BARBELITH underground

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Citizens and tourists?


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19:02 / 14.08.02
Being entirely friendly is humourless for a lot people. Calling newcomers barbeshites would probably make some idiots giggle, it's hardly fitting though.
19:32 / 14.08.02
Maybe new members could just have the word "Little" attached to their screen names, as in "Little Ganesh" or "Little Mordant Carnival."

--Little Gridley
19:49 / 14.08.02
Or, for added vomitoriousness, we could spell it 'Li'l'.
Tom Coates
21:40 / 14.08.02
It's not about making Barbelith the biggest community in the world, it's about making Barbelith the community that thinks the best, comes up with the coolest ideas, debates and discusses some of the most important issues of contemporary culture etc. etc. etc. New people who are committed to intellectual transformation are what we want! Premoderation will be quick and mostly-painless...
Nietzsch E. Coyote
00:09 / 15.08.02
Barbelith is mostly-painless...
Like the earth is mostly-harmless ?

King = Tom
Lords = Moderators
Knights = Members
Serfs = Junior Members
Nietzsch E. Coyote
00:26 / 15.08.02
trusted trustworthy and untrustable
Superheros Sidekicks and Villians
Pavarati Domingo and the other guy

I vote for the citizen civilian schema its vaguely fascist feel fits the elitist structure we are setting up.
03:49 / 15.08.02
"circles" and "spheres".
06:09 / 15.08.02
Homo Superior and Homo Sapiens
Cat Chant
07:37 / 15.08.02
Blakes and Tarrants! Blakes and Tarrants! With Tom as Avon!


I actually like barbeloids and barbe-lites, I think it's funny.
Tom Coates
08:22 / 15.08.02
I'm more than happy to fulfil the role of Avon in any revolutionary drama you care to consider...
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:02 / 15.08.02
"I was very keen on the idea of citizens and metics as well.. It's very much the metaphor I was using, but I'm not sure that it's tremendously clear to other people... "

Well, speaking for the non-classicists, from the definitions Deva's given, this sounds ideal but I'd have no idea what it meant without some explanation - attached to the registration form/introductory blah maybe? This could work but I'd be a bit concerned that this would come across as alienating/patronising. Tom, I know you don't especially want a large, democratic entry, but this is maybe a *little* specialist?

Actually, possibly what i mean, is that, perhaps it sends out messages about the kind of person you/we want, and it's whether that matches what's actually required...
21:16 / 15.08.02
um, I agree with plums, I wouldn't know what it meant without googling, and I had a "classical education" (mostly humming at the latin teacher at increasing volume to see when his hearing aid would kick in)

the basic idea, though, is sound, as long as the pre-moderation period is short enough

compiled and interpreted?
pointless and uncalled for
00:16 / 16.08.02
We could always have people assigned to a clique organisation, kind of like choosing a race in Dungeons and Dragons based on prime requisites.
02:19 / 16.08.02
Now you're talking.

Like Pirates and Ninjas right?
03:20 / 16.08.02
Barbelithinos. They're just like Barbelithers, but they have a higher mass and a slightly different spin. It's a 1/2 difference. I'm amazed that this analogy works at all.
09:35 / 16.08.02
What about something kinda less shiny but maybe with more clarity like New Members and Old Timers?

It's not as shiny and lovely in it's geekiness, but it's neither inpenetrable nor cliquey.

Maybe there could be a little blurb in the Member profile box at the top of the screen (you know, the one with the head picture in it) that clearly and concisely details how a New Member becomes an Old Timer?

Anyhoo, just some thoughts.
12:07 / 16.08.02
for ultimate simplicity:

>= 30 posts


< 30 posts

It's non-judgemental. It's minimalist. It carries all the information you need. It doesn't indicate a bias towards any particular brand of humour. What's that? Dull, you say?
12:43 / 16.08.02
Pirates and ninjas!
Pirates and ninjas!
13:06 / 16.08.02
>= 30 posts

Excellent! This will give the phrase "never trust anyone over thirty" its own special Barbe-meaning.
Jack Sprat
13:30 / 16.08.02
Accordions & pianos?
Bitches & hos?
Pups & dogs?
Arithmetic & calculus?
Beer & whisky?
Boys & men?
Vespas & limos?
Sycophants & celebrities?

But of course I'm just trying to ingratiate myself.
13:46 / 16.08.02
fridgezilla's suggestion is very good.
Jack The Bodiless
14:51 / 16.08.02
And aren't we all?

I'm-a gonna go for has-beens and wanna-bes.

Oooh! Oooh! Screwtops and Corks!
Ellis says:
15:00 / 16.08.02
Ninjas or Pirates


Super Ninjas or Super Pirates.

Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:14 / 16.08.02
Cordelias and Jonathans?
17:35 / 16.08.02
Ninjas/Pirates and Ninjettes/Pirettes
17:40 / 16.08.02
ooh ooh, I want to be a Cordelia!!!

That said, may I suggest...

Wonkas and Wonkarers
20:00 / 16.08.02
Ninjas/Pirates and Ninjettes/Pirettes

What about all the other genders?
pointless and uncalled for
20:06 / 16.08.02
That would be ninjh/irs and pirat/ieteere... Ok so I have a problem with the pirates.

Not Here Still
11:14 / 17.08.02
Erect or flaccid members, perhaps? (sorry - limp joke)
11:27 / 17.08.02
G'gugvnts and vl'Hurgs? (spelling, anyone?)
00:12 / 18.08.02
(Patiently)No, because that would make us fatbeards.

Unlike "Kasabis" and "Verons", which was my next suggestion.

How about "Huggles and schnoogles"? Because schnoogles need huggles, but you can have a huggle without any schnoogles...
05:24 / 18.08.02
I seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle.


And I will second this suggestion.

I also seem to be having tremendous difficulty with my computer, so my apologies if this is a second post.
10:49 / 18.08.02
that would make us fatbeards

Dead Parrots and African Swallows?
11:56 / 18.08.02
carnies and rubes
Tom Coates
12:44 / 18.08.02
Thirty is the limit we were thinking of anyway - but we were also going to 1) impose some kind of restrictions on the number of posts per day a non-full-member could make (so as not to spam the pre-mod queue) and 2) figure out whether or not a rejected post counts AGAINST the total number of posts rather than towards it...

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