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Erotic Movies


Page: 12(3)

20:33 / 23.09.01
OK, time to come out and show how kinky I am

I always found extremely erotic the almost ballettic scene of the seduction of the Princess by Darkness, from the otherwise rather blah Ridley Scott number, "Legend".
The Damned Yankee
00:00 / 24.09.01
Tim Curry strikes again. Damn the man! Even dressed up like a candy apple with horns, he gets more vibe than me!
11:57 / 24.09.01
Oh, god... 'Legend', I forgot completely. Those horns and that chin, really do it for me...
09:43 / 27.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Cholister:
Oh, god... 'Legend', I forgot completely. Those horns and that chin, really do it for me...

C'mon! It's not the bad guy makeup, and I did not mean the rape scene anyway.
It's all about showing the corruption of innocence as a weird ballet.

But maybe that one was too subtle

Try "Center of the World" for size when it comes your way.
Kojak never used lollipops like that.
The Natural Way
09:43 / 27.09.01
I like that ballet scene, too. Don't really find it erotic, though, just a little bit eerie and creepy. You just don't get that kind of weird stylistic excess in Hollywood movies anymore......
Cat Chant
09:43 / 27.09.01
quote:Originally posted by The Damned Yankee:
Oh, let me have my fun, Deva!

Oh, all right then


I'm not even gay, and Tim Curry's sex appeal was still obvious to me!

Brad Majors wasn't gay either y'know...

I must say the airline-hostess catfight sequence in Lair isn't so much erotic for me as... hilarious (especially with Hugh Grant's red felt-tip-pen rising... rising...).

I like the bit just before that, though, where Lady Sylvia & Eve are arm wrestling over the goblet of poison and their eyes are locked.

(I have to say I'm hoping the above will make everyone who hasn't seen this film rush out and get it immediately.)

Hmmm. It seems that whatever makes a film erotic, it's not (usually) sex. I think for me, and I hate to sound so incredibly girly, it's something like...emotion?

The look on Ryan Phillippe's or Reece Witherspoon's or Jennifer Connolly's face when overwhelmed with lust, the intensity of David Bowie's gaze. Even in the toe-sucking scene in From Dusk Till Dawn, it's Quentin Tarantino's *reaction* that does it for me (even though I think he's a nasty little man). Scenarios, with character interaction, rather than acts or body parts.

Also people looking at each other.

How horribly vague and cliched. Someone else do better, please.
13:06 / 27.09.01
DrDee - I don't even *remember* a rape scene in 'Legend'... but still, oh, the horns, and oh, the chin. I can't *help* it!
13:56 / 27.09.01

Just wondering what you have against Tarintino...?
14:48 / 27.09.01
Anyone seen "Girl on the Bridge"? Its a French movie with Vanessa Paradis as a girl who's about to jump off a bridge, when she's stopped by an aging circus knife-thrower with a shaky hand who convinces her to become his assistant. The scenes where they're performing are equally tense and erotic, with each toss of the knife traversing all the feelings from anticipation to climax.
Cat Chant
10:31 / 29.09.01
quote:Originally posted by Chaosbear:

Just wondering what you have against Tarintino...?

Oh, well, above I mostly meant that his character in From Dusk Till Dawn was a nasty little man (it's the rapes that put me off there).

But also I saw QT the real-life person interviewed once and I just thought he was... humourless and self-important, and took his own movies seriously in all the wrong ways. He just seemed more genuinely invested in violence, machismo, etc, than the cartoony post-ironic Pulp-Fiction-type stuff suggested to me, and it scared me rather.
18:03 / 29.09.01
[article solicitation]This might make a good article for the zine if anyone thinks they might wanna write it. Nudge nudge. [/article solicitation]
01:52 / 12.12.02
My god, how could I ever have missed this thread?

Dacapo, dacapo.
20:16 / 13.12.02
Back to this again, but IMHO the most erotic moment in any film that I've seen is the bit in Blade Runner where Deckard says to Rachael 'You play beautifully'. Of course, that's just before the whole film is ruined when she's coerced into sex with him...
Foust is SO authentic
04:10 / 14.12.02
Nobody's mentioned the car wash scene in Wild Things.
The Apple-Picker
11:55 / 14.12.02
Okay. As other people have revealed things they thought were embarrassing and haven't been mocked for them, I'll reveal this:

The scene in "The Avengers" where Ralph Fiennes character is putting those red boots on Uma Therman's character sends me. Oh. My. God. That man is just beautiful anyway, but the look on his face... the eye contact... the red boots...

Also there was "Jeffrey" with Steven Weber (dude from terrible TV show "Wings") and Michael T. Weiss (from "The Pretender"), and though I find neither of them appealing, when they kiss? Oh my.
16:20 / 14.12.02
Velvet Goldmine. Gets me everytime. Quills, Interview with the Vampire, Damage, Lolita....Hell I find just about anything erotic.
I also second Cruel Intentions and Labyrinth.
Oh, and Crash. Even though I personally don't find car crashes to be a turn-on, I still find that movie incredibly erotic.
Mourne Kransky
17:41 / 14.12.02
Just saw a trailer for a Brendan Fraser movie which brought to mind
Gods and Monsters and the scenes were BF "models", with increasing interest and ease, for old lech Ian McKellen.

More Brendan Fraser too, in Philip Ridley's The Passion of Darkly Noon, when he wears a barbed wire vest under his clothes to subdue his erotic yearnings, sadly not for Viggo Mortensen, which would have been so understandable.

SM and voyeurism obviously integral to the "erotic" in my book.
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:58 / 14.12.02
umm. saw Dangerous Liaisons for the first time in years last night.

Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
08:26 / 15.12.02
There are very few erotic movies that I actually find erotic. In fact, when you go the viode store, most anything with the word "erotic" on the box means it's low budget, horridly written and filmed with a lot of soft focus and bad acting by Shannon Tweed.

I find David Lynch's stuff to be very sexually interesting, and pushes a lot of my buttons in odd ways, but for the most part, very few mainstream movies try to stir people's interest below the waist anymore. Wonder why that is, when in the 70's there were a LOT of movies that tried to explore the idea of sexual relationships in the context of good storytelling.
Brigade du jour
01:04 / 17.12.02
Y Tu Mama Tambien. That's all I have to say on this matter.
Jackie Susann
02:25 / 17.12.02
All the scenes of Prince on stage in Purple Rain but, oddly, none of the scenes of him having sex. Also, Aura's dream sequence in Graffiti Bridge, mostly because 'Joy In Repetition', which plays in the background, is (for mine) Prince's sexiest song ever.

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