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CD Mix May 2008: Summertime Desire


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18:40 / 17.04.08
Been a long time. Shouldn't have left you - without a dope beat to step to.

But enough of that.

I'm planning ahead for a change, because this CD has the potential to be different, quirky, troublesome etc.

Here's the drill. Listen up! There will be a test afterwards.

(I) You volunteer. (This is the easy part).

(II) You think of a type, genre or kind of song you want. You can be as detailed or vague as you like; you may say, for instance, that you're looking for the most sizzling, most passionate flamenco track ever, or alternatively you may be frighteningly specific.

(III) Once enough people have volunteered, then the requests will be collated.

(IV) Then, the requests will be forwarded to one random other person involved in this mix, who has the challenge of finding a track from their collection to best suit your request.

(V) Once this has been done, all the tracks are forwarded to me, and because I'm good like that, I order them, put them on a CD and post it out to you.

(VI) You, most hopefully, experience joy upon receiving said CD. (Joy optional, although preferred.)

First things first; if you're up for it, volunteer!
19:42 / 17.04.08
OK, I'm game. Although I like the idea of listening to the same thing everyone else listens to.

I'm a conformist like that.
Essential Dazzler
10:45 / 18.04.08
Sounds like fun, I'm game.
Mike Modular
12:26 / 18.04.08
Me too please.
16:34 / 18.04.08
I was starting to think that the impending death was going to happen before another one of these happened. I'd like in, with the usual "I'll sit out so that someone who hasn't been on one of these can make the cut if need be" caveat.
20:42 / 19.04.08

I'm in, please.

Although my music collection is not that extensive genre wise so I can see it being a real challenge!
Aha! I am Klarion
02:45 / 20.04.08
05:07 / 20.04.08
ok, now that requests are being made publicly, i should voice the question i've had since the beginning:

are we supposed to put our requests in directly to feverfew (who will then redistribute randomly) or are we supposed to actually list them in thread? i was kind of excited about the surprise element, but this should be a pretty unpredictable mix either way.
09:24 / 20.04.08
This sounds like fun. I'd think it would work better if no-one but Feverfew sees all the requests - add a mystery element to it (although of course even if we knew all the requests, we're not going to know what actually gets picked..)
09:25 / 20.04.08
Oh and I meant to say I'm in!
20:30 / 25.04.08
PP - I was going to propose either option. However, it would most likely be more fun for people to submit secret requests that then get forwarded on, and it also allows for more creativity and less embarassment than publicly declaring you want the sound of a Singapore brothel's last hour before closing.

Haloquin - the challenge is the thing! Remember; your ideal outcome should look something like this:

Just in case you were wondering.

So, so far the list is as follows:

Pacific State
Mike Modular
Palace Politics
Zibarro in the Real

Now, I'm prepared to go ahead with limited numbers - think of it as exclusivity, dammit - but as this is the May Mix, there's a little wiggle room here.

C'mon! C'MON!
Blue Eyes Not Innocent
12:31 / 26.04.08
I could be in for this, sure.
22:34 / 26.04.08
With you, Feverfew, that is 9 people. Not a bad number at this point methinks.
electric monk
12:37 / 28.04.08
Make it 10?
16:53 / 28.04.08
Ten is good. Right, everyone, get to thinking, jot something down and PM me at your convenience.
22:27 / 28.04.08
I'll go elevensies, as long as I don't have to do anything Russ Meyers.
Aha! I am Klarion
01:44 / 29.04.08
but you must admit, the fellow did have a beautiful mustache and he'd slap you around good like Hemingway
09:41 / 29.04.08
I'm thinking, I'm thinking. Finding it difficult to word the request without sounding like an idiot.

When you put the CD together are you going to publish the requests next to the relevant tracks on the tracklisting?
15:41 / 29.04.08
I was thinking that would be good - by the way, Tsuga, hi! and welcome - i.e. [request / or slightly shortened request if it's an essay] = [track name], or something more prettily phrased.

Get going on the ideas!
Aha! I am Klarion
04:22 / 01.05.08
Could somebody post the track listing for the previous mix, I am curious.
14:32 / 01.05.08
The Adventure Soundtrack from January?

I can over the next couple of days, I'll post it in the Jan Mix thread, so's not to clutter this one.

*thinks about request*
16:47 / 01.05.08
My request: [SONG ABOUT RADIO]
I've always wanted to do an all-radio mix.
16:52 / 01.05.08
PMs! PMs are your friends! But in this instance, grant, you're technically forgiven.
19:07 / 01.05.08
Only (snif) technically??
Aha! I am Klarion
22:25 / 01.05.08
Your mantis kung-fu is no match for my forgiveness technique
19:26 / 04.05.08
I'll be catching up on this hopefully tomorrow, but so far I've had requests from around seven people, so there may be reminder PMs going out soon.

If you haven't sent through your request, yet, look deep into your soul and ask yourself; why not?
15:35 / 06.05.08
Now, I have a headache.
16:04 / 06.05.08
Have you tried feverfew?
19:03 / 06.05.08
Delicious irony helps my headache not a jot, alas.

I think I have requests in from everyone, and have shuffled them about like a beautiful deck of cards before dealing them out to most people - there are one or two to go, though.
19:38 / 06.05.08
Ok then!

Everyone has, I believe, submitted a request, and everyone should have received an assignment (except Palace Politics, who received two by my error - sorry! - and has been reassigned).

All should now theoretically be in order - please get to thinking about a track, then let me know when it's ready. Preferential deadline is by the end of this week.
19:39 / 13.05.08
Right then!

I believe I have received four tracks so far, which isn't bad as submission rates go; but, the rest of you, this is your bike:

Get on it!
10:34 / 14.05.08
Thats not a bike, this is a bike..

Its a Benz, 199 made, and would cost you a cool coupla thou. But my gosh, teh sex!

I've been ultra busy recently and haven't had a spare sec at home to e-mail you the track, won't have a chance tonight either as I'm going to the circus, but I'll do it tomorrow, promise.
16:28 / 14.05.08
Ummm... I have a track... has been revising for exams and lost track of the days *looks mournfully up in shame* sorry.

But, ummm... where do I email it to? Please PM me the appropriate place!
19:00 / 14.05.08
I have five so far, and I'd like to take a minute to say how... I don't know what the word is, but "Impressed" will do for now.

This is the third CD Mix I've done so far, and I'm always consistently happily impressed with the music people submit.

Haloquin, I've pm'd you the email address to forward songs to. So far, I have five, and, as you can tell, they're basically a happy in song form.

This means there should be - unless my ability to count has suffered - five more tracks to come in plus my own submission. There's no spectacular rush right at this very instant, but the quicker the better, as opposed to lazy daisy.
Blue Eyes Not Innocent
14:33 / 15.05.08
I've got a few in mind(that request you sent me was a trip!), I'm just narrowing them down and I'll send it off to you, hopefully within the next couple of days.

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