Wolverine straining for a particularly large dump on the cover.
Stubby-felt-tip-pen-art throughout (Cannonball(?) looks like his head's exploded, page 3 panel 5).
Bingo (maybe; "And everything else, all of it was a lie...")
Droplets of the same pacifist philosophy that's been seen in Filth: "This isn't war. Call it medicine if you like." Although I can't work out exactly what it is that Xavier's attempting to do with Madrox other than physically swamp Weapon XII.
Mistake in the speech bubble, page 4 panel 1, confuses things and makes it read as though Fantomex is Weapon I ("I was a volunteer" should be "I was a volunteer" to fit in with the "II and III were so and so...").
Not really being up with the X universe, I'd always presumed Weapon X was #10 of a series. It wasn't until you lot started on about it that I realised my mistake. It's knocked the oomph out of the revelation for me...
Fantomex v. cool. "Hi, I'm Jamie Madrox, the Multiple Man..." "Yeah, good for you."
How good could that Fantomex two-page spread have looked in other hands? Is Kordey definitely off this now? There's no fucken way I'm forking out for the second TPB. |