How dark it's become? Which Buffy have you been watching? It's always had those "overtones" as you put it. Season One was shorter but had it's depressing points. Buffy dies at the end of that one too - it really wasn't all fun and games.
Season Two was Depressing City (Liquidize, Liquidize) and the Buffy/Angel plot arch kept me weeping on the edge of my seat.
Season Three had it's share of ups and downs and actually although good prevailed, Angel leaving, Faith being in a comma and Buffy giving her little pathetic ‘yep, I’m fine’ to Willow at the end - I’m sorry but slap my butt and call me Ricardo if I didn’t weep like a baby-girl all the way through.
Season Four, granted, was an altogether happier season. But after three seasons of up and down misery you have to have a while of them being happy otherwise, what are they fighting for. Wouldn’t they lose hope?
Season five WAS tragic. And that moment at the end of Real Me right up there at the beginning when Buffy gives that hearty laugh at Giles reference to watching Passions with Spike - oh man! Re-watching that was hard, when you know about everything that will happen to her in the next year! I was all “you laugh girl! Laugh while you can!”
I think they’ll have to end it in a really ambiguous way. Having her die again, seems a little too been there done that. She has to find something worth living for again in my book. “Heaven“, as she put it, seems to be real in the Buffyverse and as a Slayer, a warrior for good, so to speak, she’ll get there - why wouldn’t she? Is love what she has to find? I dunno. Angel is the only person she’s ever been in love with and she can’t curl up in mummy or daddy lap anymore, if she ever did. It seems to me the best thing for Buffy would be to forget everything she’s ever been through as the Slayer. To start again. To live for once without the weight of the world on her shoulders. |