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The Apprentice series 3


Page: 123(4)5

Whisky Priestess
07:43 / 31.05.07
Be kind. His heart's been broken, he's an old man, and like Lear, he needs someone to whom he can leave his kingdom.
08:39 / 31.05.07
I suspect that he put together that group (remember he moved them around at the start) with the purpose of weeding her out, or at least testing his intuitions regarding the competence of the two groups. I was sure they were going to fail before they even started. Perhaps he knew that Naomi wouldn't shine.

He seems to have a soft spot for Tre though which shows a frightening error of judgement on his part. I wouldn't trust Tre to make me a cup of tea let alone inherit my multi-million pound business empire. Why on Earth he let Simon the Muppet say I have no idea. His performance on the trampoline was some of the most excruiastingly ball shrinking TV I have ever seen.
Alex's Grandma
08:47 / 31.05.07
Or maybe Naomi just reminded him too much of last year's winner, and that was what all that "no-one's gonna make a fool outta me!" nonsense was about...

Yes, I wonder if, looking at the two of them, Siralan wasn't picturing Tre and Naomi up to no good on his time, and with his money ...

Also, hasn't Siralan had a soft spot for Simon since the rapping and the breakdancing task?
08:50 / 31.05.07
He probably just feels sorry for him. I know I do.
Tryphena Absent
08:54 / 31.05.07
I wouldn't trust Tre to make me a cup of tea let alone inherit my multi-million pound business empire.

I don't really think that's going to happen. Don't they just meander around in the company for a while and then leave to do something else?
Alex's Grandma
09:51 / 31.05.07
Pretty much, yeah. Although not before making a monkey out of Siralan, in some cases.

On the other hand, isn't Siralan's son (Derek? Ian? Alan Junior?) rumoured to be a bit lacking in the street-fighting department?
09:57 / 31.05.07
I don't really think that's going to happen.

Teh Sugar was making big noises about at his time of life, needing someone to hand things onto and so forth, I think in last week's episode. This may blow up in his face when Tre fakes his will, cuts his throat and bathes in his blood.

Actually, possibly Katey is more likely to do this.

And, ohgoditsremindedme, her fucking thing with "Mavis" last night - "watches too much, telly, lonely, massive tits" NNNNGHHHH.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:16 / 31.05.07
Yeah, I can't help but feel that Katey's enthusiastic contempt for so many sections of the general public will blow up in her face at some point. Assuming she doesn't win (if she does, I'mma break out my sniper rifle and scald a Docklands tower), she's going to get mauled on that post-firing show, surely?
Alex's Grandma
10:35 / 31.05.07
Well surely, in that situation, she'll just bat her eyelashes at the panel in the endearing way I guess we've all come to love over the past few weeks, and everything will be fine?

Or maybe not, but do these people ever really get what they so richly deserve? ('Big Brother' contestants being the honourable exception here.)
11:22 / 31.05.07
if she does, I'mma break out my sniper rifle and scald a Docklands tower

I got ya back. Go for the spine, we can stick her in a fold up wheelchair.
12:18 / 31.05.07
Firing Naomi because she didn't shine is just stupid. I guess I can say that if you hire someone who's totally insane but shines, you probably deserve whatever happens. Perhaps he'll go for katie after all, she absolutely radiates... something, charm and contempt I guess.

I very much doubt siralan will follow up on that big "someone to take over after me" talk. Perhaps it's just a way to tempt whoever wins to stay as an employee for a longer time ("Perhaps he'll make me the boss of everyone next year").
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:52 / 31.05.07
Oh yeah, all that "at my time of life" stuff is definitely just there to play up the importance and drama and mythology of the show. Although I suppose it's not inconceivable that Sugar could be looking to make a permanent move to light entertainment...
Alex's Grandma
16:38 / 31.05.07
Perhaps he'll go for katie after all

I think if Siralan can get over his broken heart from last year to the extent of picking a blonde again, he'll probably go for the orange one. When her ruthlessness was discussed the other week, it seemed as if the boardroom table might be about to tilt slightly, in the direction of the contestants.

And otherwise, I suspect there might be something about Lohit that Siralan just doesn't feel very comfortable with.

And I can't really picture him hiring Simon, unless, as suggested above, it's out of pity.
18:54 / 31.05.07
Or for amusement...
Alex's Grandma
19:31 / 31.05.07
Are you trying to say that Siralan started Amstrad, or any of his other companies, as some sort of a bloody joke?

He's not in business to have a jolly, you know. People like you, being all hoity toity, and bloody la-de-da in your sodding ivory towers need to do a decent day's work, in the real world. Then, and only then, will Siralan respect your opinions! Because up until that point, your so-called 'degree' is something that Siralan wouldn't wipe his bleeding fundament with, because he can afford better tissues, he'd have you know.
Whisky Priestess
13:28 / 01.06.07
And, ohgoditsremindedme, her fucking thing with "Mavis" last night - "watches too much telly, lonely, massive tits" NNNNGHHHH.

This is a legacy of her former Brand Consultant job - she's clearly been told to visualise the consumer for whatever product she'd trying to flog - hence her invocation of imaginary teenager "Jay" who's the target market for "Street" (gaah aagh ghuh) trainers in the last task.

It might help, or it might be timewasting bollocks. My money's on the latter.
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:01 / 01.06.07
Alex's Grandma should type in the voice of Siralan from now on. If she does it for a year I will give her a pound.
Alex's Grandma
09:49 / 02.06.07
I ain't going to all that trouble for a bleedin' quid, mate. What a load of toot.
Alex's Grandma
20:15 / 06.06.07
That was terrible ... how dare Siralan let that f*&@ing reptile fall on her own sword in such a dignified fashion? From here, hundreds of miles away from Exeter, I can almost hear the braying laughter - 'Siralan? He's a pussy cat! He's a sweetie!'

I've never felt this way before, but now, I'm almost tempted to try and set up a muliti-national, multi-million dollar company in the way that somebody like Branson did, just so I could hire Katie, take her ideas on board and then fire her for being no bloody good ...

(Breathing into a paper bag at the moment)
Lama glama
21:21 / 06.06.07
That was a little disappointing. For Katie to bow out almost gracefully was so anticlimactic. I was expecting an epic struggle between Katie and Christina next week. Good and evil. Optimus Prime and Megatron. Instead, we'll doubtlessly get dithering Simon having his arse handed to him by Christina.
08:07 / 07.06.07
Barbefrence, could someone pretty please explain to me what these people actually do in that house? They've been there for 11 weeks, right? So, other than the odd day's work for Siralan and the occasional slagging/shagging match, what goes on?

Been bothering me for ages.
Whisky Priestess
08:28 / 07.06.07
I think they're kept in cryosleep.
08:43 / 07.06.07
Boboss, I don't think they actually do stay in there for 11 weeks. I think someone clarified this earlier in the thread.
Eloi Tsabaoth
08:45 / 07.06.07
I just spooled Tre's taxi interview. He's not bitter. Oh no. But he wasn't properly fired. And he learnt nothing. And it's Siralan's loss.
And he didn't really need him anyway.
And he's ugly and he smells of stale whelks.
08:58 / 07.06.07
Ah, I see Bjrn answered my question above. Eyesblind.
Peach Pie
17:01 / 07.06.07

most predictable apprentice winner evah
10:36 / 12.06.07
After 16 years as an athiest, I must finally admit that I was wrong; there is a god.
17:41 / 12.06.07
I dunno - Woman fired for revealing details of their sexlife in a newspaper doesn't seem to be much of a proof of a divine being to me...
Happy Dave Has Left
19:32 / 13.06.07
So, who do you reckon will fuck this final up the least?
Psych Safeling
19:35 / 13.06.07
Kristina, although she does have Paul Of The Sporadic Facial Fury working against this end.
Happy Dave Has Left
19:56 / 13.06.07
Can't bear the (faux) tension...
Happy Dave Has Left
19:58 / 13.06.07
Psych Safeling
19:58 / 13.06.07
Closed for Business Time
19:58 / 13.06.07
Happy Dave Has Left
19:58 / 13.06.07
Didn't see that coming.

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