I haven't read the whole thread as I haven't finished watching the show yet - and normally that would mean I wouldn't post on it. But I just watched episode 32 a few hours ago (I've worked out that if I get up by half five I can watch a couple of episodes of normal length anime and still make it to work on time), and my absolute love for the show, which has been steadily building, must now know expression.
The part of the episode in which Holland finally puts aside his emotional armour and stops presenting himself as essentially a bit of git, had me in tears, and feeling little tingles of pure joy. It was so beautiful seeing a character who previously I hadn't liked much, but who'd for some time seemed to have a very decent man buried somewhere inside of him suddenly flower into someone who seems like the sort of proper hero one can look up, and who's people willingly and happily follow him, not because they think he's cool, or because he cows them into submission, but because it's the right thing to do, and because he's worth following. Of course I've no idea whether that transformation will hold - for all I know Holland might do something awful in the next five minutes of the very next episode that'll make me completely hate him, but right now I'm basking in the glow of that last episode and enjoying it immensely.
I imagine I'll say a lot more once I've finished watching the show and reading the thread, but I just felt like I was going to burst if I didn't express a bit of love for the show in general and Episode 32 right now, and I don't know anyone in meat-space who's watching that I can babble to, so I hope I can be forgiven for posting without reading this once. |