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Sweet Double Shot of Greatness: Jan CD Mix


Page: 123(4)56

01:21 / 15.02.07
I don't know about plague; I do know these are both sweet and double.

Man, this food cd is swell.
12:58 / 15.02.07
I may not have been a proper plague carrier, the spouse didn't get it nor any of my close pals or coworkers.

Next time : With Real Viable Plague Blankies!

Glad everyone seems to be digging it so far.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
13:25 / 15.02.07
Putting that CD on and hearing "Lord Randall" without any tracklisting really took me unawares - whatever stringed Scottish folk instrument he was using in the opening bars sounded so much like a sitar that i actually thought he was singing in Hindi or something, and then about half a verse in i realised "hang on, this is actually English with a Scottish accent"... bit of a headfuck, but very cool, joining dots between traditions i'd have never thought were comparable before...

There's loads of connections going on between European and Indian folk music, and this version of "Lord Randall" does bring them out. I'm not sure Martin Carthy is singing in a particularly Scottish accent (he's from Hatfield) but as both he and the song are British institutions, it's not saying much - he seems to be doing a sort of folky accent on this, if that makes any sense.

"Lord Randall" is known in many variations including Bob Dylan's A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall, and it's pretty grim in most of them.
Mike Modular
21:38 / 15.02.07
It came! It came! Thanks XK. The usage of hairy string much approved of...

Disc 1 just ripped, time to get rare...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:40 / 16.02.07
Just got mine today. Thanks!!!

Of course, it might help if the cats stop gnawing on the twine...
18:44 / 16.02.07
Ok is that everyone now?

Anyone not have it yet?
21:20 / 16.02.07
Of course, it might help if the cats stop gnawing on the twine...

How could they not? That´s hemp!
Kiltartan Cross
21:35 / 16.02.07
Got it. Love it. I'm positively stricken.
electric monk
04:06 / 17.02.07
I can't stop gnawing on the twine either.

There's so much to love on these discs. I did my grocery shopping to the sounds of Delicious. Mmmmm.
14:58 / 19.02.07
Ok, everyone got them now?

We ready to vote for favs?
23:13 / 19.02.07
I know I've got to listen a few more times, when I've got time. But don't let that stop you from starting. I just may take a few days to get back to you on it.
03:13 / 20.02.07
ok let's starting voting. Please pick 1 song from each CD.
Kiltartan Cross
08:01 / 20.02.07
Sure... Über den Wolken (whimsical, maybe, but he's got a lovely voice) and Kaltes Klares Wasser (just because) for me, please. With options on any number of the others.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
10:04 / 20.02.07
Hard choices. I'll have to listen a bit more too.
11:18 / 20.02.07
are we voting in-thread or by PM?
electric monk
11:56 / 20.02.07
Keep it secret. Keep it safe.
16:50 / 20.02.07
I like public voting. XK, please decide, if it´s to be secret or public voting, please.
17:42 / 20.02.07
yeah I have to say private is good so people can be honest without fear.
so please PM me your votes.

If you wish to comment on your selection feel free.
19:24 / 20.02.07

19:36 / 20.02.07



*for grant.
Kiltartan Cross
20:02 / 20.02.07
Fear is only in your head.
20:04 / 20.02.07
I, for one, endeavour to find each and every person who doesn't vote for my picks then proceed to claw and bang at their front door, while angrily explaining that they 'just don't get Real Music'.

I will make them relisten to my tracks, again and again, until they are forced to concede in a bewildered state that 'yeah, they're quite good. I never said they weren't. It's just that i prefered other ones. Music is a personal thing, y'know. You did good kid, but i just have different tastes to you. No offence.'

At which point i will nod in reluctant agreement with their statement, apologise and head back home.

It will be Harrowing.

So thank XK; she is doing you a favour.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
23:11 / 20.02.07
I would like to vote publicly now and say that I pick trampetunia's tracks, whatever the hell they happen to be.
10:41 / 21.02.07
Well done Matt, you made the right choice.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
16:52 / 22.02.07
I'll vote soon, promise, when my plague-riven head works properly once again.
18:53 / 22.02.07
I would vote, but I
have to admit that, truth
I am afeared of .t
18:54 / 22.02.07
But my syllable
counting abilities are not
on good form today.
electric monk
19:19 / 22.02.07
There there, it's all right.
We won't hold it against you.
Vote .trampetunia!
19:50 / 22.02.07
Aw. I'm not scared really...
19:51 / 22.02.07
in order to mess
your rhyme; i tell i'm pronounced
19:52 / 22.02.07
afeared and confused
i have wrent thy poor, poor minds
Curse lifted? Vote for me!
electric monk
20:09 / 22.02.07
Not .tramp-ee-tune-ya?
I beg a thousand pardons,
O star of heaven.
20:22 / 22.02.07
'Trampy tune yeah?' What
you trying to say? Offense!
Pronounced dismay Is.
electric monk
20:35 / 22.02.07
For you, .t

And now I'm going to shut my yap.
21:35 / 22.02.07
I seem to have come down with plague.

I don't think the CD is the vector, but whatever is... is a nasty one.

More flowers, please. To clean the air....

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