I thought it was pretty clear that Charles was the first to wake up, too. Jean says: "Prof X tried to kill his twin sister in the womb..". I don't think she'd be making such a big deal about it if Charles was the baby acting in self defense. Now the question is "why"? Could he sense her evil right from the get go, or is it something else? Cassandra as birth trauma? The product of Charles's vicious, angry terror?
Lothar, were you under the impression that NXM was being written Marvel style up until this issue? Weirdness....
Every ish of this comic really does feel very different from the last. And Grant's still hammering out that wicked horror vibe, with this ish: The claustrophobic, hellish landscape, snapping, gobbing doors (urgh!), foetus fight.... And Randy, I don't think Grant's "found his feet", or whatever. It sounds to me like your trying to make some kind of objective truth out of an internal one. You just liked this ish - doesn't mean Grant's suddenly managed to *sort it out*. Far as I'm concerned it was never unsorted...
I love the way this story juxtaposes with GFG - the trade's gonna be real odd.
Yeah, I don't get the whole "I don't like the way Quitely draws Cyk" thing, either. And the hospital scene? I'm not sure I get what yr moaning about at all.... Each to his own, I suppose.
That bridge...so animated.
And I lurv the thing about the wheelchair as cross. Very clever. |