Character fine-tuning:
People haven’t really bothered with Virtues, apart from XK, who went for Generous and Hospitable. XK, could we maybe conflate them into one Virtue? Two would be quite rare, and these two are quite close. Would having one virtue of Generosity be ok? It would be implicit that you were generous when it was appropriate to be so, generous giving gifts, generous in receiving guests, and so on. I’m not revealing state secrets here either btw, your generous nature will be one of the most outstanding features of your character.
Iconoplast – I’ve made a souped-up version of Worldwalker that costs 3 points, bringing you up to the total. It includes Worldwalker, which itself includes Wayfinder. You can call it whatever you like.
Wayfinder - Divination of Hidden Places – Can see into other Chancels
Worldwalker – Lesser Change of Self – Can step between the normal world and Chancels.
“Storytreader” – Lesser Change of Self , can travel through the imaginative space of stories wherever they are being concretely told or read or dreamed, and can both glean some information from those stories if desired and relocate anywhere in their proximity, across Chancel boundaries in conjunction with Worldwalker)
(Lesser Change of Self (Location), Affects Self Only, Limited Selection of Applications, Rare, Invoked as Simple Miracle 1MP)
Grant, the “Luck” gift is actually four points, as it’s actually meant to represent quite a major sort of change in fortune when it’s invoked. So if you still want to go for that, you’ll have to drop the Worldwalker gift, which is ok with me if it’s ok with you. Your Physical Limits will give you 3MP which you can put into any trait, if you let me know.
Well, I’m still brainstorming, but here’s what I’m waiting for from you:
Iconoplast – bonds – when became a Noble
Quantum – Bonds and Anchors, point in time when “nobbled”
XK – Some more detail on your two anchors, Limits and Restrictions if you want
Grant – Some more basic detail on your anchors
That's it! |