the 1974 vs. current rails: It's a little late, but I note that a few games back, Tez plays Embankment five moves after he'd played Paddington. However, Embankment was named Charing Cross Embankment until 1976. I hope that clarifies things.

Returning to the present: I'll not be drawn in by the lure of a wild station and instead go with the sharper Moorgate.
07:54 / 16.01.04
On the 1974 vs. current rails: It's a little late, but I note that a few games back, Tez plays Embankment five moves after he'd played Paddington. However, Embankment was named Charing Cross Embankment until 1976.

Abbreviation, my dear fellow. I naturally - and it seems foolishly - presumed that my esteemed fellow players were familiar with historical alterations to take such abbreviations into account.

However, returning to the play at hand, Tommy's stealthy move has posed a problem, the attempted resolution of which leads me to:


PS: It's dreadfully trainspottery of me, but are you aware we are playing Mornington Crescent on the world's oldest and most expensive underground system, which is - mile for mile - more costly than air travel?
Perfect Tommy
06:43 / 17.01.04
Didn't mean to imply I doubted your history, Tez—just meant that your elegant helical Embankment play made it obvious what ruleset we were under.

Anyway, I accept your gambit and play my snapback at Marble Arch, taking my double points for triple Ms and retiring to semi-Nid. Hope it was worth it...
Brigade du jour
21:53 / 23.04.05
Marble Arch eh? I like the way you think!

But I have to bring this 15-month hiatus to an end and shunt forward like an animal on heat to ...


Ah, those were the days ...
04:28 / 24.04.05
How does chippering work with a break longer than a week -- is it just assumed that everything's the same as it was, or are there allowances for different conditions on the various lines?
05:38 / 24.04.05
I think in this case we can just assume that the Jubilee is shuntable- it's as near as makes no odds to the official ruling... unless anyone's got any complaints?

Otherwise I shall jump back in with Gospel Oak.
Grey Area
17:40 / 24.04.05
Hmm...I've got conflicting rulesets here. Van Ossler's Compendium Morgana Crescendo states that if there is a pause for more then 12 months the players all revert to their starting positions and lose extra time, unless the delay was doe to, and I quote, "extra-marital births, excessive financial outlay and/or airship delays". In the pages of the Big Boy's Bumper Book of Mornington Crescent it says that if there's a delay of more than 9 months, we all get to "call the fellow who's delaying 'mud' and beat him with a cricket stump, after which tea's up and everyone gets some smashing caps". I'm not even going to mention the forfeits that are listed in the Little Black Rule Book used by the Hellfire Club Mornington Crescent asscociation. Besides, I don't think some of the ingredients are freely available anymore. *sigh* I suppose we'll just have to carry on as if nothing's happened. But I must insist we dust the board. I can barely see the marker for Bank.
Brigade du jour
21:20 / 24.04.05
There was a huge airship delay back in September, I think. I remember I didn't get my bagels for a week.

Charing Cross
17:53 / 25.04.05
An airship delay? Really?

What, some sporting event or something?

King's Cross
Brigade du jour
13:21 / 26.04.05
Whoa whoa whoa, a double-cross? Are we playing the '22 Forsyte Amendment? I thought that was outlawed in the 70s when Princess Anne got bit by that dog while straddling the Wimbledon branch of the District Line.
Grey Area
15:16 / 26.04.05
It was. But it was reinstated by popular vote in the 80's when everyone realised that in the end she probably deserved it. Or something.

Green Park
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:31 / 28.04.05
Well, I'm still concerned about the hiatus, as I'm fairly sure that any professional MC players on here would forfeit their license by continuing to play. However, as I'm purely an Amateur (Third Thistle class) I don't have that problem. So... West Hampstead!
17:35 / 28.04.05
Ah, bollocks to professionalism. A punk Mornington Crescenter is ME!!!

so... I'm spiddling all the way to Kentish Town.
Grey Area
19:34 / 28.04.05
Surely we'd only have to relinquish our licenses if this was a League Game, either Local, International or Trans-Regional? As far as I'm aware it's not, so we're OK.

Oh yes, a move: Hammersmith.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:38 / 02.05.05
Well, everything I know about MC I learnt from my grandpappy's knee, his face had been transplanted there when he was gassed back to Blighty from the Somme. Now he said that the rule had been brought in to cover all official players since Adolf Hitler tried to crash a game in 1928 and almost started WW2 early. This of course led to the Krescentnicht episode in Germany in the early 30's... I doubt this will be solved until the International Morning Crescent Commission meet to discuss the effect of the proposed new lines to the game, which I don't think happens until about 2009.

20:12 / 02.05.05
You mention the International Convention, I call mapsies, making my next change at Sanyuanli.
16:12 / 11.05.05
Look, it's a legal move, OK?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:34 / 12.05.05
If you want to play like some common street hooligan, who lacks breeding and a fine waistcoat, then Conjunto Esperanca sir!
18:54 / 12.05.05
Spain or Mexico? Ah, no -- Brazil.

You bastard! You did a trans-hemispheric nid! I shall have revenge!
10:09 / 13.05.05

New balls, anyone?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
12:28 / 13.05.05
Grant? Bring it on bitch.
19:22 / 13.05.05
Look, the 1705 Sancho Panza declaration allows a move back via Alhambra. Can someone do an Iberian shift back to Blighty?
14:07 / 16.05.05
Fuck that.

I'm taking the long way around.

Vakzlis Square.

Red line to blue line.
16:18 / 16.05.05
Be that way. Congressional shunt to Foggy Bottom.
at the scarwash
07:02 / 17.05.05
My understanding of the Potsdam Revision (1876, see Cosgrove and Hacksaw for a full analysis of a very similar movement) may be somewhat jejune, but I think it allows

Powell Street
wembley can change in 28 days
07:26 / 17.05.05
Given that it's now Tuesday, I'd say that last move was fairly rash. Not that I'm complaining about my trump card here:


Watch out for the sankarit on your way up - just give them a cigarette and try not to notice they're unzipped.

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