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Barbelith Homework


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20:44 / 25.10.06
Still working on the villanelle...
Liger Null
22:38 / 25.10.06
I love the Phoenix, Liger. I know what it is that I think it needs. More contrast using greens, deep reds and a touches of blue (on the yellowish areas). It would give it depth and punch. Or even inking it.

That would be pretty cool, I may try my hand at inking once I get a sweet computer stylus.
the Fool
05:31 / 26.10.06
Ok, it seems I got 4 cards to do, starting with the tower, then the Hermit, the lovers, then death. Sounds like a dark action/romance tale. Disaster sends him into the wilderness, only to find love. Then death of his lover leads to bloody vengence...

by the way electrix, me done the universe already ... check the link above...
the Fool
05:32 / 26.10.06
...and the happy squirel is over in the little people! Mother Possum is watching!
11:49 / 26.10.06

Geez Fool, I realized you did that one already afterward. Talk about feeling foolish! Anyway, my vote is for the Tower.
the Fool
04:50 / 27.10.06
More homework done! The tower falls! The evil empire is defeated! The oppressed are set free!!!

Whisky Priestess
09:50 / 27.10.06
Can you please do Cotytto, Thracian Goddess of Blatant Immodesty and Nocturnal Sports?
12:37 / 27.10.06
Wow. Thank you Whiskey Priestess. Never heard of Her before. I thought it was a joke, but She is definately a Greek goddess. I am reading up on Her and the myth is hilarious!

Thanx for the suggestion, WP. I am going to work on it. Give me a month. I am doing this all analog, kids....and I make lots of mistakes.
13:01 / 27.10.06
BTW, very cool Tower, Fool. Not my favourite work of yours, but I like the clouds and foamy-bubbly-like explosions.
16:16 / 27.10.06
I am so thrilled about your suggestion, W. Priestess that I am going out tomorrow morning as soon as the store opens and buying some illustration board. This is perfect piece for an exhibit I am working on.

23:08 / 27.10.06
I like the Tower the best by miles Fool. I like the colours and the reason it's falling.

I am going to do my homework tomorrow. Iyam Iyam.
the Fool
21:48 / 29.10.06
More homework. The Baron Samedi as death's representative, 'cause he is a bit more fun than the old reaper. Zombies for that which we hang on to that we should let go of, spirits represent that which moves on and embraces the paradigm shift. Change, Transformation and how you deal with it.

13:26 / 30.10.06
Yes, yes. Awesome work, Fool. I l;ike the symbolism you used too. It is to the point.
18:44 / 30.10.06
Whiskey Priestess, could you please direct me to more information on Cotytto? Anything. Google isn't helping much. Maybe I can tap the Temple brains too. I have found vague descriptions of Her and Her rituals. a serious bonus, I found this inspiring lovely.
20:03 / 30.10.06
Well why don't you make her up and base her on the butterfly?
20:38 / 30.10.06
I am using the butterfly! It fits perfectly with the style. However, I don't want to just make Her up. I want this to be a detailed piece, so I need the background to give the it piece that substance.
Liger Null
21:13 / 30.10.06
I so want that Death card on a T-shirt.
Alex's Grandma
23:18 / 30.10.06
That's excellent work, The Fool. Keep going!
02:15 / 31.10.06
It does seem to be robbing us of further instalments of The Little People though, so I'm conflicted.
07:35 / 31.10.06
Fool, have you thought about getting your designs put on T-shirts? I'd buy one. I think there is a website which does it all for you.
the Fool
21:45 / 31.10.06
More homework...

Father time goes out into the wilderness...

More little people coming soon. Just resolving some metaphysical issues with earth goddesses

I'd love to do tshirts again, is cafe press the thing you are thinking of?
22:02 / 31.10.06
Yes it is! Can you do them? Then I can put one on my christmas list, and, and...
13:56 / 03.11.06
I would like to present the first stage of the piece I am doing of the goddess Cotytto. I present, The Cotytto Priestess - NSFW! I would like to dedicate it to our very own Whiskey Priestess and hopefully, she won't mind if I offer it up as a tribute (way too much Yugi-oh!) to the Goddess Herself for permission to articulate Her form through my art.

I suppose Thracians invented bureaucracy.
14:17 / 03.11.06
Oh, and just to let you all know, I am going to use that digital image of the priestess and the coming sketch of the Goddess and transfer it to acetate. Then I am going to project them both onto my illustration board, trace, sketch in the details and then ink. I think I am only a quarter of the way through.
Whisky Priestess
14:52 / 03.11.06
Wow. Cool and spooky! I took a risk and opened it at work but it's ok as from a distance she just looks like a beautiful butterfly ... Nice one, Electrix! BTW I'm sorry I can't link to any more stuff about Cotytto - I've got a Greek mythology book somewhere at home though and can type up the entry as soon as I find it.

Now here's my next request (to any of our fabulous artists) - cross-post with Draw Me, Design Me, Write Me thread:

This below is for my and Alex's plays, which are on next week. I will send anyone who can do it as many hard copies of their work as they like - can even laminate if required.

Can someone do me a image for a poster (colour, A4) that involves:

a) a toy or puppet crocodile in an SS uniform
b) somebody tied to a chair with tinsel and/or Christmas lights.

By Thursday 9th November if poss.

You will be paid lavishly in love and respect, (or stories, scripts and press releases if you prefer)
20:07 / 10.11.06
Will this do?
Alex's Grandma
19:29 / 12.11.06
Fuckin' yeah!

Both cute and sinister. Thanks.
22:59 / 12.11.06
Does this suit your purpose?

12:55 / 13.11.06
Too creepy? Messy? Weird? I won't be insulted if it is not to your liking, Whiskey. One of my biggest downfalls in art school was how messy my work is. Smudges everywhere!

Anyway, it was good practice for me.

BTW, should that pic be under a "NSFW"? I apologize if it is a problem and if need be I shall fix it.
16:20 / 13.11.06
I'm glad you like the Crocodile Whisky. What is the play about? And how exactly does it relate to Nazi reptiles?

Electrix, you've done a really good job of making Santa look vunerable, especially with those large childlike eyes. The mixture of mediums adds another layer of weirdness to the image.
Whisky Priestess
17:48 / 13.11.06
Electrix: er ... wow. I probably should have specified that the person should be clothed at the time. Just so, you know, we don't scare the horses.

The idea is that these images could be used for posters or promotional images for the plays (with the artists' permission of course) - Santa here, however, has definitely got something weird going on.

As a piece of work it looks really good (especially the way his expression is more expectant/resigned than frightened - shudder) but as a poster it might creep the hell out of people. So don't be offended if I tell you that it's great but not exactly what I had in mind ...

Although that, IMHO, is all part of the fun of this thread.
10:25 / 15.11.06
Aww, too bad you can't use it, WP. It was fun to draw, though. Sorry I wasn't more helpful. Feel free to use it as an Xmas card! :P
Whisky Priestess
22:29 / 15.11.06
Blimey. Now that is an idea ...
13:04 / 16.11.06
Give me the weekend WP, and I will clean up the image. It still looks a little bit too haphazard for my liking. There needs to be a shadow under that chair for some more depth.

I really am pleased with the expression Santa has, though. I am amazed I pulled that off, but I have seen that expression before. I am unduly influenced by the artists of Pokemon and the likes.

If I had the time, I would love to sharpen the image and put ominous reflections in the pupils of Santa. For the most part however, I am going to work on the electrical cord and lightbulbs and giving the space around him depth.

09:48 / 17.11.06
I need homework! Since having got this new job I've been in a bit of a rut, some barbe-homework could be just the ticket.

illustration or design, please!

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