"Chicken Soup with Rice" is my daughter's favorite song, or one of them. (She also really likes "Pot of Gold" by the Blow, so go figure.)
It's from a great DVD of Maurice Sendak animated specials from the 1970s -- there are three chapters, starting with Where the Wild Things Are. The middle one is a collection of poems that Carole King put to music. They're all absolutely marvelous, and very much of that era -- the kid-friendly revolutionary 1970s. The Free to Be You and Me 1970s. My favorite is actually one called "Pierre," who gets eaten by a lion because he keeps saying, "I don't care," but then the lion gets a tummy ache and the doctor takes Pierre out and he learns to care.
That one's less a celebration of food, though, and has less debauched animation compared to the fountains of soup and rice, and Mom in a whale costume swimming through a sea of soup and rice.
The DVD is on Amazon -- just look for Maurice Sendak.
What I want to know, though, is the story behind that mysterious accordion piece.... |