sequart lovelies, in terms of what i need:
the blurb from the copyright page of the book, with place and date of publication, author and publisher's names'd do it, if you would. it'll turn into a bibliography entry that looks a little like...
Cowe-Spigai K. and Neighly P. (2003): Anarchy for the masses: the Disinformation guide to The Invisibles, Disinformation, New York
that. so the information required to flesh out such an entry'd be grand, ta.
do you publish in britain? if so, make sure you get copies deposited in the copyright libraries, would make my life much easier.
concerning fair usage, have you employed council to check? i have a fairly extensive correspondece with DC's legal department in a big file on my desk, and one part in particular suggests that you might want just to spend a few quid on a lawyer to make sure you've kept your boots clean. my department at my university were sufficiently nervous about submission of my thesis to the university library, which counts as not-for-profit publication, that they spent a revolting amount of money on this; we ended up getting a wet-fish answer out of DC that sounds pretty similar to yours, but i know similar discussions've ended even less defitively; we got a semi-solid answer, because we were doing it through a lawyer, and talking to their legal dept. i'd suggest that talking to their law-men might get you a more reliable answer than talking to paul levitz. our situation was probably rather less complex, since nothing at the university end involved revenue creation.
if you want a bit more on this, i'd be happy to quote you a few selected e-mail highlights via private message, though as i say, our discussions were all based on academic stuff and no money was involved. the general message from DC seems to be that, unless you say batman's gay just before a film comes out, they won't sue you, but it might be wise just to make doubly sure your arse is covered.
if it'd be of any use, i could dig out the relevant letters, but i'm a bit dubious about quoting them directly. |