Wow. Cool and spooky! I took a risk and opened it at work but it's ok as from a distance she just looks like a beautiful butterfly ... Nice one, Electrix! BTW I'm sorry I can't link to any more stuff about Cotytto - I've got a Greek mythology book somewhere at home though and can type up the entry as soon as I find it.
Now here's my next request (to any of our fabulous artists) - cross-post with Draw Me, Design Me, Write Me thread:
This below is for my and Alex's plays, which are on next week. I will send anyone who can do it as many hard copies of their work as they like - can even laminate if required.
Can someone do me a image for a poster (colour, A4) that involves:
a) a toy or puppet crocodile in an SS uniform
b) somebody tied to a chair with tinsel and/or Christmas lights.
By Thursday 9th November if poss.
You will be paid lavishly in love and respect, (or stories, scripts and press releases if you prefer) |