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Nobilis RPG Character Development


Page: 1(2)34

16:46 / 11.12.06
Well, I think all our Domains are broad enough that we haven't ruled out combat. I guess that, for Nobilis, specialization would be 'One guy with maxed Aspect, one with maxed Domain, one with maxed Spirit, &c, &c..."
16:51 / 11.12.06
it seems that the more interesting/complex the characters are the more interesting the play, so character driven rather than role driven....
16:52 / 11.12.06
oh and the spouse and Quantum have both offered to help me so hopefully I'll come back with a well formed Noble.
Blake Head
17:10 / 11.12.06
xk: no reason to feel you’re lagging, and very glad you’re on board, I don’t think there’s any rush, I was maybe just slightly worried that if there wasn’t some progress people would lose interest. Heartache is fine – everyone is picking very abstract or immaterial Estates! If anything grant, assuming that with so many players there will be a fair mix of the different traits, the imbalance so far is in a lack of people who can do big dirty obvious Miracles like creating Storms and Fire and Trees.

I think a Power of Dark Secrets or even Guilty Secrets would be fine, I can’t think of any other word or thing between Secrets and Blackmail that isn’t really something else. Secrets would be fine, but would more rely on playing the character in such a way that the usage doesn’t become too broad e.g. I make that hole in the ground secret so that my arch-enemy falls in. But you could do that if you want. I’m guessing you’re more thinking of Divinations as finding out people’s basic secrets, if you go for Dark Secrets you wouldn’t be able to work out their bank details, while Secrets (general) would allow you to do that, as long as we stick to the idea that secret doesn’t just mean hidden i.e. you can’t find out what someone did yesterday if they don’t actively think of it as a secret. Does that make sense? I’m tying myself up in knots here, which curiously enough was how I thought Preservations of Secrets would work - making someone have to tell increasingly more lies and keep further secrets to preserve their big secret. Right. Must. Stop. Writing. About. Nobilis. And. Explaining. People’s. Characters. To. Them.

Incidentally, though, before I go away properly, with Mage it’s largely about Reality or its agents slapping you down if you upset the applecart yes? If it helps, Nobilis is sort of the opposite, Nobles don’t do things that undermine reality, when they perform Miracles they are acting at a higher level of reality than the mundane one we perceive, so there’s no paradox, though removing every second person’s ability to withhold secrets would make them sit up and pay attention, and a worldwide rain of frogs would probably drive a fair number of mortals mad, never mind its effect on the world's weather system.
17:15 / 13.12.06
Okay, I'm gradually getting a handle on it. I'm going to go for Secrets and serve Hell rather than the Dark because apparently being ugly is good to the Dark, and I want Richard to be handsome and vain. I'm having Aspect 2 Domain 3 Realm 1 Spirit 2, I still need to work on my Anchors a bit, and I'll PM you some secret stuff.
18:06 / 17.12.06
I'm just getting a little nervous about how far down the page this is slipping...

We're still on for this, right?
Blake Head
18:21 / 17.12.06
Well, as far as I'm concerned yes, absolutely. I've been resisting posting huge screeds of explanatory stuff to give people a chance to throw ideas around and/or read through the links themselves, but I'll put up some more stuff later. But, I dunno, I didn't think we had a problem... are people getting cold feet?
Blake Head
20:06 / 17.12.06
Right, Spirit. Spirit measures how well integrated the mortal and immortal elements of a Noble’s soul are, and consequently how strong they are in employing and resisting divine magic. This means mainly three things.

1) Spirit determines how many Anchors (mortals the Noble can use as their eyes, ears and sometimes hands in the world) the Noble can have bonded to them at any one time, at a value of Spirit + 1.

2) Spirit grants the Noble an equivalent value of Auctoritas, which is the spiritual shield which protects them from the physical effects of the Miracles of other Nobles. Put simply, the Auctoritas acts as a barrier to Miracles which affect the space approximately five feet around the Power in every direction (remembering that Nobles cannot be targeted directly as the Estate of any other Power), which covers miraculous fireballs, Aspect powered punches or arrows, and less tangible things like divining the traces of miraculous power left at the murder scene a few hours ago. The more spirit you have, the more protection you have against the Miracles of other Powers, and the more they have to put into Penetration value of any Miracles they want to use around you. We’ll probably go over this again at some point, but suffice it to say that Spirit is incredibly useful and used the right way scarily effective.

3) Spirits also represents a Power’s skill and knowledge of the ritual magics of the Nobilis. Best to read up on these yourself, as several of the Rites are of limited use, but they include divining when Miracles have been used, altering the flow of miraculous power around the Power’s traits, and gaining power through a spiritual attack, or successful defence against attack, of another Noble or Excrucian. The main Rite that is likely to come up regularly is the Rite of Holy Fire, which represents Creation stepping in to protect its aristocracy from more mundane assaults. The more Spirit you have, the more Creation thinks of you. At lower levels excessive mundane force will ignore the Noble, while at higher levels Creation will shield you from gunfire and assault from non-miraculous sources. Combined with the Auctoritas, characters with a high Spirit are nigh-on impossible to seriously harm. For game purposes we’ll assume that everyone with a decent level of Spirit makes time to perform the lengthy rite, unless they are otherwise engaged.

While we’re at it, magic does exist, in its more traditional form, in the setting, but it’s not generally used by Nobles, and if it is not through Spirit. Earthly magics, which are non miraculous, are to the mythic world what a set of car keys or a light switch are to the prosaic world, a basic tool to manipulating things within the laws of that world. Nobles are free to include knowledge of such magics in their character background, but if anything they’re probably determined through Aspect if anything, being examples of what (some) humans can do normally, rather than actually manipulating the laws of their underlying reality.

Character Creation

Spending points to create the character is really, really simple. You get twenty-five points, each trait (Aspect, Domain, Realm, Spirit) costs three points, and a level of any Secondary Domain costs 1 point but can’t go above the original score in Domain.

You can also spend points on Miracle Points (MPs) to increase the score, in each trait, from the original five. So you could spend one character point on an Aspect MP (AMP) and you would start with six, which doesn’t sound like a big deal, but MPs are the things that help you perform the higher miracles of your office, and are the reserves of miraculous energy most likely to get you out of a jam. Also, if you have a handy stash of chocolates or nice chewy things to represent your store and use of MPs, spending character points on them obviously means you get more.

You can also spend points on Gifts, which are more limited uses of each trait. There’s a list of examples in the book, and a system for creating them, but more than happy to discuss proposed gifts in thread or by PM, and it’s a great chance to create something unique to your character.

You can’t (I believe) get - or lose - extra character points by any sort of merits or flaws system.

Still to come on characters are Anchors, Bonds, Designs, and Handicaps. However, these are more optional levels of design, so we’ll move on to start thinking about Chancels until everybody has their basic characters and traits sorted out.
Blake Head
21:13 / 17.12.06
General setting thoughts. So far, just very briefly, there are some restrictions / pre-chosen things on the Chancel (detailed below). Also, there will be another power within the Familia Caelistis, newly enNobled, with the Estate of Masks. The previous noble with that Estate was lost around twenty or so years ago. I’ll post fuller details of setting things, and a proper imaginary timeline once I’ve got them all pinned down. I mention time because it’s quite possible for Nobles to be around for ages, so if people let me know when their characters become Nobles (as a few have done already) I’ll start thinking about how they “fit” into whatever I make up, and similar area, you’re welcome to suggest things (or not) for anybody who previously held your office and I’ll try and work it in. So far my ideas (insofar as justifying having so many Nobles in one Chancel) are running towards an Imperator who has previously had a smaller family of Nobles, and having lost some, has recently enNobled several more, simultaneously revealing previously unembodied or forgotten Estates. This gives us an excuse for characters with relatively shorter histories. It might be helpful if people who are inexperienced with Nobilis or less confident with the material choose a recent origin for their characters (past fifty years), and possibly to have a few who are really new at their job (past couple of years) to act as characters for whom it makes sense that they are still working things out. Anyone who does feel confident and wants to have a character that’s been around for ages have a think about what your character has done and their influence on their world, and, well, that would be great!

These are the hidden realms in which Imperators locate their earthly bodies and Powers make their homes, and where both time and physics can work entirely differently from the rest of the world. And how they work, what they are, who’s in them, how they’re located and what they’re near is, with a few exceptions, entirely up to you. They could be Atlantis, Narnia, The Dreaming, the T.A.R.D.I.S., New Crobuzon, the ancient Sewers beneath London, a giant Carrier cruising through the void of hyperspace, the virtual or spiritual locus of an internet message board, all the lonely freeways of the world at 3am that Big Joe drives his Phantom 309 straight through; whatever you like.

I’d quite like to have the Landlord property, mainly because I think it will be fun to play, which will either be a Warden or True King/Queen. There are so many Powers now, in this Chancel, that there’s little need for the Imperator to divest extra strength in a guardian for the realm, so I’m currently thinking of this NPC as one who’s assumed to deal with a number of the bureaucratic responsibilities of the office, and to deal with, and enforce, municipal disputes between the Powers (especially those with little or no Realm).

With so many Nobles, it’s likely to have a proportionately greater number of Chancel points invested in it, even allowing for those who shamefully neglect their responsibilities to Realm. Rather than try to restrict the number of points that you’re entitled to play with, I thought we’d just go with it on the assumption that such a powerful Chancel would be interesting and a focus of interest. It’s also likely to have a strong Borderguard, though I’ll leave the details up to you.

The other thing, quite important, is that unlike other Chancels, the players will be aware that the creation of this one did not need one hundred murders, so there are no Banes within the Chancel at this point (murder-born energies that haunt the land) which is not to say that there have been no murders. You are not aware, however, of what was necessary for the creation of the Chancel originally.

Also, within the Chancel there is an active Spirit Gateway to the Chancel of an allied Imperator, and their powers (details to follow) who you may know, but not necessarily well, and who are generally indifferent to your characters unless you make a point of it being otherwise. The Spirit Gateway has not needed to be used for at least twenty years.

The former Power of Masks had a large mansion situated not far from the centre of the Realm, now abandoned, but also neither allowed to be made-over. The present Power of Masks has a small room in the central complex, and has so far expressed exactly zero interest in affairs of state.

For various reasons, but mainly because there are so many Powers and I’d like it to be as simple as possible given that, I think it’s going to best if the Chancel is 1) quite big, though this could range from town to city to continent type of big 2) relatively stable, meaning that it’s located or accessed from a recognisable place or property on Earth. Which probably rules out the Ubiquitous Accessibility property, and if I can at all steer us away from the idea of a Danny the Street style mobile, changeable territory, partly because I think it might be too complicated for my brain, partly because something sort-of similar is already covered in the setting (Ananda’s Cityback), partly because I’m sure you’ll come up with something unique on your own.

Given the abstract nature of several of your Estates however, it may be best, or simply inevitable, to also include some level of abstraction/insubstantiality in your thoughts on the Chancel, as long as it’s vaguely comprehensible. All I’ll ask is that while you come up your thoughts on both the Chancel generally and your own territories/residences within the Chancel, that you agree on a general geography and texture to the place. That is, if part of the Chancel is a realm of pure thought, but the rest is a land of absurd volcanoes and dark labyrinths, then there’s some sort of idea of how if fits together, and some degree of continuity.

And apologies xk, but I’m going to pitch an idea for Heartache’s realm as an area where everything evokes what’s been irrevocably lost: the town you grew up in and can never go back to, a place of old friends and lost loves, your old house where other people live now, the bench over there where you had your first kiss, that turn in the road where Billy, where Billy… (I’m sorry I can’t go on, I’m sorry… sobs...) It would be a permanent Lesser Change of Perceptions where the actual properties of landscape, buildings and people each appear individually to the non-Nobles of the realm as things which have caused them Heartache. If you don’t like it, or have a better idea, by all means forget this, it’s just a suggestion, if Heartache’s realm is a desert where the winds of loss have scoured the land for miles around that’s fine too, whatever fits the character for you.

Ok, Christmas approaching, so disruption imminent, but thinking about the Chancel is a good opportunity for throwing ideas at one another and thinking about how your characters and their Estates connect, so go for it.
22:06 / 17.12.06
Cool. I think I've got my character more or less finished, Blake. Shall I PM you the details or would you like us to post them here?
Blake Head
23:29 / 17.12.06
Eh, post them in-thread if that suits, apart from the ultra ultra secret ninja bits. That way (hopefully) everyone can get an idea of the basic characters in the group.
14:48 / 18.12.06
that's quite grand and it helps me a lot to have a starting place. the only thing I'd add is perhaps a layer of fictional/mythic places that evoke loss, so some of the bits are lifted from stories that deeply resonated with Heartache. It should be filled with smells and sounds that trigger the memories as well. What you think?
16:36 / 18.12.06
Here's one thought: the neighborhood at the corner of Bourbon and Perdido in New Orleans.

There's a map here and another here, if you want to see how Bourbon ends at the southwestern end of the French Quarter and Perdido runs west/eastish through the Central Business District. Thus, an impossible location (or at least an improbable way of describing a place that geometrically could maybe exist).

Masks, of course. Perhaps can be accessed via, umm, an off-duty streetcar (named... you know), hailed while stinking drunk. In the fashion of famously corrupt politico Huey P. Long, famous blackmailer.

It's not far from the convent of the Ursulines, where the nuns "conducted special classes for Negro and Indian girls, teaching them the care of the silkworm and the making of silk fabrics" back in the day, which was also the purported origin point of the mysterious St. Expedite (as well as the home of the international shrine for St. Jude, patron of lost causes).

Although maybe the intersection of Ursulines and Elysian Fields might resonate better, namewise. (On our maps, both roads are truncated by the river before their intersection point.)
16:39 / 18.12.06
Love that quote "It is truly the church that would not die" from your link grant! My partner is named Jude, so I think I'll send her the link.
16:56 / 18.12.06
Stats on my unexpected, unassuming character are:
Aspect 0
Domain 4
Realm 2
Spirit 3

With Gifts of Luck (6) and Worldwalker (2)

and Flaws of Affiliation (Wild) and a combination of measly, generally uninspiring, unimpressive and unseemly physical factors (-5). I rely heavily on my Anchors.

I hope this works for the Hollyhock God here....
16:57 / 18.12.06
And glad to be of service with the St. Jude stuff.
Blake Head
18:28 / 18.12.06
That's fantastic grant, really like the links between the city, patron saints and the characters. The only thing is that I'm hyperventilating trying to think of a way to include the effects of Katrina tastefully and accurately, so that might be a roadblock. More later.
18:55 / 18.12.06
Parallel world where it didn't happen? Where St Jude intervened and the city was saved?
Blake Head
19:07 / 18.12.06
Possibly... but I get the feeling it would be weird. And it's just too big to ignore otherwise.
Blake Head
20:36 / 18.12.06
From upthread:

You can’t (I believe) get - or lose - extra character points by any sort of merits or flaws system.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I’m pretty sure the twenty five character points you get are your lot. The Flaws / Restrictions only add to your miracle point total, either when you start the game or as and when they inconvenience you, so your character is a smidgen overpowered grant. Want to think about decreasing some traits or reconsidering gifts? Sorry if that’s boringly by-the-book, but it would probably be good if we were all singing from the same hymn sheet to begin with.

Also, if we think New Orleans is manageable, generally Chancels are worlds within the greater world, with only a few points of contact between them. So… the chancel would be within, but not of, New Orleans, and you would maybe be able to access it through avenues that should go places but don’t, the backrooms of a few select mask shops, underneath the spots of various sacred shrines that the citizens of New Orleans were drawn to over the years. But I’m still waiting to hear thoughts on the composition of the Chancel itself, is it a city, a single building, a small country? What’s the level of technology, who lives there (it doesn’t need to be humans)? That sort of thing. And still pondering whether New Orleans is maybe just too strong a presence, especially now, to feature as a background to the setting, when I suspect the situation there would demand a great deal of the characters' attention. But I really like grant’s ideas, dammit!

It would, of course, be possible to have some of the exits and entrances to the Chancel in New Orleans, and the rest scattered through the Southern or Eastern US, or have the “doors” determined by a far more abstract property, like any shrine to a patron saint. Hmmmm.
20:45 / 18.12.06
How about something the size of a city block or village, accessed from places all over the world that are thematically appropriate, with each character assigned a building or two for their quarters. The surrounding areas can be the deserts of broken hearts and seas of tears or whatever our backgrounds and estates require, the central bit a mosaic of differing styles reflecting the denizens- I'd have a big Victorian mansion decked out as a hellfire club or vice den for example, maybe neighbours with grant's Norleans residence...
What's our imperator like?
Blake Head
20:59 / 18.12.06
Sounds good. My first instinct was to do some sort of Gormenghast really. A large central complex, various features like the Library or Hall of Bright Carvings, a ragged community around the edges, and a wilderness of whatever size outside that. And like I said I’d like there to be some sort of continuity, but to be honest I can probably work that out myself.

The Imperator’s up to you. Or in other words I’m waiting for hints as to whether you want them to be engaged or not, strict or not, comprehensible or not. What affiliation you’d like them to have would be a start, though I’m leaning to the Dark, Hell or the Wild at the moment. The general mood, however, as above, would be resurgent after a period of loss and readjustment. Given a few Imperator properties and some sort of suggestions for abackstory I'll knock up an actual character/personality that fits. I’m seeing the centre of the Chancel as being somewhat sleepy, stuck in old patterns (again like Gormenghast), though that might change as the story goes on.
20:59 / 18.12.06
New Orleans would work well for Lazlo. He could have his entrance through the basement of one of those Voodoo shops that doubles as a temple.
21:06 / 18.12.06
I'd like an Imperator that was involved and humanoid enough to give us things to do, like a boss, but not so engaged we were slaves. I'd lean toward a civilised demonic patron for my character but it depends on what the rest of you want.
Blake Head
21:42 / 18.12.06
In the book I’m reading just now, the otherwise un-enjoyable Like Being Killed (Ellen Miller), the main character just made a prayer to St. Expedite, waited a few pages, quoted Blake, waited a few more pages, then invoked St. Jude.

Now, spooky psychic coincidences are all very well, but grant, when I told you to get in-character, I meant, y’know, once the game had actually started…
00:24 / 19.12.06
I'm hyperventilating trying to think of a way to include the effects of Katrina tastefully and accurately

Well, not *all* of N.O. was directly affected (and I'm imagining the metaphysical parts less than most). The economy's messed up right now, but I've got a friend who moved back a couple months after the storm and is doing OK. (Go Saints!) Some buildings survived just fine....

Here's a map of the wards and here's an explanation. If there's a Chancel entrance at the intersection of Ursulines and Elysian Fields, it'd be in the middle of the river between 7 and 15. Bourbon & Perdido would be in the 3rd. If it's a whole Chancel, it could be the 18th Ward (or the 22nd or any number greater than 17).

Sorry about points allocations -- I'll go back and try to make things fit. How do flaws interact with character points again? I'll look, I'll look.
00:37 / 19.12.06
Imperator-wise, there's that Lovecraftian King in Yellow who's said to wear (or be associated with) a pallid mask.... I mean, if "masks" are the concept-in-common here, then the thing with masks is that disguise-as-real-face, yeah? or am I on the wrong end of the stick here? There is no true face.
01:18 / 19.12.06
Ah. I think I've got it:

New stats should be:
Aspect 0
Domain 4
Realm 1
Spirit 2
(21 character points)

With Gifts of Luck (2) and Worldwalker (2)
(4 remaining character points)

and Flaws of Affiliation (Wild) and a combination of measly, generally uninspiring, unimpressive and unseemly physical factors (5 miracle points, which if they need to be allocated, then I'll stick 'em in Realm, but if not, then they're at large - I can itemize these flawses in PM if you'd like).

Does this make sense?
02:38 / 19.12.06
Lazlo Tonk

Aspect 1

--Mysticism 4
--Divine Intoxicants 3

Realm 0

Spirit 2

Gift: Immutable (1 pt)

---Protecting mystics from persecution (4 pts)
---Anchor: his granddaughter Kamasita Tonk, 19, a DJ, splits her time between London, Goa, and Amsterdam (4 pts)
---Anchor: Swami Yajna-Krishna in Kathmandu, 43, (3 pts)
---Anchor: English rock star Spenser Truth, 59, in San Francisco (3 pts)
---Helping mankind free itself from the veil of illusion (3 pts)
---His old record shop in Haight-Ashbury (2 pts)
---The Ferris Wheel at Coney Island where he lost his virginity (1 pt)

Limit: Light Touch

Restriction: Drug Bond (like Cigarette Bond, but with divine intoxicants)

Affiliation: Code of the Wild
03:16 / 19.12.06
I was looking at the Imperators reference table and trying to suppose which qualities would most apply to the Imperator of Masks.

Integrity: Degenerate (-1)
Incomprehensibility: Soul-twisted (1)
Empathy: Cruel (-1)
Mystery Cult: Multitudinous (1)
Guiding Hand: Prophetic (1)
Mastery: Untalented (speaking plainly and honestly, -1)

It's tough, because for any good quality you give them, you need a bad quality to pay for it.

Other ideas?

Mind you I have no clue how an Imperator is made, but I thought I'd make some suggestions.
Blake Head
07:29 / 19.12.06
Thanks for the N.O. info grant. I've stopped hyperventilating. Characters look fine. It doesn't need to be the Imperator of Masks (that's just another of the Powers) so don't feel limited by that as a central concept. That said, those descriptions are terrifying - I must dig out my copy of the King in Yellow again. I rather like the idea of a young, urbane Devil, though possibly with some sort of secondary, far less comprehensible guise, though equally to go for the full on Lovecraftian effect you could have a bonkers Imperator of the Wild or a True God, who could potentially be utterly incomprehensible.
13:54 / 19.12.06
I sent Blake Head via PM a first try at my character's point breakdown. I wrote up her origin history should I post it in thread?
Blake Head
15:09 / 19.12.06
Normally I'd say YES! But could you PM me first as I'm at work and pondering combination of setting / character things, so tonight could maybe do some concept shuffling/juggling via PM first if that works.
15:51 / 19.12.06
have PM'd my ideas to ya, I'm hoping you can help me out also with the character point breakdown tweaking to make the character functional.

look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Blake Head
20:18 / 19.12.06
Well, not *all* of N.O. was directly affected (and I'm imagining the metaphysical parts less than most). The economy's messed up right now, but I've got a friend who moved back a couple months after the storm and is doing OK. (Go Saints!) Some buildings survived just fine....

It wasn’t quite so much the idea that so much of N.O. was destroyed that it would be uninhabitable/difficult for the characters to do things there, although that’s certainly part of it. I was also thinking about it lacking in taste to subsume the devastating effects of such a large natural disaster, and the fairly shocking social conditions in the immediate aftermath, into “at point X in the game timeline there was an unexpected Excrucian assault on your chancel which you are still recovering from; as a side-effect, much of New Orleans was badly damaged”. It just felt a bit dismissive (to me). Know what I mean? I’d sort of want to go-ahead with everyone bearing in mind the effects of Katrina were still being felt, without either making it the focus of the game or constantly mentioning it, and that my own knowledge of N.O. (at the best of times) and the current reconstruction is going to be whatever I can look up. Make sense?

The other problem, as I was thinking about it, is that it would seem to necessitate some sort of Deus ex machina that explained why the characters didn’t get involved. Sort of like the Sphere of Influence Hitler was able to conjure using the Spear of Destiny that kept the DC superheroes out of WWII. Otherwise, we’d be in a situation where we’d have to explain what every single character was doing and why they failed to avert the catastrophe, and what that catastrophe was meant to represent in setting terms, and, personally, I’d rather not spend too much creative energy on something so morbid.

But… New Orleans IS appealing. How would people feel about leaving it fairly open, with a plausible reason for the characters not to be involved?

Something like: The Chancel has been in a period of decline for around two decades, several Nobles have been lost without being replaced, the Imperator spends more and more time in the Spirit world, rarely communing with his Powers. The Nobles that are present continue pursue their goals individually, but with little direction or co-operation. During this period of stagnation, the eyes of the Imperator are less watchful of the surrounding world, and most of the doorways to the Chancel, barring those closest to its real world presence, are forgotten. The Imperator will return from his meditations only to warn the Nobles of a coming disaster that it was not in their power to avert, and instructed them to remain within the Chancel, or if without it already, to avoid the surrounding area until the crisis had abated, as they are going to temporarily seal the realm from the outside world. [It’s here where we assume that the characters are all ok with that]. The Chancel is unaffected by Katrina except by (possibly sympathetic) heavy rains and maybe some light flooding [another Gormenghast reference here]. At least one Power [NPC] who refuses the Chancel’s shelter is lost, whether this is purely a natural consequence or caused by something else is unknown. In late 2005 Hurricane Katrina will affect the game world and New Orleans as it did in our own, whether this is purely a natural consequence or caused by something else is unknown, although once the Chancel is re-opened, nothing leads the Powers to suspect outside interference. The story begins a year or so later, with a resurgent Imperator, the doorways to the Chancel spreading outwards from N.O. into other major cities, and an increased number of Nobles. [which is a re-jig of the rough idea I had for the setting to start with]

So how does that sound? It makes Katrina not the character’s responsibility without shutting out the possibilities of the game’s larger setting. If present-day New Orleans is acceptable, then this might be useful. There’s also our very own thread on New Orleans here, and just for you gridley, thoughts of the Temple folks here.


Well, still on the Chancel, but xk’s character makes passing reference to Poe, and we’ve had Peake and Chambers mentioned already, and it’s looking like New Orleans will feature, so would anyone have objections to a Chancel based loosely around themes of the Gothic, or Southern Gothic, mixed with weird bits of Romantic Gothic and the Grotesque?

Having had a bit of a look at this, I’m also really tempted by the idea of the Chancel of Lost Carcosa, lying on the shore of the Lake of Hali. Could have a think about how the ghostly Carcosa and its twin Yhtill could be represented as the two cities, one in the real world, one the Chancel world, being split off from one another at some time in the past, or even the real city growing up in the shadows of the long-standing Chancel. Maybe the Chancel could have its own royal family, divergent to the Powers, or have the Powers be seen through a distorted lens as the dynastic, feuding monarchs of the realm?

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