quote: by autopilot disengaged ok: this may well be hopeless, but i'm gonna try anyway...
No its not hopeless and thank you for trying.BRAVO!
Rage I apologize for the rants, but I find the articles very important, see being abused as a child does not make a person a peadophilian. What ever we do out of our own free will does not come from abuse, abuse is force not free will. I know many who have been sexually abused as a child and believe me when I say they are not peadophilians, if any they would kill them.
quote: by autopilot disengaged but i don't believe in punishing someone before they've committed a crime. especially by lobotomizing or killing someone. i don't believe in that kind of state-inflicted violence - even if they're found guilty.
So who then is guilty and should be punished for the child porn photos? The producer does not produce unless there is a demand. He who demands states his wishes and the producer follows up. The producer gets in a order for a toddlers snuff movie, he wants cash first and mostly the indentity of the client before he follows up and orders a toddler, the toddler is delivered, the movie made and shipped.
Who should we punish, I ask you?
quote: by autopilot disengagedcasting aspirtions on other posters' motivations is a pretty petty-minded way of scoring points
You mean;
quote: by Laila 1; Why did you start this tread for real? You said “I've been wanting to have this debate for a while, actually.” Why?
2; You are advocating in the weirdest way the safety of peadophilians, you are concerned about the well being of peadophilians hardly mentioning the children who suffer tremendously every day until they are to old or until they are dead.
3; Who the fuck cares about how alienated peadophilians feel? Except peadophilians .
I did not say anything negative about her motivations, that is why I asked her why did she wanted to start this debate, for real?
And when I read this;
quote:Pedophiles need their community just like we do.
And this;
Let the pedophiles swap away. They themselves (the picture swapers) are not hurting anyone.
And this;
Let them have their pictures. Let them have an underground network of sexual desire and community on the internet. What ELSE do they have, but society telling them that they are sick perverts? Society from the right and middle and the left. Do you know how ALIENATED they must feel?
The pictures exist. That's a fact. Let the pedophiles swap away. They themselves (the picture swapper
You get this from me;
You are advocating in the weirdest way the safety of peadophilians, you are concerned about the well being of peadophilians hardly mentioning the children who suffer tremendously every day until they are to old or until they are dead.
quote: by autopilot disengagedrage originally said she believes paedophilia to be a natural sexual orientation, and laila agrees.
So fresh start, lets take it from here. Although I am not of the prozac kind, and the isue peadophili is way more absurd and sadder then you guys realize, and as such can and will my words be harsh at times, but its never personal.
quote:by autopilot disengagedis there any evidence for this?
There could be, if we would be allowed to do research in to the gene pools of convicted peadophilians, just as we can do research to be able to discover the gene that shows us if you are gay or not, or if you will have a certain disorder or disease. Remember we can find killers and rapist trough their DNA. Needless to say that we are not allowed.
But remember that you take the highest risks if you fuck little children may this be trough incest(( check the book from actress Ann Heche called “Call Me Crazy” and read and look at the pictures of her family, read how secretive they lived and above all look and read how normal and happy family they portrayed to the outside, now let alone to see who is a peadophilian you can only detect these people if you know their ways)) or as a peadophilian.
Hardly anybody would take such risks just to try something new. There is a reason why politicians or doctors or well known business men commit suicide when they are caught. So its not the little fish you need to catch if you want to erase the problem. Its just like with drugs you need to get to the producers, they have the power and the money to buy their safety trough the maze of the law. And with the paedophiles you need to get to the men in charge, they who make the law ( who needs laws and regulations? Not the people, no he who has something to hide he who wants to be able to do that what is forbidden by the laws of the Natural) they who rule our planet, you need to get to the men in politics and the big companies. Why do you think its necessary to have rulers? Is it because the rulers are there to keep us in control for our own safety? Or is it because they want to be able to do that what they want to do, think of it why do you want to be rich? Isn’t it to be able to be free? And doesn’t freedom stand for doing that what pleases you?
quote: and one that smacks of a bad politician refusing to listen to what's actually being said.
You have no idea, but thank you for this compliment. |