Really digging that 'Ride More; Diet Less.' That's beyond better than suffering the sight of pies behind glass, sad puppy-dog eyes and stomach rumbling belieing the stoic serious dieting.
I sometimes wonder if I'm the only young guy trying to forcefeed everybody, needling grandparenty-style. Not that I'm shooting for an obese world, but I hate to see people restrain themselves unnecessarily or out of somehow transfiguring a social-expectation to morality-status. And, in the case of food/weight, 'people' really does mostly mean 'women,' sadly. It's not like wanting pie is being addicted to heroin, but the guilt seen in some faces eyeing a menu?
I'd wager, we've all known enough guys convinced their lovehandles, say, were sexy, and working to keep them, but gods and Maxim forbid that a woman they're with have the slightest bit of subcutaneous matter not blood or skeleton.
It sometimes seems men are actually encouraged to get bulkier. It's the inverse from the first post, in that even some of the fitter men on television or in a magazine spread tend to have at least one area they've let go, and the average clothing shop has a men's section designed to cater to larger fellows (larger than me, anyway). Especially if you want stylish clothes, (Calvin Klein stuff, aside) more bulk can only help - and being six foot plus, but that's a whole other kettle. I'm rarely convinced I'm even approaching lookin' good, but I can manage to enjoy my state, I guess; convince myself of some fetishization of a failure to be fit as hell and immaculately gorgeous (or focus on my pedestrian status resulting in nice legs, and ignoring the rest of me) - which, I think a lot of guys can, and are encouraged societally, to do. Temporary or not, most of the women I know can't quite manage that.
One of my best friends used to be a model, was in Maxim-type mags, and now that she's allowed herself to just enjoy things, she's - not fat, necessarily, but - sturdier, and happier and calmer, and... not getting a lot of modeling work, any more. Which, does sometimes work in the other direction, too, just not if you want to lay about in a bikini and get paid for it, or something. Not a great revelation, no, but there's no way I'd encourage her to cut back on the porkchops and cheesecake so long as she's not suffering ill-health and she's all smiley and cheerful. |