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Sweet Double Shot of Greatness: Jan CD Mix


Page: 1234(5)6

electric monk
11:48 / 23.02.07
Ring around the rosies...

13:07 / 23.02.07
I need more peeps to vote please.

Unless you don't want chocolate?
16:15 / 23.02.07
you heard the lady
Vote! Dammit! Vote for chocolate!
and for your safety...
16:17 / 23.02.07
Oh, and thanks, Monk for
flowers. They really made smiles
reach across my face.
16:34 / 23.02.07
I am announcing the Vivaldi's Double Concerto is disqualified as rare per the rules as someone already heard it.

Again if you have heard a rare track please let me know.
16:54 / 23.02.07
Sheltered Life is also disqualified.
17:08 / 23.02.07
Oh, i forgot about disqualification....

To tell the truth, i've heard most of these tracks...
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
17:25 / 23.02.07
All except... hir OWN.

17:37 / 23.02.07
Someone seems to be a-callin' for a callin'...

'Oh Matt, i can't help but notice your choice was rather passé. I'd like to bring up a few points about it. I'll start with the lyrical content...'


21:01 / 23.02.07
Ring around the rosies...
Aha! Except that those are phlox! Just what are you trying to pull over on us?
This whole voting intrigue thing has got me on edge. I can't sleep for the waiting, and I can't vote for the lack of sleep, and I'm scared of somnovotumulating. It's really more of a phobia. Somnovotumulatophobia. Oh, it's real- go look it up. I dare you.
But I'll dose up on xanax and vote over the weekend, I swear.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
08:20 / 24.02.07
I vote for the track by Somnovotumulatophobia.
uncle retrospective
16:30 / 24.02.07
Will vote tomorrow, I'm having real trouble picking a track from the delicious CD. The other cd, as soon as I heard the song I knew it had my vote.
18:04 / 25.02.07
Okay. Fuck. I voted, though I really couldn't choose easily, and just picked what I thought for today.
I think I've heard maybe five of the rare, besides my own, though I couldn't tell if a couple only sounded immediately familiar. I definitely heard .trampetunia's song before, that's all I know.
Thanks again, XK, for a job well done.
13:39 / 27.02.07
everyone who hasn't voted please get off your butts. thank you.
16:54 / 27.02.07
Well, I would, but...
17:19 / 27.02.07
tsuga, running bad
danger games with .tramp's great choice.
Watch out! Bad things wait...
17:23 / 27.02.07
Other people laze,
forget to vote, or have fear.
Fear me, but vote please.
23:20 / 27.02.07
Well, intriguing thought
That games I play may backfire
I'll just wait and see.
13:20 / 28.02.07
Okay everyone who has not voted you have until Monday(3/5/07). At that point who ever has the most votes will win. I'm a bit too busy to chase everyone down right now and feel that the winners deserve to get their chocolate in a timely manner.

Vote please.
17:31 / 28.02.07
Oh, but I have voted.

Indeed I have.
Hydra vs Leviathan
14:25 / 01.03.07
Sorry, i utterly forgot about the voting bit of this. Er, i have no idea whose tracks they were, but i'll pick the Japanese track and the DJ Spooky track (even tho the latter lacks any obvious-to-me connection to food).
14:33 / 01.03.07
It's called Quark Soup.

so Obokuri-Eemui for rare?
22:46 / 04.03.07
We have some ties happening in both mixes.

20:02 / 05.03.07
Or you will be tracked down, and things will happen.
00:50 / 06.03.07
People are not voting and I've got a tie on my hands.
uncle retrospective
07:07 / 06.03.07
May I suggest that you just send me all that lovely chocolate?
Damn! It was worth a try.
07:11 / 06.03.07
How silly, XK;
one can't tie with oneself, d'uh!
Both prizes are mine!
14:05 / 06.03.07
Well if I don't get more votes in by this evening I'll break the tie by choosing which of the contenders I like best.
16:31 / 06.03.07
Can't you just release the names of the non-voters tabloid-style and set us to chase them like rabid dogs?

Rabid but democratic dogs.
electric monk
17:36 / 06.03.07
"But we'll pay for the damage!"

[/Eddie Izzard]
13:40 / 07.03.07
"you have 'til Monday"
'K said, but still no winner...
My brain cries, waiting.
13:46 / 07.03.07
The rare winner is Stoatie with 'Little Smoke' by the Owlls.

The food winner is Kay with 'Lord Randall' by Martin Carthy.

I shall go get the chocolate treats today for mailing.

thanks for playing!
electric monk
14:09 / 07.03.07
Congrats folks!
14:28 / 07.03.07
XK, i'm going to need some postal addresses from you.

Seems like some people might need a bit of education...
14:30 / 07.03.07
But congratulations to the winners. Absolutely no hard feelings whatsoever, best human wins etc.

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