Round 15
We gathered nigh upon the beach
Fifteen bloody sailors
With boots of shark and gloves of leech
To meet the ninja players
So serve the ball, ye ninja swine
Yo ho, the game’s on
We’ll drink your ninja blood for wine
Volleyball, me hearties.
The Spanish mate, he loves his wine
And swills it at the net
For twenty balls served, he sends back twenty-nine
And no one’s returned them yet.
So serve the ball, ye ninja swine
Yo ho, the game’s on
We’ll drink your ninja blood for wine
Volleyball, me hearties.
The captain loves his rum and whores
And has a swift return
He spanks the Japanese with oars
And gives their bums sunburn.
So serve the ball, ye ninja swine
Yo ho, the game’s on
We’ll drink your ninja blood for wine
Volleyball, me hearties.
The swab’s a long-legged, salty lass
Who speaks just as she likes
When someone tries to sneak a pass,
She curses God, then spikes.
So serve the ball, ye ninja swine
Yo ho, the game’s on
We’ll drink your ninja blood for wine
Volleyball, me hearties.
And when the sun sets on the game
The ninjas look so gloomy
The pirates gathered round the flames
Of a copy of Shibumi.
So head back home, ye ninja swine
Yo ho, your game’s off
We drank your ninja blood for wine,
Volleyball, me hearties!
Pirates: 11
Ninjas: 0 |