To reiterate: spoilers for non-Sky watchers...
Um, sorry... God, that was very good, I thought. Very, very good. (I'm still regretting they didn't take the Blake's 7 route, of just *not having the title character in it*, but I guess that would be a bit of a waste of SMG's salary.)
Most heartbreaking moment probably goes to Spike going all fucked in the head & storming out when the Buffybot came on to him. Second most heartbreaking moment: Willow being 'tested'. Third most heartbreaking moment: Willow saying "I'm not leaving her there alone". Fourth: Willow saying "Buffy's gone... she's really gone". Fifth: Buffy seeing the Buffybot get torn apart.
I can't think of anything intelligent to say at all. I just really, really, really liked it. Anya's hair is rubbish, though, and I miss Willow's cute little flick-up at the end, though I do appreciate the fact that she & Tara are getting more physical contact and fewer cutesy metaphors.
Is there *ever* going to be an episode of Buffy that doesn't make me cry, ever again? Ever? |