I'm kind of wondering what a "Daniel Craig" role looks like.
Like Daniel Craig man!
I was tempted to say "A nice white bap with a plain filling" but decided against it.
Don't get me wrong I liked him in Bond and Layer Cake but have seen little evidence of him being much of a character actor a la a Daniel Day Lewis. I am open to be being proven wrong and do hope I will be.
Hollywood lives on actors who 'act' as variants on themselves (and I'm not knocking that as such - right film/right star kinda thing) however I think films like like this, Lord of the rings, 2001, and the original star wars are great because the story is the real star and the impact can be subverted by big names playing themselves because they are living references to something culturally outside of the film you're watching.
I find it disrupts my ability to fully immerse in that fantasy.
In Compass another example of this would be the cowboy mustache chap who plays the balloon flying Texan... although I like the guy they've chosen he always plays himself (the mustachioed Texan cowboy type that everyone recognizes - see Big Lebowski for example) so am I watching a character that is fully a part of the world and narrative being presented or just another gobbet of passe postmodern poncery, semiotic inter-textual referencing, or simply lazy no-brainer casting?
Minor quibbles I know but these are the small things that tend to elevate films in a cumulative way for me. Depth, character, congruency, and well crafted please - all da way. That or big robots hitting big monsters of course. Mebbe throw in some zombies as well, I'd like that. |