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CD Mix May 2008: Summertime Desire


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00:27 / 16.05.08
my track is found but isn't on this computer... will send tomorrow, hope it's not too late.
03:47 / 18.05.08
track sent, hopefully not the last of the bunch.
17:24 / 18.05.08
No no.

Right, I now have seven tracks in, which is good.
Essential Dazzler
18:12 / 18.05.08
you can have mine tomorrow.
22:48 / 18.05.08
Did you get my yousendit?
10:11 / 20.05.08
I have my track... and I ripped it from the CD... but am having trouble working out how to send it because its too big for email, does anyone feel like pming me with alternative suggestions? Sorry for being daisy-like!
14:32 / 20.05.08
(Google "yousendit"!)
16:00 / 20.05.08
Thanks grant!

Track is yousendited... hope it reaches you fine
16:58 / 20.05.08
machineisbored: Yes! Yes I did.

Sailor Warrior of Love&Justice: I look forward to it.

Haloquin: Yousendit wants to be your friend. Will you let it? It has flowers for you.
10:24 / 21.05.08
Aw... Its so sweet. And it very kndly offered to courier my track to you, has it reached you yet?
13:42 / 21.05.08
I love the use of "yousendit" as a verb.. as in "I are yousenditing it to you"/"It are being yousendited right nows".. Crying out for a lolcat.
17:10 / 21.05.08
Haloquin: Yes, it's made it here intact.
22:13 / 21.05.08
U meen Lyk Thiz?

/Bad Lolcat building
20:22 / 25.05.08
Right then - only one more track to come in, then the actual cd-making takes place.
18:03 / 26.05.08

All the tracks are, I believe, here. The prospective cd-making takes place this very week.

Please, at your convenience, let me know via pm the postal address you would like it sent to!
17:57 / 05.06.08

Right then! I believe I have all the tracks, plus all the addresses I need. I'm now going to put them in order and Make The CDs.
electric monk
18:42 / 05.06.08
Wait! Don't forget me!

PMing you my address now. I'm teh slaxxor.
17:44 / 15.06.08
Hello Feverfew... how're the fires burning?
01:02 / 19.06.08
17:41 / 19.06.08
Mea Culpa!

It took me longer to get round to this than I intended, but not through personal choice.

I've just put the tracks in the order that seems to make sense, but it's... different... for this mix. In the mixes I've done previously, it's been relatively easy; they've had a distinct theme, which means that it was a case of making sure there was an overall smoothness and no jarring transitions.

Like, say, on my last mix, when I thought it would be a good idea to throw in the Reverend A.W. Nix's sermon on The Black Diamond Express Train To Hell as a cd-ender. Big oops, there. Not really stylish.

In this mix, because everyone's seeking different things, and then other people are trying to provide tracks to match those requests, there's a fairly impressive difference in the tracks and style that have come in.

So much so, in fact, that in setting the tracklisting, I've had to use one track to detoxify the previous track so that there's not a massive disconnect in style and tone. This is a fairly new idea to me, but it seems to have worked.

So, the CDs are being made as we speak, and I will be posting them tomorrow. This means for those on Mainland Britain that they may even be there by Saturday morning, while I'm afraid our American cousins will have to wait slightly longer.

But there's music on here that makes my neck tingle, so hopefully that'll negate the wait.
16:46 / 20.06.08

Posted! Now it's just down to the Royal Mail to do their thing.
21:22 / 20.06.08
Thanks, Ichi-san!
10:43 / 21.06.08
The CD arrived this morning and I've just now sat down to listen to it. Thanks Feverfew! Will say more when I've had a chance to hear it all.
Mike Modular
16:50 / 21.06.08
Mine has arrived, but I haven't had time to listen to it yet. Looks very, very good though...
02:49 / 24.06.08
Just got mine. looks lovely, fine tracklist. unfortunately, must sleep. will listen tomorrow. Thanks, Feverfew!
15:32 / 24.06.08
Ahhhh. This is so nice.

Oddly, this is the most relaxing Barbelith mix I've heard yet.

And mine has a theremin in it! (Or maybe an ondes Martenot.) Sweeet.
18:17 / 24.06.08
If it's already arrived with you, grant, then I take back anything and everything I may have said about the Royal Mail in the past.
21:17 / 24.06.08
I got mine today- I can't wait to listen. Thank you Ichi and everyone (including the Royal Mail).
Blue Eyes Not Innocent
13:48 / 25.06.08
Mine arrived at some point while I was in Seattle, so it's currently being ripped to iTunes, and I'll be giving it a listen this morning before work. Thanks everybody, this looks interesting!
03:58 / 27.06.08
I'm too fond of all my barbemixes to declare some sort of favorite, but i have to say that this one is extra-wonderful. i've listened to it twice a day for the past two days, and it's just starting to reveal it's greatness to me. much thanks to all contributors, and especially our fair curator.

a question for feverfew: this cd got from england to west coast u.s. in 3 days. that amazes me. was this regular airmail, or some sort of expedited mail?
14:39 / 27.06.08
I'm as amazed as you are - I used the time-honoured technique of using the postal scales at work, getting the amount, then adding a stamp on top just to make sure. Glad they're arriving, though!
Eek! A Freek!
19:26 / 27.06.08
I really missed out on this one, having recently joined when the thread started and am sorry I did...
Is it possible for someone to post or PM the track/artist list so I can see what I'm missing and maybe I'll be able to hunt down and buy some of the more interesting tracks?
I promise I'll contribute if there's another one...
20:53 / 27.06.08
if none of the contributors object in the next day or two, i'll upload the mix and send a yousendit link to you on sunday.
17:34 / 02.07.08
I have no real objections, other than than a stipulation that people who download the mix give their opinions, also.

Plus - do people want to know who picked their track, or would you all rather it remains a mystery?
20:08 / 02.07.08
Oh, I think knowing is part of the fun!

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