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Sweet Double Shot of Greatness: Jan CD Mix


Page: 12345(6)

Mon Oncle Ignatius
14:33 / 07.03.07
The rare winner is Stoatie with 'Little Smoke' by the Owlls.

Bonza! If anyone who didn't get the CDs wants to hear this track, you can now do so on the Owlls' Myspace site, where it's getting less and less rare by the day. You heard it first on CD here!

The food winner is Kay with 'Lord Randall' by Martin Carthy.

It certainly got my vote. Well done, all.
15:49 / 07.03.07
Yay! I voted Owlls.

Oddly, though, I found myself listening to "1st Man in Space" over and over again.
16:02 / 07.03.07
Yay for Owlls!

And yes, their heads DO turn all the way around. Well, they say so, anyway. I've never asked them.
16:59 / 08.03.07
But can I do the No-Votes dance?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
17:37 / 08.03.07
Just for the record: I submitted the Ursula1000 track -- I had no idea somebody calling hirself Ursula1000 was ever on the board. Anyone know if that was just a fan or the real deal?
18:19 / 08.03.07
The real deal -- I know Ursula 1000 from Miami Beach and made contact here.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
18:35 / 08.03.07
Wow! Cool. I love me some Ursula 1000.
electric monk
19:16 / 08.03.07
So, "Chicked Soup with Rice". What's the story there? Lyrics by M. Sendak?
21:32 / 11.03.07
I must say, the Negaivland song really does have the recipe for perfect scrambled eggs.
15:13 / 14.03.07
"Chicken Soup with Rice" is my daughter's favorite song, or one of them. (She also really likes "Pot of Gold" by the Blow, so go figure.)

It's from a great DVD of Maurice Sendak animated specials from the 1970s -- there are three chapters, starting with Where the Wild Things Are. The middle one is a collection of poems that Carole King put to music. They're all absolutely marvelous, and very much of that era -- the kid-friendly revolutionary 1970s. The Free to Be You and Me 1970s. My favorite is actually one called "Pierre," who gets eaten by a lion because he keeps saying, "I don't care," but then the lion gets a tummy ache and the doctor takes Pierre out and he learns to care.
That one's less a celebration of food, though, and has less debauched animation compared to the fountains of soup and rice, and Mom in a whale costume swimming through a sea of soup and rice.

The DVD is on Amazon -- just look for Maurice Sendak.

What I want to know, though, is the story behind that mysterious accordion piece....
17:08 / 14.03.07
the last one? 'In Memory of you'?

If so that was a gem on a strange anime soundtrack CD the spouse picked up for sampling. The artist name and album only show up as kanji in my itunes so I will have to poke himself with a stick for the CD case. Will report back.

also chocolate update: hasn't been posted yet as the good chocolatiers have been on vacation. Production will resume next week and I'll mail it then.
18:08 / 14.03.07
hahahaha! cartoons are a theme, I guess.
electric monk
18:47 / 14.03.07
Thanks for info, grant.
00:11 / 15.03.07
Actually, if you've got film ripping technology, we could maybe arrange a little something... but maybe not by hijacking this thread.
02:08 / 20.03.07
Since February is still curled up in the corner and March's deadline has been extended, I'm going to scratch my itches by talking these discs up.

So... what's the story with these "Loki" people?
Kiltartan Cross
12:53 / 20.03.07
So... what's the story with these "Loki" people?

...which reminds me, I did a little digging on them before and came up with this site, which might be of interest.

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