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CD Mix May 2008: Summertime Desire


Page: 12(3)

02:16 / 03.07.08
you can always post the "who"s of the tracklisting here using those fancy spoiler tags that you have to highlight for info.
02:35 / 03.07.08
may mix

i assume pc users can deal with zip archives easily enough. if i'm totally wrong, let me know and i'll rar it.

someone's gonna need to help me out with a tracklisting, i have no scanner.
07:25 / 03.07.08
The mp3 files work fine on my pc. Thanks for the link and zip, palace politics!

And yes, it would be nice if someone could post artist and song title for each track.
08:04 / 03.07.08
1. tom waits, frank's wild years
2. saul williams, notice of eviction
3. yungchen lhamo, om manu padme hung
4. regina spektor, the call
5. tori amos, body and soul
6. the mad capsule markets, island
7. the chills, heavenly pop hit
8. electrelane, bells
9. stan getz & joao gilberto, desafinado
10. jazz jazzist, made for radio
11. bill withers, i can't write lefthanded

will list the requests these stemmed from tomorrow if someone doesn't get to it before me.
08:35 / 03.07.08
Thank you for the tracklisting, palace!

Here´s my edited version of the tracklisting, for people who like me have the compulsive need for the tracks to be all capitalized.

01 Tom Waits - Frank´s Wild Years
02 Saul Williams - Notice Of Eviction
03 Yungchen Ihamo - Om Manu Padme Hung
04 Regina Spektor - The Call
05 Tori Amos - Body And Soul
06 The Mad Capsule Markets - Island
07 The Chills - Heavenly Pop Hit
08 Electrelane - Bells
09 Stan Getz & Joao Gilberto - Desafinado
10 Jazz Jazzist - Made For Radio
11 Bill Withers - I Can´t Write Lefthanded
Eek! A Freek!
13:19 / 03.07.08
This looks amazing! I'm going to dl it tonight... Thankyouthankyouthankyou!
01:27 / 04.07.08
for those that are a bit OCD about their itunes tags, track three should be Lhamo with an "L".
Blue Eyes Not Innocent
12:15 / 05.07.08
I don't have any objections to putting up a list of who picked what and in fact, I'd be interested to know who made some of these awesome calls.
16:04 / 05.07.08
I'll get to it as soon as I have a little more spare time.

And when Dr. Who isn't on in thirty-five minutes.
Eek! A Freek!
12:17 / 10.07.08
I wanted to say thanks again. I have it in my car at the moment and I pretty much love every song. I was familiar with 3 of the artists, Waits, Amos, Spektor, and the rest were all beautiful surprises.

About 10-15 years ago there was a great music mag that came out with a CD every 2 months or so. It was called CMJ. It turned me on to so much good music when it came out...

This mix reminded me of a CMJ mix.

There is a great idea from one of my favorite shows Here and I am going to do this with the MayMix... Share the Joy!

I hope there will be another and I look forward to participating or helping...
Eek! A Freek!
12:20 / 11.07.08
There is a great idea from one of my favorite shows Here and I am going to do this with the MayMix... Share the Joy!

I have not done this yet and realised that it was rude to not ask permission of the contributors. I get giddy with music and I love sharing. So... Would anyone be offended or otherwise annoyed if I made a copy of the mix, wrote "Barbelith MayMix" and the Hours' website on it, and dropped it in a public location?

Say nay and it shant be done.
21:23 / 11.07.08
i, for one, have no problem with sharing. being part of the mix creation is fun and sort of club-y, but once everyone involved gets first crack at them i see no reason not to share with anyone interested.
Blue Eyes Not Innocent
11:43 / 28.07.08
Hey, I wanted to say thanks to whoever put Saul Williams onto this CD, by the way; I'd never heard his work before, and wow is he good. Don't get me wrong, I loved the rest of the mix too, but this stood out as one of my favorites and got me into an artist that I'd never really given a listen to. So thanks!

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