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Mornington Crescent


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The Strobe
19:19 / 02.12.02
Spot on, Grant. Hadn't noticed that. Unfortunately I've made a play, and thus made a mess... but don't all versions of the rules state that

"any fouling player going unpunished may be placed in Nid by the first player to spot the error. Similarly, any player incorrectly punished for a foul play may be placed into Nid as a generic punishment; if incorrecly placed into Nid, they may stay there. Usual Nid rules apply".

But that could be very out of date now, as I've got a very old antique rulebook. I just suggest we play on and forget the entire mess? I do think Waterloo East when you're still at Waterloo is a bit cheeky, though, Grant.

Judges! A ruling!
Kit-Cat Club
19:31 / 02.12.02
Oy. I resent that. It's not a foul move, and I know exactly what I'm doing. You have failed to note the 1986 clarification (made, for your reference - since you seem to have forgotten about this - at the Greenberg centenary Convention) which allows for the use of future connecting lines SUCH as the Jubilee extension and default BR stations which appear on the tube map. You'll note the appearance of Waterloo East on the Tube map at Southwark.

OK, so it's not really within the spirit of the law, but it's certainly within the letter.

I'll Nid you, Paleface... you just wait...
Kit-Cat Club
19:32 / 02.12.02
And of course, as any fule kno, it doesn't affect grant's move at all since they're different stations. So there.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
20:50 / 02.12.02
isn't nid spelt knid?
Kit-Cat Club
20:53 / 02.12.02
No - those are Verminous Knids, and if you think we're allowing the Great Glass Elevator move in this round you've got another think coming...
20:58 / 02.12.02
Fine, fine. If that's the case, then Kennington.
Nid's no big deal - I once saw a player get from nid to Mornington in five moves. It was pretty late, and we were all groggy, but I'm pretty sure it was all legal. But whatever.
20:58 / 02.12.02
Yes it is, Neitzsche, and according to page 113 of my dogeared copy of the 1886 Greenberg System, a knid ensures that river crossings are penalised inversely, toffing, beaking, juicing and badgering are not allowed, and all token inversions and redeclarations have to be done before moving. To preserve play however, I agree with Paleface in that we forget this mess that KKC's inter-zone shunt has caused, and continue play as usual. On which note:

Edgware Road
Kit-Cat Club
20:58 / 02.12.02
Vermicious Knids, I'm an idiot. That'll teach me to get on my high horse.
21:03 / 02.12.02
Three posts all in the same minute. This game is getting fierce...
The Strobe
21:17 / 02.12.02
Oh god. I played a Great-Glass-Elevator game once. Fucking nightmare, I tell you. All those dimensions... you get lost so easily.

Could someone please make a move?
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:18 / 02.12.02
Avoiding glares from Lord and Paleface, Rothkoid executes a Schwifft-Shufti move to Notting Hill Gate.

Pip pip!
The Strobe
21:19 / 02.12.02
God, that was fast.
The Strobe
21:21 / 02.12.02

No messing around.
21:28 / 02.12.02
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:34 / 02.12.02
Ouch. That was nasty. Courtesy dictates I should attempt to minimise delay for the next Sick Passenger move, but... naah.

Barons Court

How you like THEM apples?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
05:34 / 03.12.02
Sorry just trying to find out the differences between the Greenberg 1886 Double-shunt rule system and the standard rules before I commit to a move. Just a little fuzzy y'know. Oh is the 1974 loop amendments part of this game?

Well the Barons court crosslinks to New Cross Gate by the Warwickshire convention. I'm afraid I've blocked you at a dead end with a south west velocity. Rather mean, tisk.
06:28 / 03.12.02
Ahhh..the South West Velocity. Shakespeare himself summed it up best during Henry V's famous MC speech:

Once more unto the Bank, dear friend, once more,
and close Blackwall up with the Bridge of Red.
In Heyes there's nothing so becomes East Ham as Morden, Shearness and good Beckentree,
but when Plasto blows in our ears, and imitate the Acton and the Ongar,
St. Stephen to New Cross summon up St. John's Wood,
disguise fair Leyton with St. Saviour's stage,
for Hanger Lane and City, this confounded Heyes, South Fields with severn dials and Weighbride Station,
now set Blackheath and stretch the Vauxhall wide and teach them Kensington
Gore and you, good Honiton, South Mimms, Crick Lane, King's Land,
Forest Mere for St. Mary's and Kew, East Cheam and Walton on the Naize that hath not Holburn, Leicester Square and Guys,
I see on Strand like Hondsditch, Pinner and Whipps Cross, Upham and St. Barts
the game's afoot, follow your spirit and be not rankerous,
cry God for Hurlingham, Dingwall and St. Pankerous!!!"

On which bardic nonsense, I proudly announce a Playwright Backshunt to:

Mornington Crescent

Anyone care to start us off anew?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
06:52 / 03.12.02
A-ha I knew I had someone with that move. Using the Playwright Backshunt means you ARE using a version of the rules that does not include the 1974 loop ammendment.

Which means you are caught in the dreaded Mornington Crescent loop. You are knidded and Stuck until you drop at least twelve tokens. and remember Mornington Crescent is a holding station so you are still aquiring tokens!
Kit-Cat Club
09:36 / 03.12.02
Nah, I reckon Tez wins out with extra points for style there. And what's all this about loop amendments? I sniff a bogus rulebook... Once you get to Mornington Crescent the game's over - why make things any more complicated than they have to be?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:38 / 03.12.02
Round Two

Nietzsch E. Coyote
10:30 / 03.12.02
I bow to the wisdom of the judges. Still had it been allowed mine was a nice trap.


Mornington Crescent Loop
Due to an alleged "miscalculation" in the 1973 IMCS Rulebook Tables, an entirely new form of loop emerged - the now-legendary Mornington Crescent Loop. 1973 saw a complete overhaul of the token interchange system, and amendments now made it possible to enter Mornington Crescent carrying twelve red tokens (or equivalent). Being a green clockwise station in most variants, this meant that any player claiming MC with at least ten tokens was immediately subject to a Forced Pass - play thus proceeded to the next player before endgame could be initiated. This Forced Pass would obviously remain in effect until the player's token level dropped below eleven, and since tokens are cumulative on open stations, any other player landing there would also be working with a token level above ten. The opening weeks of the 1973 season saw numerous games where every player became trapped at MC with no way to end the game. The problem was solved two months later in the Loop Amendments (1973).

I'll coast to Tottenham Court Road with a shunt to the black line for an aggressive start.
11:39 / 03.12.02

Ah, hang on... yes, ha ha!

Holland Park
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:21 / 03.12.02
Taking advantage of the prevailing feeling that the Outbound Circumferential isn't a bad thing - unlike those turgid '60s - I see we're now at Oval.
13:02 / 03.12.02
If the platform construction variance is waived (since the construction is long over), then London Bridge.
If we're playing as if it's still 1976 (which is possible, if a bit weird), then Leicester Square.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:20 / 03.12.02
I think we need to come to a decision on this, otherwise we might as well just meaninglessly call out station names. Since decision-making on Barbelith can sometime be like trying to nail down jelly, can I suggest we play by the 1992 rules? I know there are purists on both sides who will insist that either '76 or '98 rules are 'proper' but I think the '92 rules are the best balance between the rigid inflexibility of the former and the frankly stupid attempts to 'modernise' the game of the latter. If anyone has problems with this, could they PM me?

Which would place Grant's move at London Bridge.
14:49 / 03.12.02
I think the '76 rules make for a more challenging game but I know no bugger will agree with me, so, okay, '92 it is. So, if grant's London Bridge stands, then what's your move, Misgendered Lord? Whatever it is, I'll follow with Earl's Court
The Strobe
15:32 / 03.12.02
17:05 / 03.12.02
can I suggest we play by the 1992 rules?

By all means. I only started us off with the 1886 Greenberg, but I'm more than happy to try other rule systems.

On which note:

Chalfont & Latimer

Kit-Cat Club
18:17 / 03.12.02
Flowers - quite right, old thing. Back to my old stamping ground, then.

East Finchley
19:43 / 03.12.02
the bridge is falling down, so i scamper off to Euston Station.

MC in three, I think, unless blocked by someone paying attention.
20:48 / 03.12.02

Elephant & Castle. Controversial, maybe, but, I think you'll find, legal.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:14 / 03.12.02
You think it's that easy, do you?


The Strobe
21:38 / 03.12.02
Ruislip Manor

Yeah, baby.
Kit-Cat Club
21:44 / 03.12.02
Kentish Town

The gods send nuts to those who have no teeth...
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:22 / 03.12.02
Oh really? I think a Sausage/Fork move on my part sees you stuck in Grange Hill.

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