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02:26 / 28.11.07
There are more. They are in the kitchen and my room, the hallway...everywhere!
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
02:37 / 28.11.07
I've been encouraged this year because I'm finding more and more comics that aren't "Big Two" to focus on. Casanova and King City for example. The gut-splatter stuff doesn't do it for me. I console myself that this is just another wave of post-Nineties nostalgia in its own way.

I'm playing a lot of Facebook Scrabble when I should be writing. I keep thinking about that weird Star Trek episode with Ashley Judd, where that space game was brainwashing everybody...
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
02:40 / 28.11.07
Chryis -- sounds like my fruit fly problem from a while ago. I was the Lord of the Flies but it sounds like you've taken over from me. Thank god. It's a painful and confusing office to hold.
02:59 / 28.11.07
Yeah, 'cept I am "Lady of the Bugs"

Flyboy might find that amusing.

Geez, the puns are not letting up.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:09 / 28.11.07
I've got a couple more days til I can change my name, and I'm debating leaving the pulp and paper industry behind. "Loaded sentence" is oddly appealing.

You should be Lady of the Bugs next.
Saint Keggers
03:10 / 28.11.07
I liked Lordy Bugs
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:12 / 28.11.07
"Good Golly, Lordy Bugs" would be a great title. I'm going to file that somewhere.
03:14 / 28.11.07
Oh dear. Lady of the Bugs? Maybe Lady of the Birds. I just don't feel the bug thig, but I could grow on me.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:15 / 28.11.07
You don't want to be our insectoid death queen?
Saint Keggers
03:28 / 28.11.07
CE as an "Insectoid Lady Death Queen" will give me nightmares tonight.

and in a bid to face my fears Im off to bed. G'night all.
03:32 / 28.11.07
Good night Veng!

Guess where the bed bugs will bite tonight!
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:32 / 28.11.07
Then I fear I'm the last Barbenaut left on this dying satellite, piece of space trash flung into the sun. The heat! The oxygen boiling away--
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:33 / 28.11.07
Chrysis! You're still here. Thank god.
03:35 / 28.11.07
Yes, I am just chatting with a friend who is dealing with their addiction. It is funny, but they used to be the one telling me that I need to "clear my head". Now they are asking me how I did it.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
03:38 / 28.11.07
Have you done any research into getting rid of lady bugs yet?
03:40 / 28.11.07
I rather like the lady bugs. Just not the noisy ones!
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
04:10 / 28.11.07
It's crazy how much of my vocabulary blossomed as a result of comic books when I was a kid. Thanks to Doctor Strange going on about the "Hoary Hosts of Hoggarth," I just scored big in Scrabble. Hoary!
Saint Keggers
03:02 / 29.11.07
Anyone? Its been q-u-i-e-t.
03:10 / 29.11.07
Yeah, just at work and stuff.
Saint Keggers
03:23 / 29.11.07
It's the and stuff that always ruins things.
I too am at work. Sort of. Im at friends place, waiting until tomorrow when I can get back to painting.
This Sunday
03:30 / 29.11.07
Hello, shift!

Working like a hungry dog hoping that one good leap will net me the steak somebody left at the edge of the kitchen counter. Thought I'd break and shift.
Saint Keggers
03:32 / 29.11.07
Good to have you around Deca. Let's hope you get your steak. (the drooling is leaving a puddle on the linoleum)
03:38 / 29.11.07
Oh dear, I am addicted to this Cybermen Risk game on the BBC site.

Must go infiltrate their base!
This Sunday
03:41 / 29.11.07
If I don't, I'll just go bite somebody later and they'll never make the connection.

I actually must be in a better mood than I think; I caught myself doing the electric slide in the laundry room earlier. Work's kicking my ass, my housing situation and the politics of business and life, also kicking my ass - and way way behind on submissions and a couple deadlines are just barely going to be hit - but somebody witty, pretty, and with warm feet's coming out to catch up in a few short weeks, so I'm a little bit Yay! under all the Argh! Fuck!

How's the painting going, V? Disney destroyed your brain, yet?
Saint Keggers
03:44 / 29.11.07
No suprisingly it hasn't. Today it went well. Im almost not unpleased with it.
This Sunday
04:03 / 29.11.07
I got put out with someone the other day, for telling me that they lost the swing of a script they were reviewing for me. The scene was the protagonist having an opportunity to be charming, helpful, and all kinds of decent and instead turning into a cocky asshole trying to be charming and helpful and smooth. We block him out to focus on the gal who's just been crushed by his dropping the ball. Because the reviewer was uncomfortable with my leaving her in a good light and just letting the protagonist get it wrong, and then let them both not discuss it at a dinner with friends that night.

They literally - and this is someone of some note - said they were upset because they understood she must have done something to cause the protagonist to be an ass, but couldn't locate the impetus in the script. (There isn't any impetus; he just fucks up.) They apparently spent a considerable amount of time going back over the scene, trying to find some reason to not be sympathetic to her. Because, said the reviewer, women can do that. Women can make you be an asshole, just doing little things that make them look innocent when the event comes to light... and they thought that's where I was going with it.

After I was done being sick over that, I was just annoyed. Still annoyed, and glad they aren't interested in producing after the current hoohaw is settled.
Saint Keggers
04:09 / 29.11.07
Wow. That's so many levels of wrong. You know what else is wrong? That you are not legally allowed to take your script and beat that person to death with it. How did this person get into the position he/she had?
This Sunday
04:22 / 29.11.07
This is someone married, with kids, and his name on things I like. It was kinda heartbreaking; I mean, I only showed him the script because I thought I'd get good advice, right? A between acquaintances gesture - I took a script he's supposed to be working on soon, passed him one of mine - because I thought he'd have something useful or interesting to say. And he was all good with it up to that bit and then, apparently, it was over.

'I don't like it' or 'it isn't any good' I could stand, but that he put that kind of effort into... I just don't get some people's heads and the way they're wired up.
Saint Keggers
04:22 / 29.11.07
ok. Cant avoid it anymore. Bed time. gad, I am getting old.

This Sunday
04:23 / 29.11.07
Night, Veng.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
01:38 / 30.11.07
Anybody up?
This Sunday
01:43 / 30.11.07
I'm pretending to be awake, is that good enough?

Anyhow, how's by you, Papers?
Saint Keggers
01:50 / 30.11.07
Im here too! Hello Papers and Decadent!
01:51 / 30.11.07
Hello Deca, Papers...and there is Veng
02:03 / 30.11.07
So, no one is speaking to anyone here?

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