Personally I think this could be the best series so far, and, while I know it hardly counts as an argument, so do most of my friends.
It seems to me that there's some pretty low-level criticism going on on this thread. This series simply oozes subtext and imagination. Okay, a cursory analysis of the ostensible details isn't very rewarding, but let's get below the surface, people.
Season six's theme is internal apocalypse. Buffy's death? Pah! Simple super-hero fare (super-heroes always come back) and the obvious resolution of an external cataclysm taken to its logical conclusion.
This time around Buffy's really suffering. Her best friend's poised to become this series's big-bad; her watcher, and surrogate father, has left, as has another core member of the Scooby-Gang; her mother's just died; she's been dragged out of heaven; it even looks like Anya and Xander are on rocky ground; Oh, and let's not forget that our favourite vampire slayer is getting it on with one of the nastiest blood-suckers in history, and this one ain't got no soul.
Christ, they couldn't be making it any clearer. Just look at the final song in "Once More With Feeling" - "Where Do We Go From Here?" Anybody notice the choreography? No-one's looking at each other. Every character is isolated, alone, lost. The Scooby-Gang is falling apart, the unthinkable is happening.
Talk about fucking miserable.
As I argued above, the last episode was an attempt to deepen the tragedy befalling our heroes. We had the chance to see them all together, happy, one last time. They didn't merely lose their memories, they lost their baggage, their inhibitions, their hang-ups. We were being led by the hand back to the good old days before it all went to shit.
Jesus, a bloody TNG gimmick? Give me fucking strength.
I will take all you naysaying bastards on, for you are weak! |