good on yeh ... what voting system do you use in loacl elections in england?
you voted 3 times, so it aint FPTP (first past the post, whats used in general elections)or party list, is it "alternative vote" or "single transferable vote"?
one thing that would make general elections better, would be a form of PR, like what we use in scotlan (alternative vote), as seats are shared out depending on the percentage of votes...i.e, the greens get 7% of the vote they get 7% of the seats, which in a general election with 357 (is that right) seats up for grabs, the'd get 25 seats 
so mabye if you did have a minority party, you could still do well...if only 2% of the population beleive in your political theories, thats still 7 seats...pure PR is no good though, because you do lose an element of local representation, and it does open the doors to extremist parties from both ends of the spectrum (in germany, a party has to get over a certain percentage before it can have any representatives)
in scotland, AMS is used, and we have a green and a SSP (scottish socialist party), who im quite impressed with, despite not agreeing with much of their polotics, tommy sheriden appears to be one of the few MSP's with morals. He gives half his paycheck to his party, and was outraged when the majority of MSP's voted themselves a big pay increase...i might be meeting him again soon, cos mine and manga's modern studies class won an essay and mock newspaper compotition (i contributed some essays, named the newspaper and did the political cartoon)...we ge an all expenses trip (first class train and a night at the hollyrood hotel) to see the scottish parliment (again) and lunch with some MSP's |