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22:19 / 09.07.07
Glad I managed to see this at the cinema actually there was a very nice wtf moment between everyone in the place. So no chance of it being anything related to Lost then? Extra points for Lizzy Caplan.
Phex: Dorset Doom
22:21 / 09.07.07
Psst. Here's a spy report from the set. Don't tell anyone.
Interestingly, parts of the film are being shot in L.A, which means the Cthulu/Godzilla/Voltron/Trunko/Stay Puft Marshmallow Man attack might not be localized to the East Coast (the dread Cthulu does lie waiting for the stars to align so that He may rise and feast upon humanity in the Pacific ocean after all kids!), though they may just be shooting the odd scene or two there.
22:51 / 09.07.07
i just happened to notice i am wearing my lovecraft t-shirt today, which i hardly ever wear. weird.....
Jack Fear
11:42 / 10.07.07
[+] [-] Spoiler
11:59 / 10.07.07
Better not be Voltron. Give a fuck
This Sunday
12:13 / 10.07.07
Voltron, Cthulu, Godzilla*... whatever it is, I've already bought in. Novelty incapacitates my brain and makes me love even the dopiest things**, and this has nothing for it but novelty, so far. Especially if the whole thing is shot the way the preview is. How cool would the big 'splodey mad FX look for ninety minutes, through a 'documentary' lens? Low-budget look + high production values might just have the frisson to generate cinematic true love. And if it's something totally different from that, well, still, I already know I'm buying a ticket.

If the whole movie is just teasing and pulling the camera away from the real impressive stuff to make it more impressive in our imaginations? Then I'll be annoyed.

*Toho just recently admitted they're not adhering to the 'no Godzilla for ten years' plan, with the new IMAX film being the beginnings of this.

**I'm going to tune into the end of the last of the sixth Nightmare on Elm St flick today, to see if the 3-D parts are in 3-D when you watch it on TV.
12:19 / 10.07.07
>>>Voltron, Cthulu, Godzilla<<<

I know that Hollywood maybe doesn't have the best track record for originality, but why is the default assumption from everyone that it's a remake of something? Surely it's not that inconceivable that Abrams and co. have come up with their own idea...?
12:36 / 10.07.07
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why films don't have to be good any more.
12:36 / 10.07.07
This site is apparently related.

Read the "history" of Slusho.

Someone who was working on the film wrote in a spy report claiming that the Cloverfield crew are shooting with "Slusho: Bet you can't drink just 6" logos on their trucks and equipment as a cover.
Thorn Davis
13:09 / 10.07.07
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why films don't have to be good any more

I don't know about 'any more'. Novelty as a selling point has always been a part of the dazzling spectacle of cinema, right back to 'Train Coming into Station' or 'Moon Gets a Rocket in the Face'. Sound, Technicolor, Panavision, 3D, Stop Motion, CGI, Model Work, new and explicit violence, new and explicit sex, even electric shocks and actors in costume in the theatre have all been played up as gimmicky selling points in their own right. This shrouded in secrecy schtick, as well as the 'edited together from camera phones' gambit surely belongs to that same tradition of sideshow novelty?
13:30 / 10.07.07
I think Haus was saying something more along the lines of... Well, this pervasive feeling we all have now, that going to the movies these days is sort of like going to a restaurant, choosing an expensive dish and then lose time, appetite and patience picking out all the stuff that was badly done or that you just plain don't like. You try to ignore the obvious, insipid, ill-placed soundtrack, shove the pepperoni to the side, swallow the hammy dialogues real quick so you don't have to chew on them etc... Often times there's nothing left to eat and you leave the restaurant even hungrier than when you came in.
Why didn't they make a good dish, to begin with? Maybe because they know everybody these days expects to lose time, patience and appetite picking out all the stuff they don't like out of their dishes, so the cooks don't need to make 'em real good as before. If your standards ain't that high... I don't know, expect boogers.
13:49 / 10.07.07
Just so everyone's clear it would seem that the Ethan Haas sites have nothing to do with the Cloverfield movie (JJ Abrams say's so) - both campaigns would appear to be tied to Paramount Pictures, however.

In the wake of reading the script review, I'm coming round to the notion that Ethan Haas is the beginning of a viral ad campaign for Voltron. I sooo wanted expensive DV cam mythos scary-action...

Sad now.
13:55 / 10.07.07
hahahaha! so is the history section of the slusho site is saying if we drink the "special ingredient" found on the bottom of the ocean floor we will become huge like the elder gods? oh this is getting good...
14:05 / 10.07.07
I sooo wanted expensive DV cam mythos scary-action...

14:09 / 10.07.07
Novelty as a selling point has always been a part of the dazzling spectacle of cinema, right back to 'Train Coming into Station' or 'Moon Gets a Rocket in the Face'.

True, absolutely, but what confuses me here is that I don't see what's novel. It's a monster movie. It might be novel if it were recorded entirely through camera phones, but it won't be, so it isn't. At best you'll have two familiar concepts (steadicam, monster movie) combined, as Nightmare on Elm Street 6 migth be considered to combine horror movie and novelty (in this case, 3-D) movie.
This Sunday
14:23 / 10.07.07
I thought Haus was responding to the 'why do we assume it's a remake/adaptation' rather than the novelty-sell. If it's the novelty, though, don't underestimate novelty's ability to be a good thing. It doesn't mean the rest of the thing is bad, any more than putting chocolate in your cornbread means the corn meal was bad or the baking wouldn't be up to snuff without. That skeleton coming down the theatre for House on Haunted Hill didn't mean the plot, production, or Vincent Price sucked or anything.

I'd almost rather know nothing about the film and be interested, than the opposite, because at least I can be surprised. The Matrix's ad campaign probably made me enjoy the film less than I would have, had it been built up in a way similar to this preview and thus had actual surprises involved. It's not all a case of swiping Britt Ekland out for some bees, or (to swipe an example from Joe Lansdale) flicks so crap they put light-up eyes on the video box for you to play with whenever the movie can't hold your attention.

Besides, we'll have a traditional preview before the film's released. Hype machine's gotta have hype, and appear new and intriguing... more new and intriguing than a film could possibly be. Previews have to lie big.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
20:24 / 10.07.07
The Statue of Liberty head seems kinda tiny in the trailer...


Never mind, my memory is wrong, the head is not as big as I thought.
The Strobe
20:42 / 10.07.07
I'm rather excited, having seen that trailer; in particular, I thought the effects work was looking excellent. Matching those complex, jerky camera angles to CG is always hard (cf: Children of Men) but looks fabulous.

Interesting to see where this is going.
Jack Fear
21:39 / 10.07.07
Matching those complex, jerky camera angles to CG is always hard

Dude. Lord of the Rings movies. Huge amounts of CG, and enough camera movement in the battle sequences to induce vertigo. And the technology's only gotten better in the last three-four years.
The Strobe
22:17 / 10.07.07
Not sure I agree, Jack; most of the "vertigo-inducing" camera motions I remember from Rings were, fundamentally, virtual-crane shots of various sorts. Also, the kind of cameras and shooting they're doing there are ideally suited to dropping CG in. Handheld DV - where the camera is so small, so the lever is shorter and the wobble is greater - is harder to naturally key to.

I'm not saying I've not seen it before - Signs did it quite effectively at points - but maintaining complex CG effects on a _very_ shaky, handheld camera (if that's an ongoing feature, rather than just part of the "party" sequence we saw) is never easy. That's all.
07:52 / 11.07.07
Nah, as Jack Fear said, LoTR stuck the camera on the back of a 4 x 4 and charged it at high speeds over rough terrain, then blended in a the digital elements and model making seamlessly. Not needing to lock off the camera for effects shots is well established now.
This Sunday
08:17 / 11.07.07
Making the camera noticeable, however, always seems to add an element of immediacy for me, even when it makes no literal sense, like way completely CG scenes in the new Galactica where the perspective moves in ways we expect a real camera to move, despite there being no real camera. They can do it, sure, and it can be jumpy and swing about and shake and still be smoothly integrated from reality to digital to combinations of the two, but it doesn't mean it's not difficult or intense to do. It's a bit silly to invalidate all the artists and technicians involved in doing something because it's been done similarly or done before.

Stop animation has advanced technically quite a bit over the years, but just doing simple puppeteering, moving bit by bit of three or seven figures and keeping the continuity and intent straight is still hard. Painting as smooth as Da Vinci is hard. Keeping the CGI smoothly integrated and believable when there's quite a bit of movement and alterations going on is still difficult, in terms of technical know-how, cost, and equipment. Aren't y'all ever impressed with people's work?
08:27 / 11.07.07
No, I'm almost always impressed with people's work, even when in Galactica it's a matter of filming the series straight and then adding in the *realistic* camera moves after the CG elements have been inserted (they do similar stuff with downgrading the quality of the filmed elements in post production as well). I love finding out about the process, I'm just establishing precedent is all. You know, like the way all the Matrix bullet time stuff turned up in Sting videos before the Wachowskis used it.
16:30 / 11.07.07
so i have been poring over the trailer and the looonnnggg thread over on the unfiction site. i noticed something kind of interesting.... there is a map of NYC in the loft apartment with lots of red lines drawn through it. next to said map there is a fraternity paddle with the letters AKM - i know its a stretch but it could be short for Arkham....
16:43 / 11.07.07
It'll be Alpha Kappa Mu, I'm afraid.

If it's a frat thing it's going to be three Greek letter society. I hope Rob and Steve Guttenberg get decent parking spaces.

Am ensaddened. I want it to be He Who Lives At 1 R'lyeh Road too.
16:59 / 11.07.07

wtf is going on with 'at the mountains of madness'? is del Toro going to dish us some tasty mythos fun or what?

the people of innsmouth have a right to know!


Wait what? the Haas stuff is Voltron related? Ok so we do know Cloverfield is tied to Slusho, yes?
17:41 / 11.07.07
yes, cloverfield, aka 1-18-08, is most likely slusho related. in the trailer there is someone wearing a slusho t-shirt, rob is going to japan, there's lots of japanophile stuff in the apartment, and also the signs in LA where the filming is happening do NOT say cloverfield, they say slusho - you can't eat just six.

and on an utterly random numerical note:


A beautiful tunnel of ghosts
21:55 / 11.07.07
Decadent Nightfalling: How cool would the big 'splodey mad FX look for ninety minutes, through a 'documentary' lens?

The trailer gave me a thrill of excitement, but I didn't think Godzilla meets Signs, more Last Night meets War Of The Worlds: Gojira's roar is, for me, instantly recognisable and, I'd have thought, for Toho, a trademark with which the property must be associated.

I've read that early scenes of the Martian war machines' awakening in Spielberg's War Of The Worlds were filmed with the camera at street level to replicate the claustrophobia and confusion that was felt following the 9/11 attacks in New York.

For me, that's what makes both those scenes in the remake and the Cloverfield teaser so effective, by making the audience's POV that of the characters around them and restricting their ability to get an overall picture of what is happening around them: Tom Cruise running blindly as titanic metal legs plow through the billowing smoke and carbonised ash in the distance behind him; watching mesmerised as the Statue of Liberty's head arcs through the sky, crashing into a building before rolling to rest in the street.

Controlling my excitement. Even if the film is subsequently not to my taste, there's still the teaser.
21:59 / 26.07.07
Why do I have the feeling that this marketing campaign will be far more enjoyable and entertaining than the film itself?
Jawsus-son Starship
10:33 / 27.07.07
Gojira's roar is, for me, instantly recognisable and, I'd have thought, for Toho, a trademark with which the property must be associated.

This is true. On a simpson's commentary (for the Treehouse of Horror with the giant advertisments) they talked about trying to get the roar for an episode of Futurama, and being refused permission. They were suprised as the episode they were commenting on had it in, to which Matt Groening replied "We just didn't bother asking."
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:01 / 09.08.07
I didn't know if anyone had found this article yet. If the premise is true, then I really like the sound of it.
20:37 / 09.08.07
bah. no mythos. me saddened.

but a giant alien that wipes out nyc? hmmmm.....
Phex: Dorset Doom
22:13 / 09.08.07
Wait- I don't get it- why does it have to not be Cthulu/Voltron/Godzilla/Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?
This Sunday
22:16 / 09.08.07
To clarify, with my Godzilla presumption: I'd assume, for a teaser, if you wanted people to associate the big guy with destruction rather than with previous Godzilla movies, you'd use the wrong cry. For the teaser.

Well, it seemed like a witty switch-n-bait Abrams move at the time.
14:36 / 10.08.07
Wait- I don't get it- why does it have to not be Cthulu/Voltron/Godzilla/Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?

'cause the article above says it's an alien that wipes out nyc? or are you thinking perhaps it could be a Cthulu/Voltron/Godzilla/Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from outer space?

though the article does also say it is a brand new project for abrams and is not a rehash of anything we are already familiar with....

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