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Buffy season6 uk spoilers


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uncle retrospective
04:32 / 08.01.02
Well it airs on thursday so I have nothing to say about it yet.
Just a quick spoiler free question.
Is it any good? Better than S5? (Please say yes)
And while I'm asking, has Angel stopped sucking yet?

edited to hijact the thread later on.

[ 11-01-2002: Message edited by: uncle retrospective ]
The Natural Way
06:35 / 08.01.02
And when can I get the fucker on video?
01:15 / 09.01.02
That's sort of the question for the court.

It's had excellent points so far, and then parts that make you go "Huh?"

But I'm still tuning into Buffy everyweek (or would be every week, if the sweeps hadn't kicked in) so it's retained it's chunky hearty soup quality.

Was that a sentence?
Tits win
18:25 / 09.01.02
Oh shit, i can't wait. I'm sucking myown cock in antisipation.
Tits win
18:28 / 10.01.02
Being so eager to suck my own cock I missed the first hour of the new series. Please go to my I missed the begining of Buffy thread. Thanks.
19:10 / 10.01.02
I think its been dark in some very yummy ways, though it lacks any sort of focus. But in a way, that's kind of a good thing. After Glory, its not like they can easily throw an even more powerful enemy at her without it just getting out of hand. So so far its mainly been... screwed up. They do a musical episode at one point, which is actually way better than it has any right to be. Sadly, I think its one of my favorites.
rizla mission
08:24 / 11.01.02
so .. this is on Sky or whatever right?

Because I just saw the one where Buffy's mum dies on normal TV..
uncle retrospective
08:24 / 11.01.02
quote:Originally posted by Rizla Year Zero:
so .. this is on Sky or whatever right?
Because I just saw the one where Buffy's mum dies on normal TV..

Yup, your watching S5 on bbc Riz. You might want to give this thread a miss for a while.

So what did people think of the first ep? The resurection wasn't as shit as I though it was going to be and I'm very intrested to see what there going to do with Willow. She's being Vamped up (no cutie pink tops) being shown to be nard as nails and Alison Hannigan now has the And Staring Angle used to have. Hum...
intresting, very intresting.

[ 11-01-2002: Message edited by: uncle retrospective ]
Cat Chant
14:54 / 11.01.02
To reiterate: spoilers for non-Sky watchers...


Um, sorry... God, that was very good, I thought. Very, very good. (I'm still regretting they didn't take the Blake's 7 route, of just *not having the title character in it*, but I guess that would be a bit of a waste of SMG's salary.)

Most heartbreaking moment probably goes to Spike going all fucked in the head & storming out when the Buffybot came on to him. Second most heartbreaking moment: Willow being 'tested'. Third most heartbreaking moment: Willow saying "I'm not leaving her there alone". Fourth: Willow saying "Buffy's gone... she's really gone". Fifth: Buffy seeing the Buffybot get torn apart.

I can't think of anything intelligent to say at all. I just really, really, really liked it. Anya's hair is rubbish, though, and I miss Willow's cute little flick-up at the end, though I do appreciate the fact that she & Tara are getting more physical contact and fewer cutesy metaphors.

Is there *ever* going to be an episode of Buffy that doesn't make me cry, ever again? Ever?
03:29 / 12.01.02
'fraid not. Once More With Feeling is both heartbreaking and hilarious!! I downlaoded all of the songs, and believe me when you see it, you'll want to download them too.

((if I haven't made sense in this reply I apologise.. I'm very drunk right nwo!))

enjoy people it's nothing but sick n' good

03:37 / 12.01.02
I was a bit disappointed. Parts seemed unecessarily padded, and there was a lot of contrivance in dialogue. I didn't understand why Xander and Anya hadn't revealed their engagement at all.

I second all of Deva's "moments," though. And I'll add the moment where Giles and Xander hugged, as well as Xander's reaction when he realises that Buffy clawed her own way out of her coffin.

uncle retrospective
07:41 / 12.01.02
I've just been to the WEF and found out that that ep of buffy was hacked to fuck, C4 style. Apparently most of the resurection ritual went as did the doe murdering.

If this is true I'm not fucking happy.

Oh and they're not going to show all of the musical episode either!
What a pack of fuckers!

[ 12-01-2002: Message edited by: uncle retrospective ]
Cat Chant
08:39 / 12.01.02
quote:Originally posted by expressionless:
I didn't understand why Xander and Anya hadn't revealed their engagement at all.

Oh, that was entirely in deference to my own anti-marriage sentiments as divined by Joss Whedon. I approved.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:24 / 12.01.02
It wasn't terrible but it wasn't brilliant. SMG is, in my 'umble opinion, an actress of neither much depth or talent, and so was much more interesting as perky Buffy-bot than she was as 'I've just come back from the dead with bad hair' Buffy. I'm now kind of wishing they'd gone for the Blakes 7 option.

And partly, I just think that the end of season 6 was the perfect way to end the show. Like 'Sleeping in Light' for Bab5, the last episode summed up what Buffy was about and allowed her to go out in a blaze of glory (no pun intended). Instead the show will have to limp on in a manner akin to X-Files, which no-one really cares about any more.

Which is not to say that it will never be good again, I just can't see how you can have a big bad guy who is tougher than a God and any result which is worse than Buffy actually dying...
13:19 / 12.01.02
***here, here****
I agree!!!
The Natural Way
14:47 / 13.01.02

Maybe. I'm not sure about this yet (and I'm not asking for our American cousins to either confirm or deny anything. Stay schtum, guys), but have any of you heard the rumours about Willow and this series' big bad? Well, having seen her new and improved psychic hardass deal, and that nasty, nasty ressurection spell, I'm inclined to think this is one rumour that's on the money. There's some serious karmic debt to be paid. And it's such a good idea.....

You do know what I'm waffling about, don't you?

Keep up.

[ 14-01-2002: Message edited by: Guns 'n' Runces ]
14:49 / 15.01.02
Well, without being spoilsome, Willow does get way yummy
The Natural Way
11:50 / 21.01.02
It's soooo obvious, though, isn't it?

What's the real nastiness in the 1st episode? Demon Bikers? Or Bambi killing, flesh ripping, snake puking rituals? We all know what the real bad stuff is here, and we know who's behind it - "the road to Hell is paved w/ good intentions...." and all that. The demon conjured by the ritual? Scariest bit? When it appears to Willow as Buffy and starts screaming accusations - Willow knows she done bad, we know everything isn't cool. She's getting harder and harder.......

The shit has gotta get hitting that there fan.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:53 / 21.01.02
quote:Originally posted by Sgunnice Runcheon 'n':
It's soooo obvious, though, isn't it?

Almost too obvious, in fact...
The Natural Way
06:57 / 22.01.02
Nah, the big bad's always set up right at the start. I'm sure it'll be well paced. Remember, the 1st clues emerged in season 5.... those black eyes........
The Natural Way
07:51 / 28.01.02


Buffy. Saturday night. Editing.

The most important part of Willow and Giles's exchange lost - y'know, the bit where she threatens him. All because of the word "piss".

Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
08:07 / 28.01.02
Yes, that was pretty much key, wasn't it. God knows, something had to be, giving that the Troika are even less convincing as the Season's big bad than Adam.

As we all know, the real bad guy in Series 4 was University, and dammn right too.
The Natural Way
07:00 / 18.02.02
Just had to drop in here and have a quick rant about the sickeningly incredible excellence that was Buffy *the musical*. Who needs boring, time consuming character development when you can condense it all into a 5 min song? Huzzah! All the hanging threads are dealt w/, and it's an all singing, all dancing disaster! I mean, it's so fucking tragic - everything that could go wrong did. And a kiss! And oral sex!

And we didn't need to hear Dawn's number - we already knew it all anyway. Nice that the demons kidnapped her when they did. Clever.

Most people I know are of the opinion it's the best Buffy in the world ever. I think they might be onto something......
Haus about we all give each other a big lovely huggle?
07:57 / 18.02.02
Not only one of the best episodes of Buffy, but also one of the best pieces of television ever, and in fact one of the best *things* ever. Although in't it a bit shit that Xander is in no sense punished or even asked to take responsbility for doing something that endangered the lives of the Scoobies and led to the actual real-life deaths of actual real-life people?

Which is not to say I haven't watched it over and over and over and over and over again. Lovely Tara...
The Natural Way
08:08 / 18.02.02
I don't think the smile left my face the whole way through.

Oh, except when that look of horror crosses Buffy's face as she sings:


And Willow. Oh dear.

Our Lady of The Two Towers
08:26 / 18.02.02
You are all dead men. Because the musical episode was top stuff.
The Natural Way
08:26 / 18.02.02
What? Did you read our posts? What?

Clarification: Best Buffy ever. Best thing ever. I loved it more than my Mum.

I used the words "disaster" and "tragic" in reference to the events of the plot. I wasn't cussing the ep.

[ 18-02-2002: Message edited by: Fantastic YOU [I, Runce] ]
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
13:09 / 18.02.02
Loved it so much that I immediatly went through my music collection for show tunes, unfortunalty I just had Chess but have decide to go to a show in the West End, purely as a result of this (my reaction to this show actually got stranger than this but I'm keeping that to myself).

When's the CD coming out?
The Natural Way
13:14 / 18.02.02
Yes! I had exactly the same reaction!

I love slickarse musicals. They rule. So tight, so goooood....
Eloi Tsabaoth
18:23 / 21.02.02
Tonight's episode top, if yet another experimental one.
Favourite moments: Spike realising he's British, Spike thinking his name is Randy, Spike and Giles having that hug, and the two inappropriate kisses, the last one driving my eyebrows right up into my hairline.
Saucy. Joan the Vampire Slayer rocks.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
21:19 / 21.02.02
Well I'm off to see Chicago at easter.

I see Spike and Buffy's relationship is developing, which seems to have a lot of fan support. Except Spike has demostrated a stalker personality type, has physically abused, threatened to kill and on one occasion attempted to murder his exes. He's phsically and psychologically abused Buffy herself in the past.

This can't end well.
The Natural Way
10:03 / 22.02.02
But don't you think the chip's conditioned Spike to go all Freudian and sublimate his Death Urge, substituting it for a more sexy one? Eh? Don't you think?

Normally when little boys hit little girls it means they fancy them.... Spike's got it the wrong way round.


Stoned now.

[ 22-02-2002: Message edited by: Fantastic YOU [I, Runce] ]
Our Lady of The Two Towers
13:51 / 22.02.02
Last night was slightly pants, trying to make the Kitty Economy is a bad idea, and a loan shark... who is a shark! Do you see?!

I really wish they'd thought harder about getting rid of (as it appears) Giles and Tara. They both appear to be deserting someone when the more logical thing to do would be to stand by them and offer support, especially in the case of Tara and Willow.
10:00 / 23.02.02
quote:Originally posted by The resistable rise of Reidcourchie:
...Spike has demostrated a stalker personality type, has physically abused, threatened to kill and on one occasion attempted to murder his exes. He's phsically and psychologically abused Buffy herself in the past.

As opposed to Buffy, who has phsyically and psychologically abused Spike and tried to kill him and his exes on a good few occasions. In fact, she spent half of season 5 smacking him in the face any time she felt a bit pissed off, even after he'd helped save her life.

That girl needs to deal with the fact that she obviously fancies the pants off of him, and that, yes, soulless vampires can actually do good things.

Which she doesn't want to face up, as that would make her job of slaying vampires slightly more morally dubious. It would also bring up the question of why a soulless Spike can love her, but a soulless Angel couldn't.
Haus Of Pain
17:19 / 23.02.02
Right, going to have to butt in here with a question that has nothing to do with last episode's antics.

Is series 7 the last series? Does anyone know? A mate of mine claims that he read an interview with Whedon stating just that.

Buffy would be all the better for a bit of finitude.

Oh yeah, no series 7 spoilers!

[ 24-02-2002: Message edited by: Hindermate ]

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