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Mornington Crescent


Page: 12(3)4

Kit-Cat Club
23:36 / 03.12.02
Can I have an adjudication here, please? I don't think Rothkoid can shunt me into a Related System without declaring his own move, can he?
00:05 / 04.12.02
I think he may be able to as long as it's done en passant.
Kit-Cat Club
00:21 / 04.12.02
In that case I shall sulk.
The Strobe
07:27 / 04.12.02
...but en passant where? Seven hours later, and there's still no idea. I think the online rules suggest a 12-hour timeout on en passant play?

Or shall we just get on with it?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
07:49 / 04.12.02
You are, of course, right Paleface, but a lot of online MC communities have tended to ignore the time-limit rules unless it's some Multi-User-Mornington-Crescent Dungeon (MUM-CeD), due to the ease with which one group of people on one side of the planet can gang up on the others and can keep them in Nip for most of the game.

The Strobe
08:25 / 04.12.02
Fine with me.

08:34 / 04.12.02
It's those Massively Multi-Player Mornington Crescent servers I can't be doing with...

If the en passant is truly by-the-by (as it were) then I shall have to say:


(sits calmly back with slight smile.)
08:50 / 04.12.02
Kit-Cat Club
10:12 / 04.12.02
I don't care any more. Stuff the lot of you. I laugh in your faces. Watch me break the rules.

Caledonian Road
10:31 / 04.12.02
10:35 / 04.12.02
Umm (hastily consulting pass-notes scribbled on arm many years ago but still somehow visible)...

... aaahhh...

... mmm...


"Monument having been already played, Caledonian Road automatically switches flanges and thus enables the arcane 'two-through-round' rule".

I'm just pissed off it's not my turn to play again until the next double trouncing comes into play. (Though it may be soon. But I said that with a poker face. Am I bluffing? AM I?)
Our Lady of The Two Towers
12:26 / 04.12.02
Blimey Kit-Kat, when you play Mornington Crescent it's like your posessed or something.

Baker Street
12:41 / 04.12.02
...or even like you're possessed.

15:42 / 04.12.02
Thank you, My Misgendered Lord.... opening me up to a post-rush-hour taxi exemption, Pounds 5 ride to West Hampstead.
15:51 / 04.12.02
um...grant, you appear to have played from Lord's Baker Street, neglecting to note the later played Waterloo (from which West Hampstead is an illegal move, under the 92' subset).
16:52 / 04.12.02
Not if you've saved enough tokens to call a taxi exemption it isn't!
Check your appendices.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:05 / 04.12.02

The Strobe
22:27 / 04.12.02
Oh, hoisted by his own petard.

As far as I recall, the Greenberk ruleset does include the Bank/Monument duality clause? I've already played Bank, so surely Rothkoid cannot subsequently play Monument? And you call us amateurs.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:50 / 04.12.02
I've already played Bank, so surely Rothkoid cannot subsequently play Monument? And you call us amateurs.

Oh, very young one. You seem to forget that when one makes a Non-Disclosure Move (known as "The Ken Livingstone" amongst those that actually know the rules), any duality clauses are null and void: because it's considered shrewd to have a ticket in as many gates as possible.

So there. I'll remind you that this is Mornington Crescent we're playing, not Scotland fucking Yard.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:50 / 04.12.02
Which is to say: your move.
Kit-Cat Club
12:39 / 05.12.02
Camden Town, Ch X branch.
14:15 / 05.12.02
Is it me, or is it getting hot in here?

Wood Lane

*loosens collar*
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:30 / 05.12.02
God, Sav, can you *be* any more obvious?

That *would* have been a great move during the '39-'45 suspension of the Rosenberg Variation, but it's looking just a little dated these days...

Dragging us kicking and screaming back to some measure of modernity...

Hendon Central
17:49 / 05.12.02
Fear me.

Goodge Street.
pointless and uncalled for
19:31 / 05.12.02
No fear hear.

I'm going to make liberal use of Bessingborough's third law and call Balham.

I am fully aware that Caldicott doesn't allow it and would require restitution of three bream but I think you'll find that Messingthorpe applies if used in conjunction with the Churchill convention of both '82s.

If that melange of rules grouping doesn't leave you reeling then I now call sub-clause 13 and demand the next player follow Baxter of '66 ('69 restricted).

Bwa ha ha ha.
19:55 / 05.12.02
I was gonna go for a triple straddle, but now you've got me riled, potus, I have to say

Burnt Oak.

Okay, so I'm a bitch. So crucify me.
20:20 / 05.12.02

Ruislip Manor
20:41 / 05.12.02
Two fucking prongs. I see what you're trying to do.

Our Lady of The Two Towers
13:17 / 06.12.02

Anyone that wants to call that illegal can talk to the hand...
pointless and uncalled for
18:06 / 06.12.02
Not illegal but witness this......

Grange Hill

Oh yes people, it's the Double Eastbound Shoreditch Finagle.

Question is, can you work an off-peak switchback or will you simply use the lame Woodford croosover?
The Strobe
18:21 / 06.12.02
Hate to do this...


Kit-Cat Club
08:42 / 07.12.02
I can't believe you lot have let me do this! What's wrong with you? Did you not see it? Plain as the nose on your faces! Where else can you go from Camden Town Ch X branch?

Golders Green
pointless and uncalled for
11:26 / 07.12.02
That's a Livingstone Gambit right into my hands there KCC.

I'll take the Triple Exchange Bank Bypass to Canada Water.

Mantlepiece, I have you in my sights.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:50 / 07.12.02
Kew Gardens

Finally, back on track again.
The Strobe
15:02 / 07.12.02
Baker Street

I agree.

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