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Daily Poetry


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A Bigger Boat
09:53 / 06.03.08
Before taking your medicine

Before Citalopram Hydrobromide
containing mannitol,
microcrystalline cellulose,
anhydrous colloidal sillica
and magnesium stearate

Before the prayerless communion,
20mg twice a day,
or the sterile confessional of the Doctor’s office,
silently handing me the tissue box
and diagnosis umbrella

Before the pew worn knees and silently mouthed supplications of
‘What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with me?’
are moulded into the certainty of
‘Something is wrong with me,’
I want a black bullet to fire into my head

I want to call It Obsidian Ouroboros
this thing inside me
but its black tarn name bubbles
cannibal unpronounceable
all the horrors of prehistory

My lips kiss the ceiling of the drowning room
a gulp of clean air
before slurry rolls in
and the last thoughts that are me are
It's coming
It's coming and I
can't stop it, I can't
stop it

Because before selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors
and the bleeding of humours;
before rough carpenter’s hands cast
demons into swine
and Jacob wrestled an angel till dawn;
before Tezcatlipoca and Quetzalcoatl
and long before long ape knuckles clenched
the first jawbone into murder,
there was civil war in Heaven.
Whisky Priestess
14:04 / 06.03.08
Oooh, good stuff.

Except (IMHO) for "Obsidian Ourobouros" and the last line, which feels to me like a let-down and doesn't seem to relate very much to the rest of the piece.
A Bigger Boat
10:05 / 07.03.08
thankee v much.

Re the last line, I guess you can take the boy out of the catholic church but you can't take the catholic church out of the boy : )
Anna de Logardiere
14:01 / 07.03.08
I strapped on my tall fetish shoes
And strutted down the cat walk
To find I fell and broke my leg
A bit like the fiery doom of the Cutty Sark.

Arrogant it may seem
To compare one's light misfortune
And achy breaky leg to the
burnt carcass of a sexy old ship
It felt like that though.
08:59 / 23.03.08

In a dim and idle expanse
of throbbing living matter,
excited fizzes of electricity
throw desperate shadows
in oblique geometries,
thickening in the dank folds,
dancing across the lucid stretch
of fabric encasing the myelin flows.

Quavering spurts of shapes
sailing into the seas
of delusion
and docking in unison, locking their tailored edges

to allow disembarkation of another
batched squidge of juice in portioned precision.

A pathway engraves itself within the flotilla’s realm,
a trafficked ecstasy inscribing communication,
Reflex, perhaps.

Or hard won information, scrambled and rescued,
shattering and reassembling like a troupe rehearsing,
from the top, and again.

And again, until the performance,
where illusion and mirrors instil devastating despair,
anguish and jubilation in equal part, or perish.

Sentience hails thither, brute living
ugly as hell and irascible.
00:46 / 25.03.08
The land of neither

Where the judgement is wrong
on both accounts of the law.
And the rightwing maggots feast
on the leftist side of things.

This where the redbird sings
and the cruel beer flows like water.
This is where a foreign mother brings
her offspring to the slaughter.

Where the last bit of tolerance is fleeting
about the state of enlightened doubt.
And our rights are being dismantled
before we’ve had the chance to sort it out.

We live in the land of neither
of powerplay and arrogant forces.
Where the cruel beer flows
and the tortured redbird sings.

undecided and divided
not knowing where to go
08:39 / 29.03.08
In light diffused by clouds of ice
he stands and holds his shining heart:
a pewter gimcrack, cracker-hatched
and carried, over frost-sharp grass,
to this quarry where he stands in ash,
surrounded by discarded cans.

The shadow of the monument,
black cousin to the Parthenon,
just seems to fall across the sun.

He parts the blades of grass and digs,
one-fingered, quick, an opening.

At sunset, on the first day of the year,
his heart is buried.
13:41 / 12.04.08
Bollocks to Jesus

You sit and curl your fists in prayer
in the centre of the mall,
trying hard to keep from looking
at the hipsters, bellybars and thongs;
the toiletry shop that helps ungodly causes;
the music store, the place that sells those games;
the sinners holding out collecting jars
for yellow heathens half a world away.
Their small change will not save them.
You are sure.

You’re watching a boy in a circle of girls,
a shrill little fruit with a pretty boy smile.
You think about the winepress of His wrath,
and how that fag will laugh
on his spirit’s other side come Tribulation.
And you’re certain – St Paul said
that Jesus said so. It’s all there.

It doesn’t matter who you are:
Gandhi, Princess Di and Clarence Darrow are in Hell,
with Buddha and that lying raghead Prophet,
and Hell is this mall only redder,
where demonesses dance in thongs and
pretty boys shake booty for the pitchforks
and the devil laughs
like change against blue plastic
until you just can’t take it
and you barge the fag aside
and you knock down the charity whore,
climb the terracotta tiling
on the shut-down fountain
and start testifying, crying out
that good works cannot save us
and we must embrace your Jesus
only yours

Security are soon in full effect,
and a woman helps the boy up to his feet,
his girlfriends cooing; I’m picking up coins
with the charity girl, when she turns to me,
quietly shaking, and whispers
‘well, bollocks to Jesus, if that’s what he wants.’

09:41 / 20.04.08
night tethers itself to the moon
and recriminations begin.

you, cloud, where was the rain, then? all promise,
and fucking dry as a dingo's, like bleedin' cocoa. sod off then.

you, tree, whisking the air, sounding like rain with
your leaves husking themselves together, fuckin' crickets can do better.

you, daytime, all light and no cigar. 'storms likely', right,
like it might happen. or might not. bloody weatherman, tosser.

like, i went and bought an umbrella 'cause my last one is on a bus
somewhere, going round and round the suburbs. like i care.

ok now cloud, don't snip the cord. ok, i said. oh all right, let it go,

sail away o moon, o moon of no promise - faultless moon. sail into the darkness
inky galactic soup, go. but leave the tides, please.
Alex's Grandma
10:25 / 20.04.08
I actually quite like this. Not so much raging as swearing at the heavens.
06:30 / 25.06.08
stomach for guile and head for heights
inclines you to seize moments, days,
like fish with insight

wrestling among weed wafting tidal imperative
with panic, danger, life.

the epiphany of belief calls to us
only you can answer, shrill retort,
singling out the truth and silencing minions

a butterfly rests upon your face
cooling the sweat of toil from your skin
and another tedious task slips into its oblivion

we must pray for your return,
if you decide to leave that is.
11:06 / 25.06.08
the water rises
i pedal but i'm still sinking
it reaches my ears
and the uproar above is blocked out

peace for a moment
then, inevitably, fished out
i lie wetly on the grass
smelling of old mud and mold

sitting unconnected
paying lip-service but not playing
i ask for something
but am no longer sure of receipt
Bastard Tweed
02:27 / 03.07.08
I haven't yet decided
if I'm praying to God
or asking the ceiling
for a favor
00:59 / 08.07.08
its all up to you
but which you is unclear
i'd ask myself but i'm too busy to answer

where is it
you might ask
and you'd be righteous in your indignation at my reply

give me a gift
i'd like it
i'm sure
01:33 / 19.07.08
In the name of
their respective Gods,
they struck a match off of
the face of the world.

to light the earth and the skies...

And they caused it to rain
ashes and green death
for ages to come...

They believed unto death
that they would be saved.

But the match struck
in this lonely part
of our galaxy
attracted the attention
of not one deity...

For the invisible,
for the unknowable,

for nothing,

all life was thus wasted
14:57 / 02.09.08
My job as a phone monkey means I have to use my brain somehow I have therefore been writing lots of call centre inspired senryu.

Deep in the basement
the serried ranks of temps sit
staring at the clock

Serfs of the office
We toil for minimum wage
While others get rich.

I wish it was five
it is not yet eleven.
The day yawns ahead.

socialist beliefs
seem even more appealing
the longer I work.

Vending machine tea
a scum forms on the surface
I swap to coffee.

Instead of working
I waste my time with haiku
how meta is this?
electric monk
03:19 / 09.09.08
I watched you eat fried chicken
and sweet potatoes,
finely pureed.

I held your small water glass
and tipped it to your dry lips,
hoping you would drink it all
and knowing you wouldn't.

I watched terrible TV shows with you
and tried my best to enjoy them
because they made you happy.

I held your hand
much longer
than I ever have before.

I helped to lift you from your bed
and found you were
surprisingly light.

I held your head in my lap
as they changed your mattress,
and thought of how you must have cradled me this way
when I was just a baby.

I noticed you looking longingly at your son
because he wouldn't look at you.
Forgive him, please.
He's having trouble accepting this.

I stroked your hair,
complimented the softness of your skin,
and hated the way your body convulsed
when you soundlessly laughed.

I asked you questions
that could be answered 'yes' or 'no'.
'Yes' was when you squeezed my hand.

I threaded my way
through serious, tear-stained conversations
just to have a cigarette
in the rain.

I wanted to buy a cheap bottle of wine
so that I could sneak a sip to you
when no one was looking.
I think you would have liked that.

I tried my best to laugh and smile
because I didn't want to cry
in front of you.

I said goodbye to you
and kissed you on the lips for the first
and last time.

I'll get on a plane
and fly back home to my wife and son
to wait for the phonecall.

I'll weep with grief
because you're gone,
and with joy
because your suffering is done.
10:00 / 14.09.08
Father. Vacant dullness sweeps through you,
infinite unoccupied tracts
of lightless space stretched between galaxies,

throbbing with dark matter and
ravaged by radiation and quarks,
silent and great, echoed vastly within.

Father, a word, just sound, fathoming from the abyss:
simple air, dead.

Father dead, died of cancer,
corruption of cells,

multiplying, swallowing like a supernova swallowing
its solar system, its earth-like planets,

its rocks and debris, swallowing its orbit
and extinguishing itself into darkness,
once more.

Father, a shadow
where once, no doubt,
light erupted with his smile,

his hands holding you, swaddling
in love and throwing a ball,

splashing sea water, walking beside him,
examining and scolding and laughing
and being, and being.
10:13 / 14.09.08

into cream,
delicious floods of succulent truth
as the merry-go-round stops...

dizzy, lights and fairies crescendo like rain
falling for the second time
like into love.

dashing conjecture, eggshell fragile
mallet, crash and splinter upon the parading words
telling heroes to stop and listen:

reality fled there yesterday and time singles her out
giving rain a sweet essence in return for the gift
of a trillion gashes in the mask.

you can't see me, but
like cream,
the thickening dusk will never last, will you?

i cry upon your moons
and seep underneath
the cardigans of waterfalls.

taste me,
dream me now and spin again, forever.
02:33 / 28.09.08
intending to write something
the garden grew, instead

a butterfly wafted onto a branch
beside a broad leaf soaking sunlight.
as the creature lifted into the morning again
the swoop of darkness, snap!

beak claims another meal.

soil clings to the inside of my fingernails now
like pain hammering at the walls of regret
that i didn't say it

as she walked away.

in the summer, the sprouts will have grown
and make for my dinner. i'll eat it


how do you become a butterfly?
03:59 / 23.11.08
[kinda to the meter of 'hotel california' - been wracking my poor head all day and i have to unload this. apologies in advance...]

on a train on a thursday
on my way home from work
in an office the city
where i'm employed as a clerk

there i process the papers
putting files in a box
i sign and stamp and i authorise
wearing nothing but socks

boss comes up to me then
says 'boy, wanna work late?'
i say no and lie back at him,
'sorry but i got a date'

on the train i am reading
without attention a book
i see a pretty pretty girl
and so, 'course i give her the look

she looks back into my eyes
then she gets up to leave
i stand up waiting for the doors
she hangs onto my sleeve

then she tells me she's dizzy
so i lend her my arm
and off she runs up the platform and stairs
i'm left far far from calm

luckily i have both legs
which i move now in sync
chasing after this one arm bandit
when i stop and think

what good is an arm to me
after all, what's if for?
i can always use this other one
to type or open a door

nonetheless i regather
my energy and desire
and i start to chase after her
when my head catches on fire

i begin then to wonder
if this ain't really my day
luckily it begins then to rain
and i hear her say,

"welcome to the hotel parramatta
such a lovely place such a lovely place
never go there to the hotel parramatta
any time of day, nothing else to say..."

so i ask her to ex-plain
explain what does she mean
then she comes up close to me and smiles
and i yell what's obscene

and i grab now for my arm
with my one i got left
i snatch it back and replace it
and arrest her for theft

she collapses and struggles
she moans wails and cries
then she stops and capitulates
and we can both smell fries

we look up into faces
staring down onto us
a gang of hoodlums with fish and chips
just got off the last bus

they tell us to shut up please
please stop making that noise
the one asking us to be quiet
is a girl all the rest are just boys

i take my thief to the police
who ask me what is wrong
they listen so politely and
lock me up to a song:

"welcome to the hotel parramatta
such a lovely place to get off your face
never go there to the hotel parramatta
or they'll arrest you, that is what they do"

[slow, slowing...]
so my lyrics are ended
nothing else left to write
dunno why i'm completing these lines
nothing else went how i wanted it to...
02:37 / 22.12.08
sorry about that last one...

if the future influences the present
as much as the past, as nietzsche says
then where does that leave me now?

he tells me god is dead, but
[and i know this to be true]
jellyfish will inherit the oceans

so, in the future, bones are obsolete,
flying becomes a relic and
mushrooms will poison a lavish feast.
04:59 / 12.05.09
fragile dispersing as pliant crowds
the winter sun grazed the birds in flight
sharpening their presence -
non-static entities in this desolation; desires.

earth's freedoms are hard won
so i settle into dust and geology takes over.
16:16 / 08.06.09
Somehwere in the mess that is my room, lies a radio

If I can find it I can take a shower
If not, I'll simply have to stink
After Binge, there is the sweaty shine
covering the vessel you've returned to.
There can be no shower without radio
There can be no going out with stink.

I could fill a kitchen sink, crawl in

and never surface.

Itching it's in I Ching

“I think you've lost your wings ”,

a disembodies voice intones.

I have to disagree, I simply put them away
One can't shower with wings.
One can't shower without radio.

Where is my radio?
20:02 / 07.10.09
i ain't so cold, i ain't so lonely.
i got not fears, i got no kidneys
i got cassandra breathing out of me.

a box of bensons
a case of a charmer
a cup of earl grey
pointless karma
a tin of evaporated milk.

glass and pennies,
voices and laughter,
countless weddings
so unmastered,
a window crawling with a thousand flies.

blouses and petticoats
graceful wonder
bangles and saris
rising from under
a still and calm
golden fookri.

so put me back into
the suitcase
and throw me back
into the sea
this is where it all began
my mother doesn't look at me
like i'm her son.
20:04 / 07.10.09
the Queen of Sheba,
goddess with muddy feet.
under the skies of Ethiopa,
on smooth slabs of glass.
your body was drenched in water,
while the woman of the Song of Songs
sang of pyrrhic victory and defeat

she walked for walkings sake,
but she found nothing but torment in shape.
shaped like an exqisite star

all giving
goddess with muddy feet
born of gaia
out of the box
a cloak of dark
and blue
tempestuous water
came gushing out
Cascading over the world
brought up the dead
to eat the living
but in the box
relinquished from her forlorn hand
hope remained

she walked for walkings sake,
but she found nothing but torment in shape.
shaped like an exqisite star

Cassandra, cassandra
i can hear you calling my name
he spat in your mouth
and it tasted of forlorn fate

Cassandra, cassandra
goddess with muddy feet.
you mold to melody
these terrors
with dismal cries
blended with piercing strains
as a
clear-voiced nightingale
sliced by a two edged blade

why won't they listen
when you call their name
their deafness steals you
and leaves only shame

she walked for walkings sake,
but she found nothing but torment in shape.
shaped like an exqisite star
01:20 / 05.01.10
first one of the new decade (perhaps the last?)

key, ptII (whispers flowed)

whip-birds pipe and stop as
background like faded lives extinguishing
in a snip; momentum sagging through
unknowable blackness as so many
comets or interstellar motes, random
specks in happenstance: to these
skies; and yellow box; and macadam
tentacles in right angles and swirls
out into a billion other petty nows,
petty quiet solitary observances,
with each their own

bird call, and soft bliss in the
next room. how sweet the sugared
roles of being in our private syzygy
swirled from an eternal clasp conjoined
and compicit, unified, snug.
09:23 / 06.02.10
that's 'complicit' in the last line. sheesh. i am soooo surprised no-one had picked it up yet...
Alex's Grandma
13:16 / 19.02.10
Richard Dawkins is
A fat idiot, damnit
Not to read his work

(I've little time for the bloated poloemicist myself, but this is not my work/haiku/pome. It was chanelled.)
12:59 / 01.03.10

What have I got so far
But the circle of a name
To embrace an absent neck
(Like 'round a speck of dirt a pearl
Unfurls itself in the abyss),

And to this one-line gap be bridge to

Here, where clocks & bishops tick
And our little cousins - things! -
With dry no-minds they fret about...

Like, if to work, if you came out
And flung a piece of wet rock - thought! -
Against our shared dome of day
And naked lay, Sun-beaten cliff in Sunday best,
That flashes East and shines West for all to see...


Not right away, though, this shall pass:
Like the oak tree in the seed
You'll be freed (one long surprise).

Right now you are ten panoplies,
holding each one a mute hoplite;
The distant din of Gaugamela,
with which Arbela sometimes dreams.

And -

And uh well I better stop.

All these mentions in absentia oughta put anyone cross.
And these ordinary words,
so unworthy of our lot,
Sit heavy as the heavens
Sit upon the Atlas range, and -

Feh! There I went yet again...

Here, know this:
The day will come
Or not, when
A shadow moves,
A mother calls,
Some china chinks and plants the grit:

Amid the toppling scenery
The Globe is lit.
From headache pangs all grown you spring.
Bedecked with helmet, shield and spear,
A thing of here at last
To last until the fall
Of the last house built by man.


What have I got so far
As I circle 'round your name:
Some lines (good but not great);

Some imagery (that as usual comes too late):

Large abandoned manor
(many rooms demanding fire;
fire's scarce
in the waste);

Inward tree in weed-choked yard,
Waiting, as Francesco (later Francis) for the birds,
For the hollow-boned words
To alight in ingrown branches.
17:09 / 01.03.10
"these words", above.
Haus of Mystery
18:36 / 04.03.10
Oh, Brunt. I've dug up the Perez image and it rocks
haus of fraser
06:58 / 05.03.10
If you ask me that's just someone being honest. I'm sure I'd say something similar if I were in his shoes.

Sorry, nit picky I know.
00:05 / 28.07.10
When she smiles
The sun rises from my toes
Straight to my hair
And burns every single inch of me
Like a withheld smile
Or a hidden glance.
And when she walks away
My arms ache from emptiness
Until I hear her laughter
And see her...
03:16 / 31.08.10
c is for desire

to clamber upon rocks
amid showers of magma flushed
from earth's bowels, contentment
steeped in the fragrant telepathy
of desire, desire
for c...

all impel motion detained in stillness and locks it like a bike to a steel bar.
silken gasps in a closed space warp
time across ribbons of our egos, whipped into

the frenzy of delight, a child waking
to find santa's crumbs beside the
empty glass that last night held daddy's

surprise! we all play games against our
emotions. we all play games against our
evolution and we all lose, both times.
desire is the path to fulfilment

which only the spewing earth can deliver.
a tree grows where matter has decayed
and i eat its fruit like biscuits. will you?

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