I think this kind of discussion is of the upmost importance, but I also think that it can never reach a satisfactory model, answer or conclusion.
The origin of morality has got to be such an immensly complicated interaction of biological, psychological and sociological processes that its most likely beyond our comprehension. In order to be able to see this process as a whole you'd basically have to be god! Indeed once you track back this geneaology of morals far enough I think you'll find that we can't explain where 'stuff' came from, why things are here at all, and thus can't really explain anything.
This does not mean that we shouldn't seek answers of course, and perhaps more importantly ask questions. It does mean that we might just have to accept that we won't ever really know why we can't all run around pulling each others pants down. Would be fun for day.
Going back to the first post: Is there a third way between (scientific) materialism and postmodernism on the one hand and transcendental idealism on the other? Is postmodernism on the same 'hand' as scientific materialism? |