quote:Originally posted by Sax:
Come on, leather boy, don't be shy...
Oh, I'm not, believe me. It's just difficult to know quite how to answer a question like this. Without derailing too much into theory-bitch territory, I probably find a good proportion of my everyday surrounding at least vaguely "kinky" - or are we talking specifically sexual (ie. stuff that gives me a hardon and/or makes me come)? Lots of things fascinate me - or, if we want to be physiological about this - make my pupils dilate and my pulse beat slightly faster. What constitutes a "kink"?
Yeah yeah, Ganesh, can't you de-eroticise yourself enough to answer just one simple question? Okay, I'll try.
Leather. On another man, or on me. Sight, smell, sound, touch - and taste? The more the better. A pretty wide range of types, stereotypes and situations: long, 'Matrix' coats; 'smart' leather jackets and trousers; 'Tom of Finland' motorcycle cops in full bike leathers; one-piece, two-piece suits, gloves, boots. Hell, in the right mood, I can even find coloured leather sexy...
Backs of heads, closely-cropped napes of necks - usually male. Bit Japanese, this one; frequently ruined when the unwitting object of my affections turns around.
Cropped hair generally (like it on men and women - clearly the far-reaching influence of Servalan upon my developing desires). Partner's just got a "sir yes sir" buzz-cut which renders him quite irresistable.
Stockiness. Not out-and-out obesity (although, nascent chubby-chaser that I undoubtedly am, guys need to be pretty lardy for me to find them an all-out turn-off) so much as "rugby player".
Blue skin. Generally more attractive on comic characters (Beast, Nightcrawler, Edie from 'X-Force') than real-life lust objects.
Uniforms of all types. As well as the obvious authority figures (police, army, etc.), sports kit (football, rugby, boxing and - mmm - fencing). Masks and helmets always a plus. Oh yeah, and the whole GQ-esque fetishisation of the suited, booted "business look" can occasionally stir my oats.
Older men. Not geriatric, but thirty, forty, possibly fiftysomething.
Hairiness. Not on the back, though.
Bondage - from simple handcuffs/ropetying to "wake the gimp" straitjacketed excess - but generally not actual pain (a lot of people think the two automatically go together; they don't).
Sensory deprivation: being blindfolded, even ear-plugged. Feeling my way...
Rain. Especially warm rain. Nothing quite as sexy as being caught in a sudden tropical downpour. Thunder and lightning a plus.
Australian accents.
The ol' black 'n' shiny - latex, PVC... Not as instantly sexy as leather, but still erotic. Especially (and this is straight out of Alisdair Gray's 'Something Leather') on someone slightly unused to wearing the gear - a little uncomfortable, but warming up...
Intelligence, especially hands-on efficient intelligence.
Hmm. That'll do for now.
"When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling saaad..." |