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Erotic Movies


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20:22 / 28.07.01
What do you think are the most erotic (not necessarily pornographic) movies of all time?

What do you think makes a movie erotic?

[ 29-07-2001: Message edited by: Ellis ]
09:04 / 29.07.01
Hands up anyone who thinks Ellis should get out more?

NOTE: This is ot a hipocritical message.
09:06 / 29.07.01
Wow, thats the fastest case of thread rot i have ever seen.

So anyway... On with the thread...
09:08 / 29.07.01
[cough]Avoidence tactics[/cough]
09:10 / 29.07.01
This was supposed to be a serious thread about... Erotic Movies and I hoped it would blossom into a discussion of how movies are erotic, what tactics a director uses etc, and how the genre has grown through out history.

But you have sullied it.
09:14 / 29.07.01
quote:Translation of what was originally posted by Ellis:

This was meant to be a thread where people recomended films for me to wank along to as I've watche all the porn in my local video shop.

But you have made it a personal attack on my social life

[ 29-07-2001: Message edited by: Pin ]
09:15 / 29.07.01
Do you anything interesting to add to this stillborn discussion Mr. Pin apart from cruel attacks on my person?

I thought not.
09:17 / 29.07.01
09:17 / 29.07.01
So Mr. Pin, what movies do you find to be erotic?
09:19 / 29.07.01
Well... *cough splutter* and *splutter cou...

Hey! What's that got to do with your social life?!
09:21 / 29.07.01
My social life (by which you mean my sex life) is none of your business.

I am very disappointed in the turn this thread has taken, and in you.
09:23 / 29.07.01
That's sweet Ellis, but I have to go to bed now so I'm all fresh and wake for seeing the girl tomorrow. I hope someone comes up with some good ideas soon. All the pent up sexual energy and nowhere to release it... I fear for that cat, I really do.
09:26 / 29.07.01
I just wonder why anyone could be so interested in my social/ sex life.

You realise that Lucy is just waiting for the right time to dump you cause she really likes Ben don't you?

[ 29-07-2001: Message edited by: Ellis ]
09:28 / 29.07.01
Ellis, I don't have a life cos I work. You don't have a life for a reason with two of the same letters in the same places.
09:30 / 29.07.01
Pin, if you like I can forward you the email Lucy sent me...

Anyway, what makes u think I can't wank at work?
09:33 / 29.07.01
(Christ, I can't believe this level of late-night thread-rotting goes on without me...)
09:33 / 29.07.01
Because, Ellis, you don't work. Remember? Is this that denial thing again? And no, wankin in Kate's office as a token of your affection doesn't count. That;s if you ever find kate's office. Or Kate, for that matter.

And no need to forward it, I helped her write it to oy with your fragile mind by getting your hopes up only to have them cruely dashed against the harsh rocks of reality! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

*cough* So where were we..?

[ 29-07-2001: Message edited by: Pin ]
09:36 / 29.07.01
What? Oh, I was just admiring the pictures your mother sent me.

She looks great in crotchless panties and peephole bras.

I know what email you mean Pin, I'm talking about the one she
didn't write with you, where she talks about Ben and how you like to be tied up and have your toes tickled.
09:39 / 29.07.01
Ellis... seducing my mother isn't what most people would term A Good Thing. [cough]Desperate[cough].

And since when was sexual depravity a bad thing in your book? [cough]Misty[/cough]
09:40 / 29.07.01
Pin, my cat died yesterday.

You know that.

That was just... nasty saying that.
09:42 / 29.07.01
Told you the nipple clamps were a bad idea. Probablly gave him a heart attack, seeing you like that... And what sort of name is Misty for a boy?
09:42 / 29.07.01
<offers Pin some cough linctus>
09:45 / 29.07.01
By the way Pin, cause ur so heartless I'm not sending that Fetish book with your X Men comics anymore.
09:46 / 29.07.01
So Ganesh, what movies do you consider to be erotic?

(Do you find man/ woman films erotic or just man/ man ones?)

[ 29-07-2001: Message edited by: Ellis ]
09:47 / 29.07.01
What? No cum-stained pictures of cats in leather corsets? So I'll just settle for the cum-stained pictures of Cyclops instead then...
09:48 / 29.07.01
Well they are what you asked for.
09:51 / 29.07.01
[jealous of ganesh]Right. I'm off to bed. You have fun with your new-found freind won't you. I hope you're very happy together.[/jealous of ganesh]

And besides. You scared the girl:

quote:Originally posted by Ellis:

You realise that Lucy is just waiting for the right time to dump you cause she really likes Ben don't you?

Lucy says:
************* SHUDDER!!!!!!! *************

I hope you're proud. I know I am.
09:52 / 29.07.01

Well you look like a horse!!!!!!
09:54 / 29.07.01
Hey, those are mine.

<snatches back cum-stained X-Men photos>

Films? What?

Uh... 'X-Men' (for Hugh Jarseman, naturellement), 'Mad Max' (bit of an 'Australians in leather' theme, here), 'Gladiator' (ditto).

Dunno, really. I don't tend to get turned on by much visual porn, homo or hetero; I'm much more likely to get, uh, 'turgid' with homoerotic moments in more mainstream films.

Oh, apart from 'The Hunger'; strangely, even I found that erotic - but it could've been because I fancied Catherine Deneuve's flat...
09:54 / 29.07.01
I have a hard time finding most pornography erotic. But then again, the last thing I saw was Edward Penishands, which was just comical.

As for what I do find erotic- The Lost Boys. And most other things with Kiefer Sutherland in them. Beautiful boys, a beautiful lair, and long, beautiful coats. I suppose this probably speaks to my tastes when it comes to power games, architecture, and coats. Mmm, coats. I'll throw in more as I think of them.
Saint Keggers
09:54 / 29.07.01
Well I have to say this started of as one of the the most amusing threads I'd seen in a while. As for erotic movies..Peter Greenaways' "The Pillow Book" is one of the more erotic/sensual movies Ive seen in a while. But that could just be me relating to the artists obssions.
09:54 / 29.07.01
I preferred 'Belly of an Architect', but that might've been because I saw it at the height of my 'thing' for Brian Dennehy...
11:16 / 29.07.01
Well I'll just mention the flashback scenes with Jen and Lo in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, but then I'm a sucker for costume drama anyway.
Might have had something to do with the fact that Yun-Fat Chow and Michelle Yeoh had so much sexual tension going on that you had to get rid of it somewhere.
15:19 / 31.07.01
quote:Originally posted by Mazarine:
I have a hard time finding most pornography erotic. But then again, the last thing I saw was Edward Penishands, which was just comical.

That slow-mo spinning in the white dress near the end, that was beautiful.
priya narma
15:54 / 31.07.01
the hunger never fails to get me all tingly and, ahem...cough, cough, dewy....

bauhaus, ann *meow* magnusan, david *swoon* bowie and catherine *whorship* deneuve...and all in the first few minutes of the film. by the time bowie and deneuve are in the shower i am near comatose for lack of blood going to my brain...oooooh, and don't even get me going on the scenes with mistress deneuve and susan sarandon! i think i may faint right here at my desk at the mere thought. *sigh, pant, pant...ok, back to work, now...i think i have a date with my vcr tonight...*

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