Personally, I'm more interested in nationality than race, and I think that's the kind of difference you see here on Barbelith, divorced from bodies. (And yeah, I picture the Brazilian-syntax posters as having darker skin than I do, but I notice things like strange verb tenses and modifiers first. And I like that.)
There's certainly a few different colors of language on here. Skin? Yeah, from the people I've met in person, but it doesn't show unless explicitly mentioned within posts or user IDs.
Should it show otherwise? I don't think so.
I don't think that if I didn't bring in my sexuality as and when appropriate to the debate on the board that I would be acting as who I really am or being perceived as 'who I am' - in fact I'd be concerned that I was 'passing' for straight. Which I think would worry me...
What if the posts didn't have names next to them?
What if this space *really was* just about ideas rather than identities?
Some ideas might be "gayer" or "straigher" than others....
when you strip away the things that people most immediately latch onto when they are trying to categorise you (sexuality / race / gender / age etc) do you really free yourself from their preconceived notions, or are you pretending to be something you're not - something more easily socially assimilated?
Well, I think this is the problem with language and context, then, isn't it? I mean, is it socially dishonest to be semantically clear?
I suppose once you're reduced to an online avatar, you're free to be whoever you are internally - but that physical/body concerns (like race, nationality, age, sexuality) will subtly shape that. I like to think that there are more fun games to play then guess-the-ethnic-background. Or maybe not - maybe I like to think that it's a fun game, nothing more. Hmm.
I'll also throw this out: access to Barbelith (or anywhere online) is much more a function of economic status & geographical location (colleges, cities & companies where computer access comes with the turf), which will in turn "select" for race, indirectly. |