Just finished watching this - spent the day so far watching the final ten episodes. Been watching the series, on and off, for the last six weeks or so, so it'd absolutely got its claws into me and become a part of my recent routine. I'd imagine that I'm going to find it difficult to adjust to *not* watching it on my weekends.
I'm struggling to find any sympathy with the poster who attacked the image of the moon from the end of the series, because that's what the entire show is about. Moreover, that's what the entire show is like - those big, romantic ideas. I doubt I'll ever, *ever* see another final (well, nearly final) image as fitting and perfect as that.
There'll be more things I'll want to say about this series, but right now, in the immediate aftermath, I'm sure that overthinking it will spoil it for me, so I'm going to avoid doing that. Just on the question of Eureka being pregnant, though, this is the image on the front of the box for the final official UK DVD:

When I opened the packet it arrived in and reallised what it meant, what it was showing me, my heart stopped and I sobbed like a baby. Much as I did for the following two and a half hours of watching the thing, in fact. |