Bounce has pretty much made official the reason I can't really get into Timberlake. Have him singing about love, all fragile and sappy, and I dig. Have him talk about sex, all faux-ghetto and commanding, and I yell. I mean, "bounce like your ass had the hiccups" doesn't sound better with humor, it requires humor not to be utterly idiotic + for fuck's sake, does it really seem that impressive to describe a m+f+f threesome (how naughty! how novel!) by just repeting "then x on y", x and y being combinations of "me", "you", "her", "y'all" + ménage "ay twah"? Oh really?
Then Missy comes in, and makes it all so much better. I can't really tell when a rapper/peace of rapping is really good by the style's standards, but I do know what I like, and Missy, I like. A touch of playfulness really raises the level.
I'm ranting about it because it's good, by the way. I'm not really familiar with Timbaland making this sort of harder, driven track. Not amelodic, but less hooky then the recent stuff that I know of.
And Way I Are is cool. That My Love techno influenced thing? Yeah, sort of a continuation, only now the beat seems to take some of it too. Didn't really grab me at first, but I think it gets better as it progresses. Once, it sort of made me think of what the Knife would be like if they followed the sound explored in their self-titled. But then, I hadn't slept all night, so don't trust me.
Though there's this retro sample (well, not really a sample, I think, but a reproduction of a piece of melody) that kind of annoys me; somehow I see some sort of logic for its inclusion but it doesn't seem right. And "yeah! (yeah!)" feels, well, dated, basically.
But mostly, I'm still just kind of fixated on Miscommunication.
Should I 'yousendit' some of this stuff? |