pin : That was june who said that about Christina's outfit, and I don't think he was saying she was only good for fucking and killing. Rather that he likes it, but persnally doesn't like her music.
I just thought I'd save a fight there.
oooo thanks pin, thanks.i'd rather jump into an empty swimming pool than have a new "talk" about showing breasts'n'feminizm theories with the one flyboy...
Flyboy june, jade - I get them confused. I'll take 'em all on though.
as far as you don't call me Laila or sumthing, everything's fine, fly.
Everyone needs to listen to 'Can't Hold Us Down' off the new Cristina album, which pretty much sums up something I've been trying to explain to peeps all year (possibly longer).
yeah, longer. 
It won't make a difference, though, there will always be some misguided souls who think denigrating a female artist because she dresses too provocatively is not only justifiable but actually something to do with feminism, rather than its antithesis...
man o man, do we have to continue this anti-exchange of perception of things ?
fly, don't get me wrong, and please, let's stop this : i got nothing against provocatively dressing, really. i just cant' stand that some "artists " GOT to go provocative (it could be by their dressing, sure, but also only by their attitude, also) for reaching more audience. and i not only "blame" the ones who shows their ass, but also the ones who keep on watching MTV when Christina shows her very little red covering nothing stuff (which makes her really, strongly, uhm... well... a BIG object of desire, ok).
now, if you want us to continue this pretty sterile discuss, let me grab something to drink (us misguided souls need to drink sometimes, too). or can we stop, please ? 
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