It amazes me that I have been on the board for about seven years, give or take a couple of reboots and redesigns, and I have had the pleasure of meeting a good deal of you and liking you all. You've beared with the incessant obsessions, the willingness and ability to make a total ass out of myself, the childish antics, and the occasional blatant shameless flirting with other members. For those things alone, I thank you and express my deepest fondness for you guys.
But now, because Barbelith exists (mainly because Tom is awesome but the rest of us have taken up the baton) and is an online community like no other, it has also allowed me to meet and find the person I love and pretty much want to spend my life with.
(Wow. This is harder than I thought. And it's making me blush.)
You all know him as MattShepherd and I love him. And he loves me, too.
Wheeee!!!!! |