Maybe The Ultimates does appeal to the lowest common denominator, or maybe readers like it for the same reasons yawn, glassonion, pranny and myself do.... Reasons that have fuck all to do with how much of a shit Captain America can be. Everyone forgets to mention Millar's sensitive portrayal of Gail; OldmanBucky's confusion and that lovely "it's me you idiot" cuddle; Betty Ross's hugely conflicted (and genuinely complicated) feelings towards Bruce; Jan's spirited impersonation of an "average gal" in the wake of a good egg-laying sesh.... This is good, soap-operatic stuff (no worse, and in many cases better than last night's Eastenders) and I don't want to see Millar rush through this shit like we're watching some dullarse porn movie/action flick, where everything else comes second place to a good fight (and, anyway, when the fights DO turn up, they feel more powerful because of the wait).
Part of me agrees w/ you, Cam - part of me's all "Yes! Right! Speed it up!" and then another part of me remembers growing up reading 2000AD, Crisis, Revolver and all the rest and I realise that, as a teenager, I enjoyed loads of different approaches to comic book storytelling....why should the kids today be any different? The point is: I'm not sure. I don't know the answer. But I do really enjoy The Ultimates the way it IS and I don't really want Millar to change it. And it sells shitloads for a comic? That might be a good sign - it might actually mean, when it arrives on the shelves of WalMart, that the kids will dig it...
Look, as I said - I have no idea. You may be on the money here. But, then again, maybe the market will enjoy the soap opera. I don't think you can be so sure they won't: it IS action, don't forget that. And how many films, TV shows and books use big, hard, superdupers as window dressing for all that soap shit? Loads. It might be enough for Cap to have super strength in order to keep the readers reading...
Might, might, might....
And, Rose, I thought we were talking about sales. In that case: yr bored, I'm not... There you are.
Oh, I'm just so unsure about this one (hence incoherent "argument"). Cam: next time you see Grant take it up w/ him. He was the guy who started making all these supersoap predictions a few years back...maybe you can get him to slap Millar around a bit. |