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1st Annual Ninjas vs. Pirates Volley Ball Tournament


Page: 12(3)

Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:11 / 12.05.02
Round 9:

Pirates stop for grog.
Choke on slices of lemon.
Ninjas all smiling.

Ninjas 2 pirates 0
Captain Zoom
18:20 / 12.05.02
Round 10

Ninjas turn up looking confused. Pirates have popped out for a smoke and lost track of time. Finally, halfway through the allotted time, the pirates show up and trounce the ninjas thoroughly as they're really angry about sitting and waiting and really distracted.

Ninjas 8x10 Pirates 3,000,000,000,000,000

Saint Keggers
15:40 / 13.05.02
Pirates decide war is bad. Ask ninja to join them for a grog fest. Hillarity enssues. All are friends. Pirates totally kill unsuspecting ninja seeing how they cant down a real drink. All ninja are dead. Pirates wait for next wave of ninja cannon fodder to appear.

Ninja: 0
Grog: a bit too salty.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:05 / 14.05.02
Round 11


Grog a bit salty?

Ninjas smiling knowingly

Pirates sniff at grog.


Horror dawns slowly

Pirates understand strange taste.

All vomit- easy prey.


Cherry blossom falls

Blows across the lake's surface;

Multiple boners.

Ninjas 57, pirates 0.5
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:03 / 15.05.02
Round 12:

Ninjas drink secret Ninja Volleyball potion, dominate first half, explode. Pirates covered in gobbets of ninja, hugely amused.

Ninjas 7, Pirates 20
Less searchable M0rd4nt
17:33 / 15.05.02
Round 13

Unlucky thirteen
Ninja juice corrodes pirate flesh
Pirates roll, screaming.

Ninjas 10 pirates 0
Saint Keggers
03:13 / 16.05.02
Pirates get up, laugh
Ninja wonder why? why? WHY???
Pirates faking it!!!

No flesh coroded
Pirates feelling no sorrow
make ninja corpses.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:41 / 16.05.02
Volleyball, people, not war.
13:59 / 17.05.02

Pirates want to have the game in the water. Ninjas don't like water, and remind the pirates that most shark attacks take place in water less than 3 1/2 ft deep. Pirates prove it's perfectly safe by wading out and splashing around. Entire team eaten.

Game cancelled, sharks smirk. Large hammerhead taken to shark hospital to have volleyball removed from gullet.
15:55 / 17.05.02
Round 15

We gathered nigh upon the beach
Fifteen bloody sailors
With boots of shark and gloves of leech
To meet the ninja players

So serve the ball, ye ninja swine
Yo ho, the game’s on
We’ll drink your ninja blood for wine
Volleyball, me hearties.

The Spanish mate, he loves his wine
And swills it at the net
For twenty balls served, he sends back twenty-nine
And no one’s returned them yet.

So serve the ball, ye ninja swine
Yo ho, the game’s on
We’ll drink your ninja blood for wine
Volleyball, me hearties.

The captain loves his rum and whores
And has a swift return
He spanks the Japanese with oars
And gives their bums sunburn.

So serve the ball, ye ninja swine
Yo ho, the game’s on
We’ll drink your ninja blood for wine
Volleyball, me hearties.

The swab’s a long-legged, salty lass
Who speaks just as she likes
When someone tries to sneak a pass,
She curses God, then spikes.

So serve the ball, ye ninja swine
Yo ho, the game’s on
We’ll drink your ninja blood for wine
Volleyball, me hearties.

And when the sun sets on the game
The ninjas look so gloomy
The pirates gathered round the flames
Of a copy of Shibumi.

So head back home, ye ninja swine
Yo ho, your game’s off
We drank your ninja blood for wine,
Volleyball, me hearties!

Pirates: 11
Ninjas: 0
Saint Keggers
18:20 / 17.05.02
LOL!!! and so it begings...
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:25 / 28.06.02

Pirates and Ninjas face each other across the court. The match gets underway, but before any scoring occurs, a tsunami wipes out the court. Pirates, buoyant, vow to never accept another match in Japan - unless there's booze involved. Ninjas are shamed at their ill-prepared court and off themselves in large numbers.

Score: none. Game rescheduled for a time after ninja restock.
15:21 / 28.06.02
The highwaymen view the clownish proceedings from atop a nearby hill, cloaks held tight against the sea spray. A chorus of suave yet world-weary chuckles is heard as they gallop away to meet those who wait for them in hidden places, eager to supply them with food and drink and all-too-brief moments of passion, passion which must be cut short when the sound of clumsy pursuit is heard....
The Return Of Rothkoid
15:27 / 28.06.02
*Pirates watch ninjas pursue highwaymen in an effort to make this a knock-out volleyball tourney.*

*pirates drink. more.*
Saint Keggers
16:06 / 28.06.02
Pirates throw empty grog steins at Highwaymen, knocking them of theirs horses. The ninja now attack the stunned and confused highwaymen killing them all...High fives are had all around.
The game resumes...
18:59 / 12.03.04
Round 50

Ninjas play pirates at the Brighton High School gym. This is a real match with no cheating and a real ref. The Pirates serve but their hook hits the ball and it doesn't go over the net. The ninjas serve and keep serving forever since they don't lose.

score: ninjas 100000000000 pirates 0
8===>Q: alyn
19:42 / 12.03.04
Lone cowboy takes on all ninjas and pirates. Outshoots pirates; offers ninjas opium and poison blankets. Cowboys never mess with success.
Spyder Todd 2008
18:38 / 07.04.06
Reunion Tour 2006!
Round 1: Singles Match

Playing for the Pirates: Captain Jack Sparrow
Playing for the Ninjas: The Batman

Sparrow awarded first serve. Game proceeds, but Sparrow is simply unable to make a single point as Batman is simply a better player (being an Olympic level athlete and one of the worlds premiere martial experts will do that for you). As the match continues, suddenly the batsignal is lit. Calling a time out to save the world, Batman stares right at Sparrow and says: "No cheating." Scared witless, Sparrow sits down quietly and waits for Batman to return.

Pirates: 0
Ninjas: 51
12:14 / 13.04.06
Round 2:

Traveling to the match, the ninjas are detained by the ATF.

When game officials demanded an explanation, an ATF special agent was quick to reply. "They were all wearing masks," she said. "You can't trust anyone who wears a mask!"

Ninjas forfeit game.

Ninjas: 0
Pirates: 20

Page: 12(3)

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