Today at work I had to write the sentence, "I would also have accepted a mulatto, an albino, or my libido," which I thought was pretty funny. Probably not much of a recipe, though.
no, but they do sound like types of cheeses or meats. "I'll take 1/2 pound of mulato, a few slices of old albino and better throw in a few inches of libino just to be sure."
A music quiz show played a clip from Nirvana, the question was 'Name one of the items mentioned in this chorus?' They answered, 'Mosquito'. Host explained he would also have accepted, etc.
It's mostly pretty dull work - lots of sitting at a desk, lots of mind-numbing children's show and just general bad television. And the shifts are 10 hours plus.
Very happy to have just...four and a half hours to go.
The pay got pretty good a few months back, when they brought in a bonus scheme if you caption more than 200 minutes of TV a week. The base pay is pretty average. I can caption pretty fast, so with the bonuses, it works out good for me.
Is anybody up and about? I'm working on a story and listening to my new "Doctor Aquaman" playlist, dreaming of weird science TV shows that will never be.
I'm good. I just watched that documentary about Slavoj Zizek; my, he's a droll customer. It made me want to finish reading that book of his I bought and which I dropped for no reason other than my radically short attention span.
The name rings a bell. Is he a philospoher or a novelist?
I've started far more books than I've finished recently, I've been trying to limit myself to books around 200 pages long, but I've just had to drop Murakami's After Dark because I bought David Simon's Homicide book (625 Pages!)
He's a rather funny, extremely sharp Lacanian philosopher about whom we have a thread here, and I'm fairly there's other references to him dotted around in the recesses of HS. His trolling abilities are second to none, inasmuch as he keeps a kitsch portrait of Stalin inside his front door and waits eagerly for visitors to get outraged by it.
I'm still annoyed that I couldn't come to your Wire-athon... now I've got rid of my TV will I have to wait and rent season five on DVD?