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Buffy- Cur. US season, gen. spoiler warning


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Regrettable Juvenilia
07:44 / 07.11.01
Hmm. At the end of 'The Gift', you see him kind of cringing out of the sun (which has only just risen) - that's one of the things that makes that moment so *utterly heart-wrenching*.


About the chip thing...


No, but really, if you don't like having the premise of an episode spoiled a couple of weeks in advance, stop reading now...


Apparently the episode showing on Nov 20 is entitled 'Smashed' and features both the de-ratting of Amy and the de-chipping of Spike. Cripes.
Spatula Clarke
07:44 / 07.11.01
Re: the chip.

In the episode in Season 5 where Spike kidnaps the Initiative surgeon and tries to force him to remove the chip, Harmony clearly sees something metallic in Spike's head - she squeals as soon as the doc exposes it. Sure, it is Harmony, so there's no guarantee that it's actually a behaviour modification chip rather than just a useless shard of junk, but still...
Captain Zoom
12:03 / 07.11.01
Re: One More Time With Feeling

Never, ever erasing the tape. I can't believe they pulled it off so flawlessly.
When is the soundtrack album out?
Give it to me now.

14:48 / 07.11.01
I've already downloaded the whole thing, I found it on KaZaA.
Perfect Tommy
20:44 / 07.11.01
When a suitable time has passed for blatant spoilage, will someone tell me what happened in the very beginning? I tuned in a little late, just in time to catch the mention of bunnies and the realization that things were odd all over town.
Saint Keggers
01:54 / 08.11.01
It was better than the Xena musical ep.
Still have a few missgivings about it....
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:54 / 09.11.01
I managed to find a page where I could download most of the songs from this... Some of them really are remarkably good - the opener (very, um, Sondheim?), Tara's song, Spike's song (inevitably, it rhymes 'slave' with 'grave', heh)...
23:32 / 10.11.01
DT, at the very beginning buffy is killing a bunch of vampires while singing (theme was the same...ripped out of heaven boo-hoo) she kills them and this funny looking goat demon guy all very half-assed and without trying them she saves some romance-novel-cover guy who was tied to a tree. Then she goes to see Giles and the lot to see what was up they all burst into song and you came in...

They really should do an easter episode with Anya and those damned bunnies!
The Damned Yankee
00:30 / 11.11.01
They got the mus-tard OOOOUUUUUT!

Heh. Finally saw it. Anya's bunny riff kicked ass.
The Damned Yankee
00:02 / 14.11.01
On the Nov 13 episode:


Wow, even with magically-induced amnesia, Anya still fears bunnies. That's one deep-seated phobia.
18:13 / 14.11.01
Randy! hahahahahahahaha
Captain Zoom
16:50 / 17.11.01
So it appears that the new "Giles" show will run on the BBC. They've picked up 6 episodes (doesn't that constitue a season over there?), and I've no idea who's carrying it here, if anyone.

Captain Zoom
20:27 / 28.11.01
Was anyone else severely disturbed by the overt preachiness of last night's show? I mean, okay, Willow getting addicted to magic was a cool idea, but the drug parallel was just terrible. How much cooler if she'd been seduced by the dark side, so to speak. Since the musical I think my expectations are too high. Hopefully after the short break things will kick into high gear. And please, no more of those three "super-villains". They're pissing me off.

The Damned Yankee
22:20 / 28.11.01
There's no drug quite like power, and what would Willow do, given that there's no twelve-step program for witchcraft?

Did the scene where Willow was on the ceiling remind anyone else of "Tommy"? Or am I simply delusional in my free association?

I'm also finding a dark humor in Buffy jonesing for Spike. Now there's your trip to the Dark Side! I don't think even Dru scratched Spike up that badly!

Please God, let the trio conjure up a Big Bad real soon, one that kills them all off and gives Buffy a real villain to contend with? Pretty please? With sugar on top?
10:54 / 29.11.01
Good article on the Buffy/Spike relationship here:

"But the past two episodes of the show have been more sexually frank (without being particularly explicit), and more downright exhilarating, than anything I've seen on television in recent years -- perhaps ever. In fact, it's rare to see sex dealt with so bracingly even at the movies. With the exception of David Lynch's Mulholland Drive, I can't think of a recent movie that dealt with the emotional risks and dangers of sex in such a startling and affecting way."'s written some decent articles about this show the past couple of years.
Captain Zoom
18:13 / 29.11.01
Anyone a little creeped out by the overt necrophilia apparent in this show. Buffy certainly seems to have a thing for cold stiffies.

And just to further creep myself out, I think when Spike stuck his hand up Buffy's skirt was just about one of the sexiest things I've seen on TV lately. Maybe not explicit, but pretty damn close.

20:43 / 05.12.01
I too was made queasy by the drug metaphor. I can see what they were going for, but really, why not just have someone addicted to drugs?

So they've left Xander and Anya relatively happy for a relatively long while, and they never leave any couple happy for long. Any theories?
Captain Zoom
20:54 / 05.12.01
Maybe they'll have a big series-ending wedding just like on Beverly Hills.

Oooo, it'll be beautiful. They'll have it at night and Xander and Angel will finally bury the hatchet, Giles will fly back and Buffy will finally stop giving Spike a hard time. Angle will teach his son to call Spike "Unca Spike" and it'll all be good.

or maybe they'll kill off Anya.

Nope, she's in the opening credits. That kinda cements her place. Plus, she's really hot.

Willow rebounds to Xander?

Oh, I give up. Honestly, I think they'll leave them happy. As the show has grown up, dealing with death, drugs (shudder) and all manner of things, Anya and Xander will be a perfect little microcosm in which to explore the various facets of a modern relationship.

Spatula Clarke
10:09 / 06.12.01
quote:Originally posted by Captain Zoom:
Nope, she's in the opening credits. That kinda cements her place.


Whedon has also said (it's on the DVD commentary for the very first episode) that he initially wanted to put Jessie in the opening credits just to throw everyone when he gets killed in the second episode. He backed down when he was told that the money wasn't there to film two different credit sequences.
Jack The Bodiless
21:03 / 06.12.01

De number of Dupre.
16:09 / 07.12.01
I keep thinking that the series as a whole is going to turn out a tragedy. I could see Anya and Xander and Dawn surviving, but I keep suspecting that everyone else will wind up dead. But I suppose that's just the pessimism talking.
Lazlo Woodbine [some call me Laz]
16:49 / 07.12.01
On the subject of Angel's son: surely if there was ever potential for him to feel perfect bliss, fatherhood would be it?

Not that I"m expecting him to go bad all over again, or anything; just's so weird.
Spatula Clarke
16:59 / 07.12.01
quote:Originally posted by Mazarine:
I keep thinking that the series as a whole is going to turn out a tragedy.

And the last one wasn't? To quote my dad (quite the Buffy fan nowadays), "I much prefer the last series of Angel. Buffy's just far too depressing now."
The Packard Goose
17:56 / 07.12.01
Short-term memory's a bit fuzzy right now, but am I right in recalling that, when Xander and Anya announced their engagement to the gang, Buffy turned to Giles and muttered something akin to, "We can't let them do this."?
That, plus the "I'll Never Tell" number in the musical seems like a sign of trouble ahead for the happy couple.
Do vengeance demons approve of pre-nups?
Captain Zoom
09:04 / 08.12.01
In the Fray comic series, they make a veiled reference to the fate of the slayer from the 21st century who banishes all the demons, hence another slayer isn't called for 500 years. They say that she was surrounded by those who helped her but that her fate is still unknown. Whedon is writing this series.

00:32 / 09.12.01
quote:Originally posted by E. Randy Dupre:

And the last one wasn't? To quote my dad (quite the Buffy fan nowadays), "I much prefer the last series of Angel. Buffy's just far too depressing now."

Last season was totally a tragedy, all I'm sayin' is that I don't think there's any other effective way to end the entire show. I think I may have just been studying Greek tragedy for too damned long.

I always miss the good times on Buffy when the really depressing times hit. Like Restless. That was a pretty happy ending.
Captain Zoom
14:30 / 09.12.01
I'd like to see them end the show sort of non-commitally and then make a feature film to end the series. Just one. Kill Buffy at the end. Don't give her the happy ending with Angel. She's survived longer than most slayers do anyway, and it can't end well. A saving the world but really, really dying end would be bittersweet. Can it really end any other way? I don't see Whedon doing it differently. Supposedly he's got it all mapped out anyway. He told SMG during the first season that they'd be killing Buffy at the end of the 5th season. No lie. I think the man knows exactly how it's all going to come down, hence his references in the Fray comic. I'll be really disappointed if it turns out happy.

Plus killing Buffy then giving Angel back his humanity would just be too good for words. Sadistic moi?

Captain Zoom
19:36 / 12.12.01
So last night's episode of Buffy was a repeat, but can I just say that the episode (the one with the Gentlemen) is one of the creepiest hours of TV ever. I want more like this!

09:48 / 13.12.01
They're digging back to Buffy v. Dracula on the 25th. That's, what, three weeks of repeats? Four? Must be holiday break time.
Saint Keggers
09:48 / 13.12.01
Am I the only one that likes the rather morose overtones? I really didnt like the always cutesy-happy teeny bopper slayer. And I was getting kind of overdosed on Willow adding -y to words to form adjectives. I like how dark its become..more character driven. Also the whole black magic episode was utter crap...did they get extra funding for such a blatant anti-drug PSA? I wanted black I though we were going to see from Giles when he first confronts Willow after the Buffy resurection instead we get Willow does White Rabbit.

And I like how Angel's going..the ep. where he went to the head office was great. But I've never gotten around to enjoying the concept of good demons. Demons by their very nature are evil...

[ 13-12-2001: Message edited by: kegboy ]
14:17 / 13.12.01
How dark it's become? Which Buffy have you been watching? It's always had those "overtones" as you put it. Season One was shorter but had it's depressing points. Buffy dies at the end of that one too - it really wasn't all fun and games.

Season Two was Depressing City (Liquidize, Liquidize) and the Buffy/Angel plot arch kept me weeping on the edge of my seat.

Season Three had it's share of ups and downs and actually although good prevailed, Angel leaving, Faith being in a comma and Buffy giving her little pathetic ‘yep, I’m fine’ to Willow at the end - I’m sorry but slap my butt and call me Ricardo if I didn’t weep like a baby-girl all the way through.

Season Four, granted, was an altogether happier season. But after three seasons of up and down misery you have to have a while of them being happy otherwise, what are they fighting for. Wouldn’t they lose hope?

Season five WAS tragic. And that moment at the end of Real Me right up there at the beginning when Buffy gives that hearty laugh at Giles reference to watching Passions with Spike - oh man! Re-watching that was hard, when you know about everything that will happen to her in the next year! I was all “you laugh girl! Laugh while you can!”

I think they’ll have to end it in a really ambiguous way. Having her die again, seems a little too been there done that. She has to find something worth living for again in my book. “Heaven“, as she put it, seems to be real in the Buffyverse and as a Slayer, a warrior for good, so to speak, she’ll get there - why wouldn’t she? Is love what she has to find? I dunno. Angel is the only person she’s ever been in love with and she can’t curl up in mummy or daddy lap anymore, if she ever did. It seems to me the best thing for Buffy would be to forget everything she’s ever been through as the Slayer. To start again. To live for once without the weight of the world on her shoulders.
00:26 / 16.12.01
I have a theory that Oz was the critical factor on the show. I've become even more certain of this since they started showing reruns on FX. It's kind of peculiar, since he's not really _that_ huge a character in the series overall.

Anyone else notice this?
14:09 / 17.12.01
So what exactly is your theory? Daniel Osborne, and all that is he, parallels the Buffyverse… something something..? Do tell.. What bores others, intrigues me? I have many theories about the show and
so in turn waaay too much time on my hands. Does anyone else here have a 7-3-0 theory about Buffy?

Nope? Huh. Me neither. never mind.
Saint Keggers
03:19 / 18.12.01
Just wondering..did they ever do anything with that guy and the cheese from the dream sequence last season?
23:17 / 18.12.01
quote:Originally posted by dawntreader:
Does anyone else here have a 7-3-0 theory about Buffy?

Nope? Huh. Me neither. never mind.


Before whatever the most recent crash or purge of the board was, someone suggested that Faith's comment "Little Miss Muffet counting down from 7-3-0" was a reference to 365 X 2 = 730: two years, which was supposedly two years, give or take, before last season's last episode. But then again, 2000 was a leap year, so it would've been 731. I don't recall whose theory this was, can't take credit for it, if anyone wants to, step on up.

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