no dream. no hoax. having the creators of the ff's comic turn up in the ff's comic is a trick about thirty years old now. wouldn't have to make a dream out of it.
Forgive the swiftness of reply, but hey runce, Aunt May is Peter's mate - when he was a lonely teenager she's all he had. Oh, forgive the Felicia-come-lately nitpicking as well please.
Oh and btw, have you done Ultimates movie casting yet? Ed Norton would be way better as The Hulk than Steve Buscemi. Or that guy in the Ang Lee version. Well benefit of the doubt I suppose.
I meant "mate" in the "down the pub with a few beers" sense - a far cry from the "I'm a bit like Mummy, but I'm also yr FRIEND..." shit that May was about. Puhlease.